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201303382 <br />treatments if I am in a terminal condition or a <br />persistent vegetative state. <br />b. I shall not have artificially administered nutrition <br />and hydration if I am in a terminal condition or a <br />persistent vegetative state. <br />In making this Power of Attorney for Health Care, <br />understand each of the following words and terms <br />definitions applied to each, as hereafter set forth: <br />a. Attending Physician shall mean the physician <br />by or assigned to a principal, who has <br />responsibility for the care and treatment <br />principal. <br />b. Health Care Provider shall mean an individual or <br />facility licensed, certified or otherwise authorized or <br />permitted by law to administer health care in the <br />ordinary course of business or professional practice, <br />and shall include all facilities defined in Section 71- <br />2017.01 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes. <br />c. Incapable shall mean the inability to understand and <br />appreciate the nature and consequences of health care <br />decisions, including the benefits of, risks of, and <br />alternatives to any proposed health care or the <br />inability to communicate in any manner an informed <br />health care decision. <br />-3- <br />I fully <br />and the <br />selected <br />primary <br />of such <br />d. Life- Sustaining Procedure shall mean any medical <br />procedure, treatment, or intervention that (a) uses <br />mechanical or other artificial means to sustain, <br />restore, or supplant a spontaneous vital function and <br />(b) when applied to a person suffering from a terminal <br />condition or who is in a persistent vegetative state, <br />serves only to prolong the dying process. Life <br />sustaining procedure shall not include routine care <br />necessary to maintain patient comfort or the usual and <br />typical provision of nutrition and hydration. <br />e. Persistent Vegetative State shall mean a medical <br />condition that, to a reasonable degree of medical <br />certainty as determined in accordance with currently <br />accepted medical standards, is characterized by a total <br />and irreversible loss of consciousness and capacity for <br />cognitive interaction with the environment and no <br />reasonable hope of improvement. <br />f. Terminal Condition shall mean an incurable and <br />irreversible medical condition caused by injury, <br />