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201303290 <br /> 17 <br /> contract, and Borrower shall also make arrangements satisfactory to HUD for <br /> continuing acceptable management of the Mortgaged Property effective as of the <br /> termination date of the contract. <br /> 24. CONTRACTS FOR GOODS AND SERVICES. Consistent with Program <br /> Obligations, Borrower shall obtain contracts for goods, materials, supplies, and services <br /> (Goods and Services) at costs, amounts, and terms that do not exceed reasonable <br /> and necessary levels and those customarily paid in the vicinity of the Land for Goods <br /> and Services received. The purchase price of Goods and Services shall be based on <br /> quality, durability and scope of work and shall be made upon the most advantageous <br /> terms for the Project operation. Reasonable Operating Expenses do not include <br /> amounts paid for betterments as defined in the Property Jurisdiction or Improvements <br /> unless determined by HUD to be prudent and appropriate. Borrower shall keep copies <br /> of all written contracts or other instruments that affect the Mortgaged Property, all or <br /> any of which may be subject to inspection and examination by HUD at the Project or <br /> another mutually agreeable location. <br /> 25. RESPONSIVENESS TO INQUIRIES. At the request of HUD, Borrower shall <br /> promptly furnish operating budgets and occupancy, accounting and other reports <br /> (including credit reports) and give specific answers to questions relative to income, <br /> assets, liabilities, contracts, operation, and conditions of the Mortgaged Property and <br /> the status of the Security Instrument. <br /> 26. TENANT ORGANIZATIONS. If the Project is subject to 24 CFR 245 Subpart B <br /> or any successor regulation covering the rights of tenants to organize, Borrower shall <br /> comply with this Section 26. Borrower shall not (a) impede the reasonable efforts of <br /> resident tenant organizations to represent their members or the reasonable efforts of <br /> tenants to organize, or (b) unreasonably withhold the use of any community room or <br /> other available space appropriate for meetings that is part of the Mortgaged Property <br /> when requested by: (i) a resident tenant organization in connection with the <br /> representational purposes of the organization; or (ii) tenants seeking to organize or to <br /> consider collectively any matter pertaining to their living environment, which includes <br /> the terms and conditions of their tenancy as well as activities related to housing and <br /> r.nmmunity development. Borrower may charae for the use of the Mortgaged Property <br /> any fees or costs approved by HUD as may normally be imposed for the use of such <br /> facilities or may waive any such fees or costs. <br /> V. ADMISSIONS AND OCCUPANCY <br /> 27. RESIDENTIAL UNITS AND SERVICES. If the Project is subject to regulation of <br /> rent by HUD, Borrower shall make residential units and services of the Project available to <br /> eligible tenants at charges not exceeding those established in accordance with a rental <br /> Previous editions are obsolete; Regulatory Agreement HUD-92466M(Rev.04/11) <br /> Replaces form HUD-92466(11/02) <br />