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,." . -- <br /> <. . . . .�-. .. . ��ss.;�-=_ ''_,�::z.:�._.:. <br /> t�;. . _ –::s: -..�._ .�:s�:���s�s�;'��_ ---- _. <br /> _ � .._�.._..` _. <br /> 1. � �'.e+"�--�z.-'- .. ... - - --_.�. _ _ <br /> , l - • - <br /> �,r�y� — <br />`='a'� 17. Trmsf�� af th� Prop�rty or • B�n�ficial Int�rut In Borrow�r. U all or any pert ot tha Property or <br /> '��"�£� eny Intereat In it la aoid or tnneterred (or H a benefir,Ml intaest In Barower Is eold or transferred end Bortower ia not e mtural <br /> person) without Lender's pdor written aonaent, Lendnr may,�t Its option,requlre Immediate payment in Iuil 01 all suma aecured by(p <br /> �� lhis Securlty Instrument. How9ver, thls optlon shall not be exerclsed by Lende►II exerclse Is prohibited by federal law as o1 the� re. <br /> � date of lhls Security Instrument. � <br /> � 11 Lander exerclsea thle optlon, Lenda shell give Borrower notloe of accelerntlon, 7he notice shall provide e perlod ol not <br />' � less than 30 daye irom the date the notice le deiNered or meNed wilhin whinh Borrower must pay ali suma aecured by ihl�� r:, <br />� � �? Securlty Inatrumnnt. If Borrower tells to pry these sums prlor to tha expl�atlon ot thls perlod. Lender may Invoke sny remedlea� —. <br />-.. pertnitted by thls Secudty Inatrument without turther notice or demend on Honower. r � <br />,��' f� ���' 18. BOI'�OW��'s Rl�ht to R�inst�t�. fl Bonower meeta ccrl�ln candltlons, Borrower ehnll have the right to hnve`� _ <br />�,�� eMorcement of thls Secudry Inatrument discontlnued at any tlme prlar tA thd earller of: (a) 5 days (or such other pedod as� _ <br /> eppllcable I�w m�y epecity for ralnst�tement) before a�le of the Properry pureuant to nny powor of sele contained m ��ds Securliy <br /> �. <br />_..�,r� Inetrument; or (b) entry of e Judgment enlorcinp this Secudty Inetrurtsent. 'fhose conditfons aro that 8a►ower: (e) paya Lender ail <br /> suma whloh then would be due under thls Security Instrument and the Note es I} no acceleratlon had occurred: (b) cures any <br /> " default of any other covenant or agreements; (o) paya all expenses Incurted In entorcing this Secudty Inatrument, includ!ng, but <br /> � •-' "' not Iimited to, reesoneble ettameys'fees;end(d) tekes auch ectlon es Lender may reasonabty requlre to asaure that the Ilen of <br /> --?'�•�+� this Secu�ity instrument, Lmder s dphts h tho Property end 8orrower's obligatlon to pay the sums secured by this Security <br />--.'k�r:,..�, �:� <br /> �;;� . Inetrument ehaA contlnue unchunged. Upon relnatatement hy 8orrower, thls Security Instrument and the obligations secured <br /> ,�,,'–;��� hereby ahall remaln tully afleative ss I}no acceleration had occurred. However,thls right to relnatate shell not apply In tho case <br />-''�" of acceleratlon under paragreph 17. <br />- =�;:�� 19. S�10 of NOt�; Chango ot Loan ServIC9�. The Note or a a partlal Interest in ihe Note (together w(th this <br /> ''�'' Security Instrument) may be sdd one or roore times without p►ior notlee to Bortower.A sale may result in a change In tha enUty <br /> ;=`�.�;,�.:� <br /> - = (known as the'Loan Survker")that collects monthly payments due under the Nute and thls 3ecurity Instrument. There also may <br />:-'��;.� be one or more chengas of the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there Is a change of the Loan Servicer, <br /> `=�� 8orrower will ba given wdtten notice of the chenge In accordance wph paragraph 14 above and appNcable law. The noUce wiU <br /> `-��`��� state the name and address ot the new Loan Servicer and the address to whlch paymonts should be mado. The notice wiU also <br /> _=;`� contaln any other intortnatbn requlred by apppcable I�w. <br /> 20. Haza�dous Subatanaes. Borrower ahail not cause or permit the presence, use, disposai,storage, or release of <br /> � any Hatardous S4 batances on or In t he Pr o p e r t y r. B o r ro w e r s h n i l n o t d o, nor allow an yone else to do,anylhinp attecUng the <br />-x�•'� Property that is in vlolation oi any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not epply to the presence, use, or <br /> storage on the Property of small quantitbs of Hazardous Substences that are genereNy rocognized to be approprfate to nortnal <br /> -- resldentlal uses and ta maintenance of the Property. <br /> --�;i.�� Borrower shall promptly give Londer wdltsr► noUce of any IrnesUgetlon, alaim, demand, laweult or other actlon by any <br /> --- qovemmental or regulatory agency or ptivate party InvoNing the Propaty and any Hazerdous Substance or Environmental Law of <br /> which 8orrawer has aotual knowledge. It Bortower leams, or Is noGfied by any govemmental or re4ulatory authorfly, that sny <br />� ranoval or other remedlation of any Hazardous Substance aflecting Property is necessary. Bortower shall promptly take aN <br /> ��,`a.e�� necna�eiy r���sdtai acitans!n acxrdsncs Y:1lh Envlronmenrn�i ww , <br /> -- As used In this paragraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances" are thosa substanaes deflned as toxic or hazardous substances by <br /> �� Environmental Law end the followinQ substences: gesoline, kerosene, other ftammable or toxic petroleum products, toxtc <br /> pesticldes and herblcldes,voletile solventa, meterlals conteining esbeslos or tormatdehyde,and radloaethre materials, As used in <br /> �� -`- perngreph 20, 'Environmental Law' meana tede►al laws and laws o1 the Jurisdktion where the Property ia located that relete to <br /> ------ heaith,sefety or environmental protection. <br /> -"-- NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenent end agree as tollowa: <br /> 21. Accsleration; Remodi�a. Lsndsr shtll giv� notics to Borrow�r prtor to acc�l��ation <br /> •-�=� tollowinp Borrowerb bresoh of any covenant or agrsement in this Ssaurity In�trumsnt (but not <br /> prior to acasl�ration undsr paragnph 1? unless appiic�ble law providss oth�rwis�). Ths notic� <br /> - shdl sp�cify: (�) ths d�fault; (b) th� action requind to curo the defauft; (c)a dato, not I�ss ihan <br /> 30 days irom th� d�ts the notics is gtv�n to Borrow�r, by which ths dstault must b� cur�d; and <br /> (d) that fallur� to curs ths d�fauk on or befon th� d�t� specifi�d In th� notia� mry ��suR in <br /> -°= accelsratlon of tho sums sscured by this Sscurlty Inetrument and sel� of th� Prop�rry. Ths notic� <br /> --- shall furth�r Inform Borrowsr of the right to reinst�ts �ft�r accsleretion and th� right to brtng � <br /> — cou�t actlon to ass�rt th� nonroxistonce of � d�fauk or any othvr d�hnso of Borrow�r to <br /> ---�— accsl�r�tion and sde. If the defiuk te not cund on or bsfors th� d�t� spscHi�d In ths nottc�, <br /> — = Lend�r at it� optlon m�y rsqulro immodtat� payment In full of all sums s�cursd by thi� S�curHy <br /> �-- Instrumont without furth�r doms�nd and may Invok� tha powor of �al� and any othsr r�m�dios <br /> _ psrmitted by applicable law. L.�nd�r shall be errtitled to callsat all sxpsnsee Inourrod in punutr�g <br /> - - — th� nmedi�s provld�d In thts pangraph 21, Including, but not Iimited to, reasonsble attornsya' <br /> --=� fses and coat�of titla avidenoe. <br /> �`'T��'' If th� pow�r of sale Is invoked, 7rustee sh�ll racord a notice of dsfault in each county In <br />_-_-;�';�`'�s,�� which any pa�t of tho Property is Iocatod and shdl mail copies of auch notice in ths m�nnor <br /> ::���:�-�4;, prescribad by applicable I�w to Borrowor and to th� other persons prescribed by appUcable law. <br /> �"�{��"� Atter tha timv required by applicable law, Trustee ahall givs public notice of s�le to the poraons <br />�,''..'��: •'F� <br /> --•.j• and In the manner prescribed by applicsbls law.Trust�e� without demend on Borrowsr, shdl sell <br /> •. tha P�operty at public aucNon to the highast bidder at the time and plac� and undar the t�rma <br /> = � desfgnated In the nottce of sale tn one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determtnea <br /> �. ��:� T�ustee may postpone sale of all or any pArcel of the Prop�rty by public announcement at the <br /> time and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or tta designee may purchase tho <br />- �y�; Property at any sale. <br /> ,_,,,� �,, Upon recotpt of paymenZ of the price bid, Trustee shall delivar to tha purcheser Trustee's <br /> � deed conveying the Praperty.The recitals in the Trustee's deed ahall be prima facie evidence ot <br />• __�z� ���� ..._ .....w ..s •� c�efnmonfs .,,ado thnroin_ Truata� shall analv the nrocaede of the aale tn tho <br /> __-_�-.-. __-�, ...o ....... ... ..� __._...--•-- -•---- - -- - • • - - <br /> : � , i tollowing order: (a) to all coats and expenses of exerclsing the powe� of sa�le, and the sale, <br /> ; Including the payment of the Truste�'s fees actually Incurred, not to exceed three <br /> . � 9b of the principal amount of tho <br /> note at the time of the declaratfon of deiault, and roasonable attorney's fees as pe�mitted by law; <br /> (b) to all sums secured by this Security Instrument;and (c) a�y excess to the person or persons <br /> legslly entitled to it. <br /> .. F731fi LMG 1�197) Papr 4 015 l �_`�� <br /> � 9719t <br />� I . . _. . _ . __ . _ . _ -- � - <br />