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<br />-...,� circumstance.,.Bonower shaU n�t commit waste ar destroy,demage or subatantially chan o the P r w th�
<br /> � Propeny to deterlorate,reasonable wear and tcar excepted. Lender mRy laspect the Pro�erry!f the Prapeny is vacant �
<br />_,,,,.�y or abandonect or the loan is In default. L,endor may tak�teasonable acdon to protcet and presecve auch vncant or !
<br /> � Abandonecl Property. Burrower shall nl.�ba in default if Bonower,duting the loan applicatton ptocess,geve materlally _
<br /> - - false or inaccurate Informa�ion or atatements to L,eader(or failed to provIde Lendcr with uny matcrial information) _
<br /> � in connectton with the loan evldenced by the Note�including,but not limited to,represeatattons concerning Borrower's o
<br />;,�,s:.,I . oceupanry of the Property as a prineipal resicienee.If tbis Security lnstrument ls on a leasehold,Bcirrower shail eomply
<br /> with tha provlsions of the icase. U Bonower acquires fee title to the Property,tha leasehold and fec Utle shall not
<br /> -+�� be merged uNess Y.ender agrees to tue merger in writing. �
<br /> , G. Oandemnadon. The praceeds of any award or claim tar damages,direct or conaequantial,ln conctection wIth
<br />'`'�1z any candemnatlon or other taki�tg of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in place of condemnatton,are hereby
<br /> assigned and shaU be paid to Lender to the extent oP the full amount ot the indebtedaess that remains unpaid uader
<br /> '���t: the Nau and this Secudty Instrumen� Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reduction of tho indebtedness under
<br />'_T�„ the Note aad tbis Security Insuument,&st to any delln�uent amounts applled in We order provIded in paragraph 3,
<br /> -°�±vr and then to prepayment of pri�cipal. Any application of the proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone
<br /> —M_�� the duc date of the monthly payments,which are referred to fn garagraph 2,or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> =��i�,j Any excess proceeds over an amount required to pay ait outstanding indebtedness under We Note aad this Se�urity
<br /> - ------ Instrument shall be paid to the entity legaUy entitled Wereto.
<br />=-' -- � Qiar�ea to Boimwr,r and Pro4ection ot Leud�'s Riahtic iu tLc ProPertY Bonower shell pay all governmental
<br /> -� — or muni�Kpal charges,Snes and imposItions that are not included in paragraph 2. Bonower shall pay these obiigations
<br /> on time directly to the entity which is owed the paymen� IP failure to pay would adversely affect Lender's interest in
<br />----� the Praperty,upon Lender's request Bonower shall promptty furnish to�nder receipts evidencinB thcse payments. _
<br /> If Bonower fails to make these paymeats or the payments required by para�raph Z,or fails to perform aay othcr
<br />__.:-=m� covenaats and agreements contained in this SecurIry Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may signiFlcantly
<br /> ��� affect I.ender's rtghts ia the Propeny(such as a proceeding ia banla�uptay�for wademnation or to enforce laws or
<br /> regulattons)�then L,cnder may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights
<br /> in the Property.including payment of taxes�Ua7ard insurance and other items meatIoned in paragraph 2.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I..ender under this paragraph shall beoome an additional debt of Bonower and be
<br /> __� secured by this Securlty Instrumen� These amounts shall bear interest hom the date of disbursemeat at the Note rate�
<br /> aad at the option of Lendcr shaU be immediately due and payable.
<br /> Barrower shall promptly dLscharge any lien which has priorlty over chis 5ecurity Instrumont unless Bonower:(a)
<br /> �-- agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the uea in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests
<br /> in good faith the llen by,or detenas againsc enforceiaen�of tha iion�. 2a�at�,cu�diA�wkir.h i�s tt�e L.�ad�r'��F��
<br /> operau to prevent the enforcement of the llen;or(c)secures from tLa holdar of the Hen an agreement satisfactory
<br /> to I,cnder subordinating tde Hen to thls Security Instrumen� If Lender determtnes that any parc of the Property is
<br /> sub f ect to a llen which may attain prloriry over this Securlty Instrument,I.�uder may give Borrower a notla identifyiag
<br /> the Hen. Borrower shall satLsf�the Hen or take one or more of the actians set forth above within�0 days of the giving
<br /> of noticc.
<br /> 8. Foes. I.cnder may collect fees and charges suthorized by the Secretary.
<br /> 9 (3rountl�for Aooeiaatbn of Debt
<br /> (a) Debul� Lender may,except as limited by regWattons issued by the Secretary in the case of paymeat
<br /> dofaults,require intmediate payment fa full of Nl sums secured by Wis Security Instrument if:
<br /> (i) Bnrnower defaults by failing to pay in full any moathly payment requtred by tWs Secutiry Instrument
<br /> prIor to or on the due date af the nexc monthly paymeat,ur
<br /> — (it) Borrower defaults by failing,for a pertod af thirty days,to perform any other obligatioas contaWad
<br /> in this Security Tnstrumen�
<br /> (b) Sa1e Witbout Cradit A�pt�avaL Lender shall.if pertaitted by appUcable law(including sectlon 341(d)of
<br /> the dam-S�C3ermaia Depository InstitutIons A�ct of 1982,12 U.S.G 1701j-3(d))and with the prior approval
<br /> of the Secretary�require immediate payment ia full of all swns secured by this Security Instrument i8
<br /> - ��- (i) AU or part of the Property,or a beneSctal iaterest ia a tn�st owNng all or part of tha Property.is sold
<br /> or othetvvLge transferred(other than by devise or desoent),and
<br /> — (ti) �'be Properry is not occupied by the purshaser or grentee as his or her principal residence�or the
<br /> _ purchaser or grantee dces so oocupy tbe Property, but his or her credit has not been approved in
<br /> aocordance with the requirements of the Secretary.
<br /> — (c) No Wa{�; Tf circumstances oocur tHat would permic L.ender to require immedtate payment ln full,but
<br /> Lender does not require such payments,Lender dues not waive its rights with respect to subsequent eveats.
<br />