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<br /> � THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is mnde ae oT ths 2nd dey ct October ,18 97 .by and emo�y�
<br /> d
<br /> ;,aTruator, Ouane A �hermipr and Bonnie j A Oh rmiPr� Nuch nd and W,�fp • c
<br /> \o
<br /> whose malAng addressts 115 Centennial Dri_v . Grand Island� NE 688Q1herein'TrusWr,whothercneor morej,
<br />- the Truatee
<br /> ,��p,����8 P 0 Box 1507. Grand Island NE 68802-1507 (here�n•Tnbtee',end
<br /> qie genefldary, Fi v Pni ntc B�nir
<br /> whose maillnD addreas is 2015 N. Broadwel l, Grand I s1 and, NE 68802 (herain•�ender').
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,lnduding Lenders extenaion of credit identlfled herein to
<br /> D�iAnP A_ (1hPrmiear and
<br /> (herein'Bortower;wt►ether one or moro)and ths huat harein creatsd,ihe reoslpt
<br /> of which is hereby adcnowbdged.Trustor heroby Irrevocably grents, trenafere,conveya and esatgna to Trustee, IN TRU3T.WITH
<br /> POWER OF SALE.for the beneflt and seai�ity of Lender,under end subJect W the tertns and conditions herelnaRer set fath, the real
<br /> P��'h�described asfoliows:
<br /> Lot Four (4), Knickrehm Seventh Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska
<br /> To�ether with ell buiWk►ga,improvementa,fi�urea,etroets�alleya.paasepeweya,easc+ments,r�9hta.Prhri{epss end appurte+neneea
<br /> {oceted thereon or in enywise pertefning ffiereto,and the ronts,issues end prolits,revarsions and romak�dero tharoot,end such per-
<br /> aonal prop�rty that le atteched W the improvements ao es W consGtute a ftxture,k�cludinp,but not Iimited to,heatinp and cooYng equip�
<br /> ment;and together wlth the homestead or ma�itei interests,Ii any,which interests are hereby released end waivad;ell of wl�Ch.Nx�ud-
<br /> Ing replacements and addki�ona thereto, is hereby deciered to be e part of the real estete secured by the Iten oi thts Deed of Truat and
<br /> bll of the foregdrg be�np rofemed to herein as the'Pmperlyr'.
<br /> Thla Deed of Taat ah�ll securo(a)the payment of the principal eum end Utereat evidenced by a promiseory notc or aedit eproa
<br /> ment deted Oc tober 19Q7 _having a mewriry date of
<br /> �n the or(pinal principal amount of 5 14�535.50 _ end eny end ell modiflcaUons,extenaions end nenewal�
<br /> thereof or thereto end eny and all future advances and readvances to Borrower(or eny oi them if rtwro than ons)hereund�r Pursusnt
<br /> to one or rtwre promissory notes or credit apreements (herein calied'Note');(b)the payment ot other aums edvarx�d by Lendef W
<br /> p�otec;t the securfly o(the Note;(c)the peAortnance ot all covenants and agreertwnta of Trustor set forth herein;and(d)all preaent and
<br /> fuWre Indebtedr�s and obligatbns ot Bortower(or eny oi them H more than one)to Lerxler whether direct,Indksct.ebedute or conUn-
<br /> gent and whether adaing by note,guara�ty,overdreft or olherwise.The Note,ihls Deed ot Trust and any end ell othe�documenb that
<br /> aecure the Note or othenvise executed In connection therewith, including without Iimitadon guaranteea, eecurity ag�eemenla and
<br /> assignments df leasea and rents,shall be refeRed to hereln as lhe"Loen Inatrumenta'.
<br /> Truator covenants end egreea with Lender as followa:
<br /> 1. P�ynwnt ot IncNbt+�dn�s�.All tndebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due.
<br /> 2, Titl�,Trustor is the owner of the PropeRy,has the right end authodty to convey the Prope�ty,end warranta that the Ilen creat-
<br /> ed hereby Is e fln�t end prlor Ilen on the Proparly,exoepl for Ilens and encumbrancos:,ot forth by Trustor in w►tting encl delivered to
<br /> Lender betore execution of this Oeed ai Trust,and the executton and delivery of thls Deed ot Tnist does not vblate any oon7ect or
<br /> other obllpetton to wh�h Trusror is subJect. '
<br /> 3.Tax�s,Aswssmenb.To pay before delinquency all texes,special asaessmanta and eli other charges egainst the Propedy
<br /> now w hereafter levied.
<br /> 4.Insuanca.To keep the Property Insured apainat damapa by Bro,hazerda Included withtn the term'extended cover'a9e',a►�d
<br /> such other hazerds es Lender may require, I�amounb end with compantes accepteble to Lender,naming Lender as an eddltlonai
<br /> named Insured,with loss payable to the Lender.In case of loss under such poltGes.the Lender is authnrized to adjust,oollect and
<br /> compromise, all clalms thereunder end shali have the optbn of applying all or part of the insurance proceads(I)to any indebted�ess
<br /> secured hereby and In such order as Lender may detertnlne,(Iq to the Trustor to be used for the repalr or restoration of the Property or
<br /> (Ilq for eny other purpose or obJect setisiactory to Lender witFwut affectlnD the tlen oi this Deed of Tivet tor the full amount secured
<br /> hereby be�ore euch puyment ever took place.Any eppitcatlona ot proceeda to Indebtedness shell not extend or poatpone the due date
<br /> — of any payments under the Note,ot cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> �� ----- .I..Innd. aufMfnnt
<br /> = b.Eserow. Upon wdtten aemana oy�ender, IlUS[Of et18I1 pe�l[o i.e�w'vi,u�bui,i�n�ainio:ao..a�...o• .�� ..�•�•---. —•••---••-
<br /> sums to enable Lender tu pay as they become due one or more of the folbwing:(i)ell texes,assessmenta end other charpes epainat
<br /> � the Property,(II) the premiums on the property Insurence required hereunder,and (Iiq the premiums on eny mortpege i�surance
<br /> 'q requlrod by Lunder.
<br /> � 8.Malat�nanc�� R�paln �nd Compllanc�with Laws. Trustor shall keep the Properly in good conditfon and repalr, shall
<br />_� promptly repalr,or replaoe any improvemenf which may be damaged or desVOyed;shall not commit or permit any waste or deteriora-
<br />-'� Uon of the Property;shaN not remove,�emollsh or substantially siter any oi Me Improvemonta on the Properly;shali not comrr�t,suf(er
<br />"� or permit any act to be done In or upon the Propertyr In vblation oi any law,ordinanoe,or regulation;and shall pay and prornpGy dIs-
<br /> �� charge at Trusto�'s cost and expense all Ile�s,encumbrencea and charges levfed,imposed or accessed against the Properly�r any
<br /> part thereoi.
<br />,_� 7.Hmlrnnt Domaln. Lander Is hereby asslgned all compensetion,awards,damages and other paymenis or retlel(herelnafter
<br /> -a
<br /> �� rrcHS►tr�ak.�.+o..mM•nm
<br /> OtIN N�swll�N dCAm�waTn�l W 6aw�1U�orrb�.Le�M�NO'Mu
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