.. .,.,: �
<br /> , .........;.r.
<br /> � ,. � ,.
<br /> { . .� �. l'-.
<br /> ' AODITIONAL PRAVISIONS �?"���9�^�"" , —
<br /> � D WARRAkT87HA'f: (i) Excopt lor tha suc�,nry intorojt�rnntnd hvaby •
<br /> DL�TOl1 rN1l�[I�LY COYEHANT6,REPRL�f[l�ITI AN
<br /> �nd�ny�ncumbrants d�fCrlb�d by CMbtor In wrltinq�nd deilvnrad to 5ecurod PertV betoro Iho �:ocuuon nnd dellvovy ol tlifA Sncurlty
<br /> _ � I{in iOCUfltyOnbe dre�or ncihmbrnnce�nnd❑DebtorWlldllenlditleColl Iem�in�la�isloi�1labmsondAr+mnndsnln111por8arss�etany un6C.ftialminp
<br /> �Flrtlr(dY(dyil�IliYB(�"Llf1CfC:iu. j is�}.t;^^''^;•!•!°n1a1°�hertnanntheriinnnc�ngetetomantegi�cnbyL7obfortoS��curoQPdtly.covarinQ
<br /> tM ColiYNr�l or wny procosdi t�sreof I�an 111e fn any pubik ottica ena at�hu reyuaa►w 5a�u��u���.,,���'='�"'
<br /> u oya•ub�and duli�et t0
<br /> �� �p� ectonorryonUrn�mfonollheeacu�tyl�torestpran,tadhorei nde�al�nfoamsA slotorytoSecuredPerty�endwlupdylhBCGYI01t1�1 peuch
<br /> , (111f1016 deemed hy Secured Perty t�be n0CBB8RtY Of O BSIf Ub B.il�ne Co�laterai i9fattacned ta�eai estate prio io ino�pArlectior��of tna el:u ily , .
<br /> �S�curedPerty/urnlsh9ecurndp r1�wfthaldlsclalmpropdi�n�ineAaor ubo alnetionnflreementsiAneAbyalbppr oms�hevinpRln�ntd c lln�the
<br /> , ro�lestAte.diaciaimim3 orsuhordi�atln�:inyinterost fnihaCollnter�IwhichlsArlormtholntoroetot5ecurodP.irty. (3) pebtorwtlinotsoll, y �'. ,
<br /> i Irrnsferordi•^,po�aullheCollntarnl,nort�KOlhasemooratlempttotnkuthr.sumolromtheslatewhFlrokoptwithoutlhepnorwrdts�ncoCSOntot ., ��
<br /> � 5�curedPertY•(-s1 �Atitorwfllpnyprlortodelfnquoncyalltexc�snnhassossmont�uleverynaturov+hlchmAy6e�ov�A�l�rnasnsandnyalnstthe ,�.�
<br /> Colleteral- (51Deb1orwulnotparmitorallowany advorsel�on,secunty�nterostoroncumbrancewhettaoverupontnoCountoral,nnU�villnot
<br /> � p�rmitthe�amatobeattachcdor�eplevinad. (6) ThUCoIlnlerafisingoudcond�llonandDubtorwillat0ob1oPeexpanse,koaplhosamnmpood ;�;s��
<br /> . al�lOwitng e y Ilen O'bo C�6nt d upOnwhonCnlul�ler�'�p onaccounit of 3uCh fOpIPCOmOII�Oro80a1r5. (715e uroa Perty bytorrthQO ph onyto,l Its �( �_y
<br /> OttiCer�,omploy�e90► PQ0tlt3 rttny, at nll reason�bin limes i�fld It001(Ifi�O l0 IIf11t7.d%pml7lCa fl�d 109�E1Ct Ihb Co!I�iteial whr,rovar locntod.
<br /> j (B► DublorwllltftOeGtotl�xpensokooptho[anq�bl��Colla�or:�IlnsuraAwitnnnin�uranr.r.cnmpanv::���'�f�+�1Ofy�o�''+�uredP,ulya�7o�nstlo9S �� {�__
<br /> T ordamnqe�:feeppropfia�r,hY hfe.hAlPUdSmchidnd�•nlnu�lnr turu� � .L r�l�:r1.:�vrr:�qr q�•.�t � .li� ..,�.�i�i u, �,nlhr.r".•. � �,:�•..r i�:�urUd t r:.. _
<br /> � P��rtcU��Q°�q„°�g��ae�s'e��t n�j hymadjnsurod wiMCoe�peyeb1e1o5acu►edrParty.U�btorw II on demt d delivei eeld policfes cf Ins��+nc�r� - ;T _
<br /> 1urnlsh prop1 ot such iniur�nce to SeCUred Par�y.ln caie otivay,SnouredParty may st!te optloP rw►�in/rom Insur�nca proc�da�n�mount :
<br /> pu�l to Ihs tolel Wl�nca of all Indebtedneas seaured hereby,whothbr accordinp tq the tenor hnd etinct of eny promlasary noYe(a)svid�n�inp i�;•'
<br /> � �uch Indebtednquth��me I�due or not.(3) At Ils opllon,Socurod Perty may rocure Inturencb,dlacharge tAxu.liony.�ecurity Intereatf or �;���,
<br /> � �#ndmanien7lnzsjolhuColiatefaleDebtoreglreesoralmbursetSecuredParYtyondemandto�ritnyPaYmo to axp n�se�ncurrudby5ecuredPart "_
<br /> � � I annurn�or nt the�m�ix�mum r�te thetn po mltted�IAw,whlchuve��is les��om date of payment unt I�reimbu soment shaii ne`deemea o be .r"�'..
<br /> � � �nd�btedn�alosCUredbythie6eeurllyAgreamentty0l Oebtorw111notusott�eCollateralinvlo�atlonotanyepplicehlostatulos,regulellpneor
<br /> � ordinencea. y _
<br /> �. � UNTIL DEFAULT Uebtor may have pocseASio�ol ihe Coll:�terel c+nd usa it In any lawiul menner not inconsleten�wilh thls Securlty _
<br /> pos�e�o nul heColleterel'enclshallhnvelher�iglit�.but�oobtlg tonto seandopereteanysuchCollat�al�iSecuredF rtydeemseuchuse �
<br /> I �nd op�r4tion neassary or daairAble to tho conUnueA operatlon of Cebtor's Cwinesi ac app Inp concern. �
<br /> � DE*TOII IHALL SE IN DEFA�ILT under this Seturity Agreement upon the hsppanlhp o�any of the following evants nr conditlonr. v
<br /> � (1) d�fNllt In ihs peymMt or pMormr�cs ot�ny obllpntlqn,COwn�nt ol IlsOfl�ty cOntalned ot�etirred to hereln or In�hy note,puaranty or
<br /> otherapream�nt�rldanclnqo��r�e�i�4i dthicu e�rad ot have�beenrfaUe�inany�rhaternlretl�ectwhenmacl�a wfns ed;('?t�y��ent�whlCh
<br /> — byv;.,��bo:�o,....ea:s��er... ----- - ,... .� e.,..���+.nwre.anrermsntor _�.
<br /> � ' rewlborcouldneultinthe�cc�I�ntlonofthem�tu�ityollhatnG�Dtetlnestoldorrow�i�i�����"-��--°`_..,..._ „��
<br /> �. un0�rtaklnq;(4) loss,theft,tlamage,de�tructlon,sele orencumbrance to or of any of lho Coltatorel.or the meolntmento�r�ecefve�r a1 sny �� '
<br /> � attachmant,tha�eolorlhereon;(5) death.dissolutlon,tarminaUOnoloxlstence,lnsol�ency,bfoC`e�ssln"aundoranybankruptCyorinsolvencY ��
<br /> � p�rtofthepropenYOf.e�slgnmentlorlhebenelltafcreditorsby,ortheCOmmencementofanyp 9 �,
<br /> ` I�ws byor•WinitBorrowar,Dobtor,or any fluerantor oreurety tor Borrower or Debtor. '„
<br /> � UPON SUCH QEFAU�T and et any tlmethereafter,or If It doems Itself Insecura,Socured Perty mey declaro all Indebtcdness secured a
<br /> i herchy fmmMfately due end payable end sl�atl have the remcdles of a secured any undsrthe Nebraske Unifqrm Commercial Code.Secured
<br /> party m�y requlreDabtor to asaemble the Colletera�end deliver or moko It avePeble 20 Secured Party at e place lo be deslpnated by 5ocured ��
<br /> P�trty whlch I�roe�onably convsnlentto both pertlw�.Ufi�e�s the Colleteral Is pe��shebte or threatenato decllne ep�d��Y In value or i�ot a typs S_
<br /> �• cuttomuily�otdonsrecoynlr.edmarket,5acuredPertywillgiveDabtorreaspnablanoticeofthetlmeandpleceolenypubllcsalethereoforot ,
<br /> ' ffsuclmin tice ahm�ledypostegeprepad tothe ddreeaofDUbtortshownonthe eversesidoolthesSxurltytAq eementatl�sstttendaylabefore
<br /> � the ttme of the nele or dispoaltion.
<br /> (t) U�lessspBclflcnllyp rohfbltedbylaw,DobtorshnllpaytoSecurodPartyondomandenyendallexpoqs�+s,incluain�nctorneysfees.
<br /> � Incurredorexp�ndedbySocuredPnrtylnrocovoringpassos•�lonortllsp oslnqoliheColletarel.coltectln9orettem�tlnytoCal�ecttheCull�teral
<br /> ;, andinprotecttnpmdenforcinglheobllpstlonaendolherrlghteofthoSncuretlPertyhereund�r,endlhesameshellbese.:uredbythl63eCUrfty
<br /> � Aqreement. "
<br /> (�) NowttverbySecurddpartyofanydafeultahnllopernteesawalverofnnyotherdefeultorofthesamedefeulton�tutunocC�so�.
<br /> ThetaklnyolthlsSOCUrityA9reementshallnotwaiveorlmpalrnnyotherseeurltySeuureSPartymayhsveorhereetteracqulroforthepnymen!
<br /> p}thelndebtednesa,norehellthetakingotany suCheddlllonelsecuritywalveorlmpalrthlsSecurlty AgreemvntendSecuredPnrtymeyresoR
<br /> toMnytscurltyltmeyhavelntheorderttmaydeem proper.Notwlthstandinganycolleteralsecurlty,SecuredParty+hellret�lnits►iphtsofset�ff
<br /> �y�lmt Debtor.
<br /> (3� Thlt SeCUtliy Ayreement and the seturity Interest grantod hereundor le In addltlon to all ott�r eecurlty eyrsemsnt�ylvan or
<br /> Ncurtty in�re�uprantsd by Debtar or Borrower ta SequreQ Perty- —
<br /> (1) Th�t�rms"Wbtor"and"Borrower"w�ereverueed.shellincludaboth9�nQutarendplurnlendwhentheDeblorentlthRBorrow�r
<br /> �n th�sartNp�no���o��erm+n used fn thle Security A9reement shell be Interchengeabin.
<br /> (S� lf Mere It mon than one Oebtor,lhelr Il�bllitles hereunder snall be�olnt and snts to'any nurnbebOf xteruMO��newili or
<br /> Ind�bt�dnu+ aAbd to Secured Perty by une olherlhantheD�Utor,O�bto�r�hee9n�ticeo�fno Peyme�totanylndebtedneas;nndlc) walvo�
<br /> modlflcatl0nsofln eucAlnd�btedneasloranyperlodswlthoutnotice;(¢) q -- _—
<br /> ' Nfeiti or w�e���iM�Yiuchr�mate al.The obilqaUOn of�therDebtor I�n�ot one}Itl ntd uponlSeaur'etl P�ttY taklny�retainUp otMr Or
<br /> ' �ddltlonalescurity forth�lndabtadn�se. r
<br /> � � (g1 AfldpMaoiS�curedP�Ayhlnund�r�hsUlnurototheusnetltotltseucCeeeoraandesslgns,mdallpramisetanddutlefof0ebtor �y�
<br /> shall bind dsbtors helr�.personel npraentetiv��,�ucassors or�sslpna. F,�,,,�
<br /> ; � (7► A arbon, photopraphlc or other r�production ot tho slpned 5ecurlty Ayreement or Fln�nclnp Ststemsnt mny t�w urod as a �.� �'u�
<br /> . ; FlnanCl� StatNnent. `�,
<br /> �e) Thli AyrNm�nt thall become e110ctlre whe�It Is aiyned by Debtor on the reverse elde hereof. �z:,.
<br /> � � • : �.������:
<br /> � � ,.,
<br /> Hcc,on�(w .�.,'�.
<br /> � ., ' Y � _ __ __.._ _ . ..._ ... _... .�'af�'.:.i�U . . - -•.
<br /> . .. . . . . . , .a r..�,r
<br /> :,�,,,�;,;;�s,�;;a,.�;�,�,,.�._ . . . . ._._...
<br /> �_
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