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<br /> - �a�,��� , DE�D OF TRUST F Pa�e 3
<br /> �o.�No 4���r� � �coR,a�,.d� 97�- a9�3
<br /> + p�������. FaAUn of Truttor to mak�any payrtNnt wh�n du�on th�Ind�bbdn�ss. �
<br /> p�}q�p�qh�r ryynNMY. F�ilun al Trtnta wHhln fN�Hrn�r�q�r�d by thb DMd of 7rus1 ta mak�tny payrtNnt ta 4xr1 or Insur�nce,or
<br /> tny o1hM p�Ymmt^�oM��Ir to prw�nl ANnp of a to Nkct discht�q oi any ti�n.
<br /> ��p�NUll. FWun of Trusta to compty with�ny a1Mr hrm. ob�NOn,covenant or condltlon cont�IMd In thls OMd ot Trust,tM
<br /> NoN a In any d tiw RM�bd Docurn�nh.
<br /> p�qw��Ilsylp�, Thy pMd of Trutt a any of th�RMaMd Daummb oe�s�to b�In tull lace�nd MNat(Inctudlnp fallura of any
<br /> coHaNr�doourrNnb to cna!o�wNd and paMotM s�ourity Int�nst a Ifen)tt�ny tirtw�nd fa any rsuon.
<br /> p�h pr�n�olYMtcy, Th�tNath of Trusta,th�Intolwray ol Trusta,th� appdntmsnt of s recNvK tor�ny pori of Truslor's proporty,any —
<br /> �s�Qnmmt for th��srnM of cnd�►on,a^y hrP�of uWita workout. a ttw comrtNnamant of any crocMdWp und�r�ny btnkruptay a
<br /> Insdwnoy kv�n by or��nst Trusla.
<br /> �ry��}�p p��tor. Any of th�pnaWrq wmts oocuB+Nth r�p�ct to�ny duuanta of any of th� Ind�bt�dn�s a any�wnnta
<br /> dwa a b�aom�Ir�comp�Mnt,a nvok�a dWubo th�vaNd1Y cf�a II�bYiIY und�r,any Quannty of th�Ind�bNdrwse. L�nd�r,at Ib opHon,
<br /> may�but�►wN not b�rpWnd to,p�rmit tM Owrtnta'� �thl�to as�umo uncondfdontlly tM obHp�tiom arlslnp und�r ths O��nry In�
<br /> manrnr�MshctaY to L�ndK�and�In ddny u�cun th�Ewn1 d OM�uIt.
<br /> Ins�elxllf►• L�ndK In yood hNh d»m�Ifs�N Ins�aun.
<br /> pdphlo Ind�bad�MN. A d�huM�h11 oCeur under�ny Exittlrp Ind�bt�dn�or undsr�ny IrtsMurrNM on fh�Prop�tY e�ourin0 any Exhdnp
<br /> Ind�bNdr►�s�,a comrn�nc�m�nt o��m/sult a oth�r�c9on to laedo��4ny swstinp Ibn on ihe Propsrly.
<br /> ma�a$Kds�i any or�or mon oT�ih��oMowlnO ripAb nd r��s,In ad�idon lo a y o1�Mr rlphts or r��msdl�s proNcl�d by kw r Lender,at Ils optfon,
<br /> �d�bMdn��'und�b�y t�DNd of Tru��t to b�dwt u�d aynbN nd ths s�mshsh�Mmhenupon b�cortw dw a°pi�yabl�witho t
<br /> any pnardrtNnl,d�ml�n0,prol�t a notf�e ot any kind.Tt�MM�r,L�nd1r miy:
<br /> (�) EIM�In p�non a by�nt,w[th ar without bdnplrp anY�ctloe wp►xMdlnp�or bY R►�cMvar�PP�^�by�court and without
<br /> npvd to th�ad�QwaY of ib Weurlty.�nbr upon�nd tak�panstbn of 11N Prop�rty�a any P+�th�raf.in its own ntrtN or In the nam�
<br /> of Trustw�and do any�ats which R dMms rNO�t�ry or dNk�bl�ta Dr�►w ih�wlw,muk�tabllity a�anlabHiH of tM ProP�etY�or put
<br /> of th�prcp�rty or InMn�t in th� Prop�rfY,IncnaM tM IntorrwBOm th�Propwty o►PrW�ot tfN s�curitf►of tM P►opMty;and,wlth or without
<br /> tekinp Pa��o(tFw PreP�e1Y��u�fa a ottwrwk�eoN�ct Ih�nnts�Ittt�and proMs of th�Pro�rty�Includinp thoW P�dw Rnd
<br /> u►p�ld,and�pph�th�wrt��I�cosh�nd�nsu d oPmdon�nd co1l�cHon,Includirp Rttan�ys t�a�to any Ind�bt�dn�ss s�cund
<br /> by thb Dwd W Tnnt.all in euah ad�r u L.�nd�r mty deMrnYn�. Th��nN�inO upon and t�lclnp poss�tion ot tM Propuly,th�eoM�cBon
<br /> a�ew�iMd��M���y��don�i�nNponw to�piu�ah dNan u a puRUanl o suah noHa of dM�uM�nd�not�Mthatandlnp tM�nwna In
<br /> poas�s�lon of th�PropKly a th�caMcHOn�nalPt and aippNCaUOn ol renb,hswe or prolfb�TrwNs a L.�ndK sh�ll ba�ntltMd to
<br /> �w�y ripht prov(d�d for In th�Nol�a tM RNat�d Dacurt+�nb or by kw upon tM oocuR�o�anY�wnt of d�hwR��ndudnp th�
<br /> tipht to�oMCha 1h�PowM a aaN�
<br /> {�� r.e�mm�r�w an actlon to ta�clos�thfs DNd oi Trust u�mortpa�,appdnt a noNwr or aP�dACt�h�nfora�ny of th�cownants
<br /> hrnok and
<br /> (c) D�Nwr to TnntN a writwn d�ctaratlon of dMault and d�nd for ad�and a wrHt�n notla ot WkuB�nd N�otlon to cauw Truator'4
<br /> InMnst In th�Propwly to b�sdd�wNch norios Tru�t«�hal cauie ta be dufy 61�d tor ncad in tM�ppropriaM of�c�s of tM County�e
<br /> wt�lCh tM PropKly h IoeaMd�and
<br /> (d) WNh rosp�ot to dl or any p�R of 1h�Peraond PropMy,L�nda sh�W haw aN th�riphb and nm�dlK ot��soursd p�Ay uncMr tM
<br /> N�braskt UnHorm Comm�rckl Cod�.
<br /> Fa�eb�ur�bf►Pow�r M�M.It L�nd�r�cts to fanclos�by�m�rcis�of tM F'ow�r of SaN h�nNn conta4wd,d�a�un�by tt�DMd of
<br /> ahall deposit wHh Truttw this DMd d Trust tnd th�NaN and stkh r�alpts tnd wid�na of�sndilunt
<br /> Trutt u T►us1M may nquln•
<br /> (�) Upon r�cMpt of suoh noUo�kom Undsr,TnntN sh�M Gu�to 6�ncad�d,pubNtMd tnd d�iwnd to Tnnta such Notla of DM�ult
<br /> and No�pf gW p th�n nqdnd bY kw�nd by thk D»d of Tru�t. TrurM�sh�N,without d�mand on Trusta,afNr tuah tlrtN a maY
<br /> thm b�r�iuk�d by kw and afMr r�cordatlon of tuch NoYc�of OM1u1t�nd aflK Notla of Sat�hwirq ban Otwn as nQuind bY kw,t�M
<br /> tM d AM tb P��t� y R In suc�h Notfo�of S�M�MthK a a whoi�.a 1�apr�N lob or puoN�a fE�ms as
<br /> Trut�dNtM'�i�Nr�• a�t!Iq tuC�l a �s It nNy d*rmin�.�t publb aucMon to th�hlph�tt biddK for wsh M kwful morNy of
<br /> � Sh Yt IM tlm�ol h�M. T NW dNvK to such purchaa�r or PurahasKS th�nol Ils pood and tuMk,�Nnt d�ed or
<br /> sp�oid,biit wlt any cov�nnt a w�mnty,�xprN�a Im�rlNd.TtN rsewts In auCh dMd of arry matNrs
<br /> a f�ab co P�bof 81 tl� nas tha�ol. Arry p�on.indudlnp without NmBatlon Truator�Trush��or l�nd�,may
<br /> purohw at such aN.
<br /> �b) �y nyy b�p�rmitMd by law,afhr d�ductlnp�II ca�b� 1Mt and�ocp�nae�of Tnn1M tnd of thb Trust�Indudinp cosb of widma of
<br /> tlIM in e�nMOtlon wHh MM�TrwM�NrM�pply th�proaWl of sW to p�ym�r►t of p)�I eums�M�d undrr th�iKms of tMs DMd ot
<br /> �c�und MnbY�nd (W)tM r�nrindu�If a y�t��p�non abup�ons wWNy�ntNNd tMnt�o. t ind I�N charq�. (I►)W otMr suma IMn
<br /> (o) Trustw may In th�mannK povldd by kw potfpon�saM of a1 or any porUon of tht Pro(Hrty.
<br /> q�s Not i�oCN�olw. TrtqlN uid Lender,and Nah of th�m,slul b�NNiNed to�ntora�saymn►t and puform�nce of any Ind�bl�dn�ss
<br /> pr ppYp�ypn�s�cuhd by tNs plsd pf TN1t and to�xKC1N�M rqMs tnd qOw��und�r thls DMd of Tru1f, undpr tM NoN,undK Rny of tlt�
<br /> �obNpatlons aeund b�Is�D�ed o!T��y now�a Mr�UMr b�otMrwls�acund��w�h�thir�Y�mortqp�«d�sd o1�Muti PMdpa,IW►,
<br /> nsflpnm�nt or olh�rwlN• NNtMr ttw wc�Ptana of this DMd of Truat na Ib�ntao�rn��,whNhK by court�ctlon a punwnt fo 1M pow�►of
<br /> saN a othM E�owKS contaln�d In tNt ONd of Trust,thal pr�J�idk�a tn tny manna�M�cf 1'ruaM�'s a UnWr'�ripht to nalix�upon or
<br /> �ntora amr otMr s�curNY now a MnatNr Mid by Trust«or Und�r,It bMnp iqn�d Ihat Trus1M and L�nd�r.md Nch ol th�m.sh�M b�
<br /> ontltNE to�nlora thli DMd of Trust ind any othsr acurfty now a h«IaM�r h�ld by L�nd�r a TrutiN in such orGr and manrnr as thsy a
<br /> �ith�r of them may In tMir absoluN disa�tlon d�t�mir�. No nrt�df�conNrnd upon or n�e�wd to TrusN� or UndK,b inbnd�d to b�
<br /> eocclu�iw ot any ot►»r nm�dy In thb Ds�d of Trost a by 4w provid�d c�r pKmlllW�but Mch shaU b�cumukMw�nd eh�l b�In addlHon to
<br /> �yrry pth�r nm�dy piwn in thb Ds�d of Trust or now or h�n�ttK adstlnp at kw a In�quity or by st�luM.Ewry pow�r or nm�dy piwn by fhs
<br /> Nole or�ny of the RalaUd Oooumenb to Trustee or Lendsr a to whkh ettMr ot ttNm may W othenNss enlitNd, m�y b��cucls�d�
<br /> eonaurt�ntly or Indpendently,hom tlme to tlms a�d ae oMn u rt�ay b�des►ned e�adknt by Trustee or lender,�nd elfher of thsm may
<br />� purtw Inconsisisnt nm�di�• NotMrp In this DMd of Trust shUl b�comtrwd as prohlbitinp Lender Bom seeklnp a deflcienoy Judpment
<br />— ayaintt tM Trusta to ths exhnt auch�ction Is permitbd by kw.
<br />_ �S�i�^u�th�b D�ied of T ust ha m�iled to th�m�t 1 a�ddrsss�s set lorth�n the 11rst ptr�iqreph of h ro«pe d o�f Trust nd a copy of any Notice
<br />� _..____.�___.�..------ u��.,�.. ��.xr��e.a anv euit or aatlon to enfora anv of the t�rms of thla Ds�d ot Trust,Lender shaN b��ndM�d to
<br /> r.nvrnq. rww-.w-��---- . �..__. ..--- ---
<br />- recpwr suah sum�s tM court maY tdJudp�roason�blo�s�tlanry�'iNS at trlal and on�ny apponl. W►Ntner or not any couri.�iion�s
<br />. _ ��vp�,�ry�pMbls�nses incurrod bY L�nder whlch In L�ndore opinlon are necessary at any Hme tor the proteotlon of Ils Int�rast or tha
<br /> ' en}o�arr�nt of Ib rlphts sh�ll WconN a pM of tha Indebt�lnss�pay�bl�on demand and shall bou IntKast tt the Note nte irom the date oi
<br /> ' s�
<br /> ;; s�ndftura untN ropald• F.x��s�s cov�nd bY thls par�tinph Inclted�,without Ilmltallon,howsver subpct to tny Ilmlb under�pp��cabl�kw,
<br /> - Lend�r's attar»ya'Iws wMt►�r a^ot �Mre Is�kvrsWt,Includnp attaneys'teos fa benkruptoy proceWlnps pncludlnn etforts to modtry or
<br /> wcaM any�utomatb st�y or InJuncdon),appetls and any antldpaled post-Judpment cdNaHon s�rvloes,the cost of surchlnp recada,
<br /> � ��Y�M�w��rusf�U�wYl�y any�ourt cash,r In ad�on o�II othsr nums�P ovldM bY�a��tM Trusb�.to the sxtsnt
<br /> :
<br /> M�gCp1ANE0U8 PROYISIONB. Ths tolowinp misCallaneous provhlons u��p�rt of thls Deed of Trust:
<br /> .
<br /> �hM�l b��powm�d bY�nd eon TN►v�d 1 n�cad�nc��1��1���Ni rak�. !n tM StH�of N�braMu. Tht�t�d of Trust
<br /> _",.,,. -.._ .. ,�«.,•. -- - - _�_:.�,.�. .. .. ..... --__-.s,_.�._4._- ---._..Y.. _ __
<br />