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<br /> YHIS DEED OF TRUST,Ia mede aa aithe 31ST dey� OCTOB�R ��g 97 .by and am�
<br /> E 68803-1408 herein?�usta",whethar one or more). �
<br /> whosemailingaddreaais 4314 MARIAN RD. GRAND ISLAND N (
<br /> whose maiUng eddress is P 0 BOX 1501. GRAND T SLAND,_ NE 68802-1507 _(heroln'Tn►atee�,end
<br /> the Benetic(ary, FIV POINT4 RANK -
<br /> whosemafungeddressts 2015 N. BROAONELL, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 (herein'�ender').
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Includ(ng Lender's extenston of credit identifted harein to_
<br /> RO�N Y I SNFFFTFI� Al�l� ANllef_A_.I CNEFFTF111
<br /> (herein"Bortower;wt►ether one or mcx�e)end the duat herein crea0ed. Ihe roceipt
<br /> ot whk;h is hereby edcnowledped, Truator hereby Irrevocably pranb, trenafers, conveya end assiDm to Tnietee,IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SAIE,tor the beneflt antl aecurtty oT Ler�er,under end subjoci io i;xi ta+���s a�i tx�t'�t3itiasss issrlsto"�^.i ft�ls,tt�s�s!
<br /> P��Y deacrtbed aa followa:
<br /> To�ether with ali bulldinDa,Improvements,flxturea.aVeete,a1Mya,passapewaya,easamenta,riyhta,privitepss and appurtenancsa
<br /> Iocated theroon or In anywiae peReUlnp thereto.end the renb,Issuea end praftb,reversions end nmek�ders thereot.and such per-
<br /> aonal properly that ts etWched to the fmprovements w as to oonaUtute a flxtute,Indud(np,but not Iimited to,heatiny and 000Unp equtA-
<br /> ment end topether with ths homestsad or madfal(ntereata�(i eny.whk;h Interesta are horeby released and wafvsd�aN of whidL tndud-
<br /> In9 replacements and addidons thereto,is Y�reby dederod to be e part W ths real estats secured by the Iien af thfa Deed of Trust and
<br /> all of ihe forepo�ng belnp reterred to herefn aa the'Propedy".
<br /> This Deed of T (e �t�e yment oT the prir�cipel aum end Intsrest evidenced bY a nots or crodit apree-
<br /> mentdated �����, �99� —.heving a metu�ty date M NOVEM E�002
<br /> fn the oHginal princtpal emount ai S 2 0 F04 50 ,and any end ell modiflqtlans, ext�nttons end nsnswets
<br /> thereof or theneW eod any and ell future advances end readvances to Borrowsr(or any of them If moro than one)hsroiu�r pww��t
<br /> to cx�e or nwre promissory notea or credit epreert�ents(harein called`Note�;(b)ths payment oi other e�xm edvancsd by Lseder to
<br /> protect the secudty of the Note;(c)the peAortnence ot all covenents and agreementa of Truator aet forth hereln;and(d)�U prosent w�d
<br /> future Indebtedneas end obllyatbna of Borrower(or eny oi tMem if more thar►one)to Lender tvhether direct,Indkeat,abaolute or contM-
<br /> pent end whether erising by note,gueranty,oveMraR o�otherwise.The Note,thla Deed of Tnrat end eny end all other docurnents that
<br /> aecuro the Note or otherwise executed in connection therewith, including without Iimltetion guarenteea, eecu�iry agroements and
<br /> aasipnments oi leases and rents,ahall ba rofemed to he:ein as the`Loan Inatrumenta'.
<br /> Truator oovenanta and agreea with Lendar es followa:
<br /> 1. Paym�nt of Ind�bt�dntss.All indebiadnesu eecured hereby shell be paid when due.
<br /> 2. TIW.Truator is the ownar of the Property,has ttio right and autho�ity to convey the Properly,end wartante that the lien aeat
<br /> ed hereby Is a fl�at end prlor Iien on the Properly,except for Ilens and encumbrencee set forth by Trustor in writlnp and delivsred to
<br /> Lender before executbn of this Daed of T�ust,and the execuUon and delivery of thls Deed ot Tnist does not violete any oontract or
<br /> other obligatbn to whlch 7rustor is subJect.
<br /> 3. Tax�s,Ass�ssm�nts.To pay before delinquency all taxes,spectal essessmente end eli other charges egainst the PropeAy
<br /> now or hereafter levled.
<br /> 4. Inwanc�.To keep the Property Insured apafnst damege by flre, hazards InGuded withtn the term'extended coverege',and
<br /> such other hazarda es Lender may requlre, tn amounts and with companies ecoeptable W Lender,naming Lender ea an additional
<br /> named insured,with bss payable to the Lender. In case of bss under such pollGes,the Lender is autlwrized to adjust,oollect and
<br /> compromise,ell Gaims thereunder and shail havo the option ot applyinp all or part of the insurence prooeeds(I)to eny indebtedneaa
<br />- secured heroby end In such oMer as Lender may determine,(N)to the Trusta to be used for the repair or restoraUon oi the Property or
<br /> (Iii)for eny oth�r purpose or obJect satlsfactory to Lender wlthout effecting the llen of th�s Deed oi Trust for the full emount secured
<br /> hereby betore auch payment ever took place.Any eppitcations of proceeds to Indebtedness shall not entend or postpor�e the due dete
<br /> of any payments under the Note,or cure any deteun thereui�uer or nereunder.
<br />' 6. Eaarow. Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,in such manner as Londer may desipnete,autAclent
<br /> suma to eneble Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the following:(f)all texes,assesamenta and other chargea egainst
<br />- the Property, (Iq the premiums on the propeRy insurence requlred hereunder,and(lii)the premiums on any mongege Insurence
<br />= roquked by Lender.
<br />= 6. M�Intm�nc�, R�paln and Compli�nc�with Law�. Trustor ahell keep the Properly in g�wd conditlon and repair,shali
<br />� promptly repalr,or replece eny Improvement whtch may be damaged or deetroyed;shall not wmmit or permit any waste or detertore-
<br />� tfon d the Property;shall not remove,demolish or substantialty alter any oi the improvemente on the Property;shall not commit,tuffer
<br /> - or pertnit eny act to be done In or upon the Propedy In vlolatlon o(any law,ordinanoa,or regulatlon;end ahall pay and prompUyr dia-
<br />� charge at Trustor's cost and expense all Ilens,encumbrences and cha�ges Ievied, fmposed or accessed egainat tha Property a any
<br />- paRlhereot.
<br />- 7. Emintnt Domaln.Lender la hereby asslgned all canpensation, awards,damagea and other peymenta or reliei(henelnafter
<br /> r+ec s��rMoNpn�,rra«+)n�eroe
<br /> o�oee xrow ew a ummKat�n o„a er+�w a�xrua�incd+.rra�µ�
<br /> �
<br />