<br /> �
<br /> ...�. . ., . . . . _ .. .. . .. . . .... _.
<br /> .a.wra� . -- .-- _ --
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<br /> _ � �
<br /> �. ,r-{AI{� . -.
<br /> � �: ^ t
<br /> • .. �� . . . .. .� - .., _ . .
<br /> M
<br /> i�`Q
<br /> �•l.•� T.` ..' - -'.. ... .. . .. ... . ... �.... ..,.'"'_ ' � - . � ;.y. 4rs�w.�
<br /> - .. ..... �NWr._- . . ......
<br /> .i�tf�-�-'=,_ _
<br /> . � ef�1��`�.
<br /> P�6 •::�>>,_, _
<br /> � , o�—t6-1�7 . DEED OFTRUST �_.::��,=:;_F_
<br /> . ����,. ����.d, �7- 1�9�� :� :,:.,,
<br /> ... .,,-
<br /> W weh iwN��lut��nd P►o�b�and th�tpplic�Yon Ihu��1wM nd nun a r�dw�ny d�huN a noMa�ol dM�ull und�IMs Dwd of Tn►1t
<br /> ' p��M ony�ol dorN In rMP�►M�b weh dNwlt a pwsurM to woh noNO�of dM�uN;�nd�rwMdlh�tandkp NM conYnwrw�In ,
<br /> of th�P�raprAY a q�ooN�cYon� r�oMPt�nd�ppMabn o#nnb� MtuK a prolfM�Tru�N�a L�nd�r a1rM b��r►Iw�d lo
<br /> � �rqp�dpM prorid�d ta In th�NoM ot IM RN�Md DoourtMnls a bY kw upon th�oocurnna of sny w�nl of d�llult,Miok�drp 1M
<br /> ' ApM b ih�po+iw►a n�.p
<br /> ,� (O��Co�nrt�an w0on b tanolow thll I�d of Trtw!w a mor���PPa^►e noNwr a�p�oMc�IH�Mo�a anr of IM oowrN�nU ' �
<br /> -- -- - � � ------ - -
<br /> e� (0 ONw►b Tn�1M�nrtNMn d�cMr�Yon of dMtuN�nd d�mrnd br tat�and a wrriton nada of ef�M�.M end w1�aNOn b du�Tn�tarr ' , ,. `
<br /> •.,� �In tIM Prap�AY to b��dd�wNCh noNo�TrtMIM�h�N wuN b b�duN IIMd br ncord In fh��PProprfaM oMoM d HN Colx�ty in .,�t'.
<br /> S whiCh fh�Ro�rly M IOCaMd�tnd . • , ,;.
<br /> °"""� '� d) WMh n�p�ci to�N a�ny p�rt W tM P�sorwl Rop�rty�6�d�r sh�N h�w�il th��phk��nd nrr�fN�of a s�ourod p�rty ur+d�►th� , .: - �°�
<br /> ,;..,.�v�ir� ��LJNfo►m Comm�roW Cod�. ..��•� �;��:�"'.
<br /> :•.�•*, �:c�.;_
<br /> S Foneto�un bf►/�ow�t W f W. If I.�nd�r M�ol�fo lonotaw bY�woM�M th�PowK of 3�1�h�rMn aonW n�d�L�ndK fh�l noliN TnxM��nd -�:••�� .��„'Y,��'_=`
<br /> . �! thaN dlpqlt with TnxM�tM�DMd of Tnnt aM tM NoM�nd woh noNPb and hAdma of��ndNur�nwd�tnd wa�xd by this Owd of , '.'"
<br /> �':.J��.�i:�!"._.
<br /> Trust a TNSN�maY h4uin. ��.:�rtP!+�___-,
<br /> •-.�r.�:...._
<br /> � (tI Upon t of woh noYa kom I.�ad�r Tru�M��tNN cauN k b�ncordW.P��uid dWv��d b TruNor such NoYOr M D�I�ult —_ --
<br /> • , and NoYw of$N�a ttNnnq ulnd bY kw ind by IM�M�d of Trust. Tn�sh�1�w111w�A dMnand on Tru�tar�M�r wch Ym��mRy �0�'�°
<br /> ;•_ ttNn b�n4uind by kw and dMr t�cord�Yon af wah No1Va W Wlaull�nd�Mr Notlo�of SW haNnp bNn 9iwn a n9uind by ww�uM _ - -
<br /> « !h�Prapwly at!h�Wr»and pyo�ot sW 1b�d by M In suah Nalb�of 6�N�Mth�r u a whd��a in wpu�w ial�or puwN a M�ms�t _-
<br /> . � Truafw�h�M dNm�cf�rA,�nd In woh adu a�N rtyY dM�n�k���t publb�ucqon b IM Mpf�t bltW�r ior ash In iawhA rtior�l af .
<br /> ; � th�UNbd 9rMs y�bN�t 1h�Wn�M�M. Tn�eh�N d�Mwr b suc�. purchw�or pwclw�n thwrof M�Qaad arb sufAdK�l d»d a _
<br /> a�i�,it�bpi�P►oM M M�i A�iU���i1nY P�na+���"'K��uon T�rwlor��nisMr, a�,m�iy
<br /> � purChlM at wch�M. c
<br /> � . � (b) N maY b�pKnAM�d by Mw.aMr d�d�wMnp M ooNb N�s�nd�rwt W TrwW and of INs Trwt,M�oludnD oo�ls of MAdMa�of -'-`�
<br /> 1Nf�In oorKwdlon wMh tM��Tru�1N�h�M�PPh��p of�M b P�Y��a �I aN sunK��d�f W�IfN/Mn►s of IMs DMd of
<br /> . Trwt a tw�dK 1M Mrms of tM NoM not then npYd,k d p but nd Mn�iMd to�oorwd InMn�t u�d kM ehrOM� (in�I olh�r sWne tMn �����=;
<br /> ' �cund h�nbY�and (W)lM nnrind�r.R�ny�b ih�p«wn a D���Y«�BwrNo.
<br /> (o) Tn�tw rtr►y In th�rrwnr�provid�d by kw D�4►��ol N a u�y paYo�of tlN Prop�rly. ��
<br />�' R�dMs Mot�xxcNwlw. Tn�M�u�d t+K�d�r�and Mch d th�n.sIW b�M�MINd fo�la�WY���P��no�al u�y Mid�bNdr� _
<br />� a o1�qaYar s�our�d by 1hi�DMd of T►u�t�nd b pa►cN��N dphk�nd poMr�n unda thk DMd of Trwt.undw th�Ne�M,und�►anY d th� _
<br /> RMRMd DacurtwnN.a undaar�y oth�r+piwme�t a anY I�wt now a h�nalMr in 1aa�nolwllh�yndkq�sonN o►M d woh kwl�bMdr�Nt
<br />- . �nd obMpelons Mcund bY thls DMd d Tn�t may now a MnNMr W aMrrwW�cund�vr��Nh�bf►mo►qp��dNd al►�w4 P��M��
<br />-° q�qnrtwnt a oMMrvrN�. PMNh�r 1M�oaprna d IMS Dwd of Tn+�f na 11t�Mao�nMr�t.whMhu by oouA�olon o►purstwit b Mw pow�►of
<br />� . _. �a dMr pov+KS oonMkNd In Ihls O»d of Tnx►��h�N pryiKMO�or In��y manrNr�!Tn�'s or L.�nd�s ripht b nda�upon a
<br />"' �:- — _y�e,�a�.ey ellwr Mcuri(y now or hMwfllt hMd tDY Tru11M Or LM1d1r�R b�M�O�pr'Md Ilyt TnNIM M1d LM�dM�and Moh Of MMm,Ih�N b�
<br />:" . . ��YINd to�a thk DNd d Tn�t and ury oIM►MarNy no+w a 1wMiNr h�id'o�r i.snd:r vi T�t�:s�s��!a�-�stt�=!!�;� _ _
<br />='r.� . .� �IIMr of N»m nw�y In 1hW�l�aNiM dwcnMia►d�n+Nw. No oonNrt�d upon a nMrwd b Tru�N�a LMid�r�k N��drO b b�
<br /> IoaeN�of anY dMt nrtNdY In 1Nt UNd of Trwt ot bY kM►pr�a�r�NM�d.but woh dW b�axmlMw and sIW b�M i�f�on b
<br />�;..�. .: �. olMr r�rtNdf►qiw^In thi�DMd d Tn�t a�ow or h�ndMr�aMWip�Iai w a in�quky or by�fuM. Ewry powu a b��war�iwd
<br />��i,:S.. N Mra �rry of th� FiMaMd DaCUn�edt b Ttt�N�o►LKUbr a b whbh Mllw of M»m n�y b� aYNrwiN�r�d.maY
<br /> =-" ooncurrw+y a kM�pMdw�y.kom Yn»fo Wn�a n d as o M n�tn�r b�dwmW��DY TrutM�a L«�d�r�md�IIMr of th�m n�y
<br />�`�=�';�� , , „ pursu�InooMbUnt r�rtNdNt. No1Nrp In thi�DMd a fi�t sh�ll b�oomirwd�prohll�IWq LsndK kan�Ie1np a dMoMnaY ladpeMr�t
<br />�,�°' . d �, �. �p�NMt!M tn�lor 10 dr�1M�t wch�ollon M p�rtnMMd by kw. �
<br />-.�•x:� .. �..:
<br />��;^° p�q�NSt►Or Noro�. TlnMta.on bNrlf of Truqor and UrM�r�h�nry�q�b fhat a copy o f�ny N o M w o f O M t u l t m d a o o p y o f a n y N o Y O�
<br />"`"'�'•�`° ol S�M und�r thb DMd M Tn�t b�rtMN�d to tlNm�t Mr�ddn�MS MI brth In 1M lkst pwpreph of 1Ns M�d of Trust.
<br />�1-.`'",'''� W�lMK; ENC�on of pMNdN�. A wNwr bYany PWY of 11 bt�Ch of a prorNton af thi�DMd of TnMt sh11 not oafs�ul��w�iVM d or
<br /> „f.r y�,.:w� . �,��tlNp�y s�ql�k oMMrwW b d�rtNnd stbt oompNtno�wMh�at provkbn ar mY otMr ProM�ton. ENaYon hY LM�b P��Y
<br />'=?*;�:�r?H. r�t�h prqAdM� in!Ms CMd of Tnr1.th�NoM.ln mY R�Nd Docu��°r P���bY�w�hM not�eooN�Dunt�t al�nY okN►�rt�y�
<br />='_�`:-= u�d�n MltNoe b nMlt�w�M�dturM or to Yk��c1o�b PM�m����d TnMbr wtdlt tlAt OMd d TruM MI�Ilw�n of Ttu�or b
<br />�.'�:,�°.�_.i;e'�� O�rlorm sA�nd�fNOt l.and�'s rqht b d�oir�a dM�ult�nd b�owoM�any W N1 r�nM�t.
<br />—�s«r.__�1 Mlan�'F�e���s. M L�id�t IrK11hdM�Y wlt a aCYa�k1 anfar�a!"�d.tl»Mntis d tld�ONd dTnrt.l�nl�rihN b�M�d b
<br /> ----� ncow►weh wm�t tly oout nry�dl����M��^h'►'��"'��nd o�anY�i+P�M. wIr11N► a nof�nY oart�dfon k
<br />-T"?+±:3�wiS�S�
<br /> 3K�_ NIVOIV�d.�I trY0f1�1� klClxf��L�IdK IAf111Ch M1�.�fldM'{OpMlfOfl N yM�11y rllM 10f MM Qf�0116'10f101� 01
<br /> �` �'�". , b�oo�a p�t ot 1M Ind�bMd��WY�on d�nMrb�fhN bw M�Mr+d�t Mf�t�lab r�kan th�dMr of
<br />�:._.,�.:.;,� «�o�o.�a w��
<br />-::'..�ti:a�,:'� �nt�lun unM n!i�id• OqMws oo+�r�d b�r Mlt PwOr�ph Inok�d�,wllhoul IndlWon,how��subl�ot b�nY����n��
<br /> L��dlr'a Mlaew►� N»wUMMr a no!Mwn It a kww14�����tMa tor b�nkr�P�Y 0���(���
<br /> ` ^'� wdwan�r aulan�Ya H.y a inh�), •w».R+nd.ny anllotp+Md va+-N�K ooll.cllon.«vaM�rn ooM�a n.ia�kw noadt,
<br /> �::..'i`''"��'`', obrMYr�11i�nporM(kidt�n0londaur�nporlt�wwyas�►paM��PP��Nw rlb Mwuana�and NM b►th�TnMIM�b th��d
<br />--�:�:.;�� Vwn�d b�r�Pp��Uw.TnMlor dro wM WY�Y�o�In�OdiYOn b�1 o1Mr fu�n poMd�d bY law. . .
<br /> --='�.�a�y:..�-�� y�Y of TnNIN. Tru�1M�hY h�w�1 of MN�IpM��nd duY�s W L.M►d�r u�N k�1h in Nik s�CYoa.
<br />=,'.�,,;:..���� POWER=AMD O�KiATWIi�OF?AlMTF�. Th�toiowkp P�����0 b th�Pow�s and obNp�Yon d TrusM�w DW d ihi�DNd of
<br />=�'. : Tnnt.
<br />�;_ .;r, , .:. MwMS af TruMw. 1�ad11Wx�to�N powK�of Tru�IM arMMip as a m�M�r of kw.TnMIM�fr11 htw th�pow�r to Wo�IIN tolowkp�� 4—- " _
<br /> ° ' wNh nsp�ct b th�Prapah W�th�wrNMn nW�f d L��nd Tn�ta: (a)la^M P��^0 and Illlnp a rtMP a Dkt d IM Rrl Prop�dy�
<br />; w�a��a,.a.ao.ro�a anw«o��ro a,.pua�oi (b)l���MM�p�r►y u��t a aMrro any nMr�on onth���rop�ny;
<br /> . .�d co���+.�n►�a�,.�a o�na w►«m«,�.M.�ww ar�o«e ar��a a,.w�.a a i.«�a�►u�e.��ra aa ar�,�.
<br /> Tn�.Trt�sf W mNt aA.4u�cl�or�n�t�Yb far TnK1N undu�WP��kw. In addlon b lh�ripldt�nd nm�d�s t�t io�lh�bo►�,
<br /> wNh n�wc!b�I a�r►Y P�rt of Ih�P4apK1y�Ih�7tu�M��h�l h�ve 1M dOht to la�da�by nolb�and a�.�nd L�bK�trM h�w 1M dpht b
<br /> �; 1a'�d°N bY N+��+����In MIMr o�w h�ooad�na wNh uid b 1M WN�xMr�t proMd�d bY app�c�hM�• ---
<br /> iuoo�or TrwM�. L�nd�►�d L��t aP�.rryY kom tim�to Ym�apPdnt a suooMear Tn�W any TnxM��ppolnMd h�nwrba bY�n �,.
<br /> , � In•�ryrt�er�t�s�cuMd u�d�dcnowA�dq�d bY LK�d�r md noa►dM t�1M ofllo�of 11N t�oord�r of NALL CouMri N�IxMka. 11�krtunNnt iMN �'`."�_°_...._=_°_
<br /> oOOWn.k1 addlon b aN 01Mt nuUMi ntiuYW by�4M laW�1tM fW11M Of UN a1pinN LM1dK�TrIN1M.and TrustOr(tIM bOOk atld prq(Or =_-- ---_
<br /> • pompuNt�ybMnl nNnna)whM�Ufk DMd of TnMt is noo(d�d�atb Ih�rNrn��nd sddnM of IMI WooMSOr Iru�tN,�nd p�IntrurtiMlt tMN "=-- -
<br /> b�waMd and�olnwww�p�d bY w tlw b�rNlicMrMs a�dw th�DMd W Tru1t a IMk tuoo�ldrs In InUnst Th�woo�NOr tu�M�.wkhout __y_�
<br /> coev�y�na W Ih�Ara���uooMd b Y t!N rlb:PowK.u�d dutl�conNn'�d upo�tIN Tn�N�In Wt DNd W Tnrt and by apprc�bN �:"«`=_�--
<br /> ��� �..:�,�_.--
<br /> kw.ThM proo�dun for of Mu�M�shM po+hrn to IM�ar�Nrion of H o11w P►o�Mlorwtor wbslNuYo^• ;,�,a;�r;.--.-
<br /> _—'—
<br /> ��._rr ,.it•. _.«.y
<br /> -..__ .__ . "'`' . ..��x-
<br /> NOTICEf TO TRl1iTOfi AllD OTI�'fl MRTIES.AHy e01f0�{M1Wt M�N OMd oi 1 n��irr o�io wrwrq�inwl w wrw vj wwi,w��M�v i...�.�. ----_-:_-::-_�,�::
<br /> � MfM,'1w wh�n�cluMY dMlwnd,t�►NrhM�dipolMW vrNh a tNflor�lY noopnia�d owrrAOht oourfr�or�Y n�bd.tA� b�d�Mn�d NI�CMYr wlMn ., „ .-: , a.
<br /> d�paiNd In th�lkiMd SI�IM mM lir�t ofub orYMd a npkMnd nW,P.osl�p�P��.Anchd b th��dOn�t shown mr th�b�plrrArq of
<br /> � thN DMd d Trt�t. AnY P�rly m�y ch�np�Mt�d�1r�e�t fa no11bN unda INt DMO of TruN bY OM�C fartwl wiMN� no1o�b tfN ntt�p�r1N�, . .
<br /> sp�cNykp llwt Mi�pur�►aM d th�acYo�I�b ch�n0�tM P�Ki�ddr�.M ocP�c1 noYoK of iondown Irom 11»hald�r a1 arry Mn wMch'hr -
<br /> - „p„� {�p�,�r�d Th�p�k�an�d�a1 Wrns�of TnKlors currwd�ddrMS. ��of 1Nt G�d af Tn�t. Fa rwlb�paDO�,Tn�lor
<br /> I . . ,
<br /> MISCBlAliEOUi rRGYIaWNf.711�1oNowlnp e�o�Nin�otK ProvNtaMlrr a DW of thit OMd of TnMt ' '
<br /> MNndellnb.Thtt DNd of Trt�t,lapMAK with�nyr RII�Md Dacwnr�b�con�WuM�th��nik�undus���prMn�tit W the paYM o�
<br /> to 1M m�INrs wt fath In thla DMd of Tnut. No�IMraflon of or anwndmmt to thi�DMd of Tn�t�M unl�plwn fn vwNlnp md .
<br /> sipn�d by tM puty a parWs soupht W b�clwp�d or boueid by th��N�nYon or��• � �
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> , ..-..— �.-....... ... . .. ..
<br />