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<br /> •proceeds')in cbnnedbn with condomnsUon or other takinp of the Property or paR thereof,or for con�yanFeTn 11�0��emnation.
<br /> Le�nder ehaM be entitled at Ita optlon lo commence,eppear in and praeecute In Its own �ame eny ecpon or p�oceedin9e.and ehall e�eo
<br /> be enNtled to make eny compromise or eettlemant in connectbn with euch takin�or damage.In the event any portlon of the Property Is
<br /> so tsken ot demeoed,Lender shall havs tM c�ptlon In Ite sole end ebedute dlacretk�n,to xpply al1 auch pracaeds, after deducting
<br /> theretrom all casb and expenses Incurrsd by R in cannectlon with euch Proceeda,upon any Indebtednesa eecurad hereby end In such
<br /> order o�Lender may determine,or to apply�II auch Prooeede,aRer auch deducdone,to the reatoratbn oi the PropeRy upon euch con-
<br /> dklans as Lender may determine.Any appl�ation oi Proceoda to Indebtedrseas ehell not extend�r poatpone the due date of eny pay-
<br /> ments under th�Note,or curo any dsfauk therounder or horounder.Any unapplled funde ehall be parti to Truata.
<br /> g,p:.�..t..�.tiy�.�drr. u�n tha occurrerce ot en Event of De+fault hereunder,or It any ect Is taken or lagal proceeding _
<br /> oommenced which meterieNy a(iecta Lender's Inierest In tltie Property,Londor may In Its ovrn discrodon,but wim�ut oa�gat�on[o do so, __
<br /> Md wRtwut noNce to or demend upon Truator and w!dwut roleaalnp Tnntot irom sny obligatlon,do any ect wh�h Truator has agreed
<br /> but Tetbd to do and may also do sny other ect it deems nsceasary to (xotect the aecurity hereot.Truator ehail,immedlately upon
<br /> demand therofor by Lender,pay to Lender e�l c�te end expensas inr.urrod and sums axpended by Lender in connection with the exer-
<br /> dae by�Lender ot�the foreqolnp rl�hts,topether with Inlerost thereon at the defauft rete provided in the Note,whtch ahall be added to
<br /> the indebtednesa s�tcured hereby.l,ender ahell not Incur any IlaWlity because o1 anythtng It mey do or omlt to do hereunder.
<br /> 9. HwMow MrT�rlah.Trustor ahall keep ths PropeRy In compliance with ell applicable lews,ordina�cea end ropulatbns _
<br /> rolatlnp to Industrial hypbns or envlronmental protectkxi(cotiectivefy rofemed to herein as"Environmentel Lews').Trustur shall keep
<br /> the propeRy froe firom all eubst�nc:es dsemed la be hazerdous a taxfc under eny Environmental Lawa(collectively rofemed to herofn
<br /> at'Hsze�+d�ius Msterlsls'�.Tniator hereby werrenb and roprosante to Lender thet thero aro no HazaMous 111�teriale on or und�r fhe _
<br /> Properly.Troator hereby egreea to Indemnify end hold harmless Lender,its directors,ofticere,employees and egents,and eny succes•
<br /> soro W LendePs Interest,irom and egainst any and all claims,damages,losses and Ilabliitles arising in connection with the presence,
<br /> use,disposel or tranepoR of eny Hezerdous Materials on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND
<br /> 10.AssFpnmmt of R�Ms.Trustor hereby eastpna to Lender,end�rants Lendar a aeaNty interost in,eU prossnt,futuro and
<br /> aRer adainp renb,lawes ertd proNte of fhe Properly;provided thet Truahx shall,untll the xcumenca of an Event oi DefauR,hereunda�,
<br /> have the�ht to ccllect and retein such rents,issuas and proflts es they become due and payabla.Upon the occuRence of an Event oi
<br /> qefauR,Lerxbr may,eithe►in persan or by agent,wNh or without bdngfnp any acGon or proceeding,or by a raceiver appointed by a
<br /> oaxt and widtoul ropard ta the adequacy of its eecuriry,enter upen end take posaessbn oi the Property,or erry pert lhereot,In its own
<br /> nams a M the name cf the Truatee,end do any acls which It deems neceasary or desirable to preaenre the value, marketebNity or
<br /> rontability W the Property,a eny part theroof or Interest theretn,or to Increaae the Income therefrom or protect the eecuritY hereo/and,
<br /> with or without Wcinp poseession of the PropeKy,sue/ot or otheiwiae collect the ronts,lssues and proftte theroof.IncN,KNnp those peat
<br /> due and unpeid,by notif�rinp tenants to make payments to lender.Lender may apply rents,Issues and pmfite,lesa oosls and expens-
<br /> �s of operalbn ar�d colledkx��ndudinp edomey's feea�to any Irxbbtedneae aecured hereby,eii in auch order as Lender may deter-
<br /> mine.Ths entering upon pnd taking pos�easlon of the Property,the cotlecdon of euch rente�Issues arxi profits�end the applicetlon
<br /> theroot ea efoneaaid ehaM not curo or walve any default or noUce of defeult hereunder or invalidate eny ect done in responae to such
<br /> ddfault or pursuant lo auch noUce of defauit and, notwithntanding the continuance tn possession ot tne property or the caiieciion,
<br /> roceipt and epplicatbn of rents,issuss or profits,Ttustea and Lander ahall be entided to exerdse ever�►dght provided tor in any ot tho
<br /> Lonn inatnxnents or by law upon occurrenoe of any Hvent of Default,Induding without limitadon the dght to exerc(se the power of eale.
<br /> FuN►er,Lender's riphts and remedles under this parograph ahall ba cumuletive with,and In no way a Iimitatim on,Lender's righb and
<br /> rsrtbdbs under any essignment at leaaes arxi rents recorded agafnst the Property.Lender,Truatee and the roceiver shali be Ileble to
<br /> account or�ly for ttwee renta actually received.
<br /> 11.Ewnts d D�hult.The folbwinp ahali consdtute an Event ot Defauft under this Deed oi TNSt
<br /> (�)Failuro to pey any in�tallment of ptindps!or interost or eny other eum aecurod heroby when due;
<br /> (b)A breech of or�1Meult under any provision contained In the Note,thls Oeed oi Trust,eny of the Loan Inatruments,or eny
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Ptoperty;
<br /> (c)A writ oi execudon or attechment or eny similer pra;eaa shall be entared egainst TNator which shall become e Iien on
<br /> the Property a a�y patkx�therooi or interost therein;
<br /> (d)Thero shaN be lfled by or eyalnst Trustor or BoROwer en ectfon under any present or future federal.atate or other ateWte,
<br /> I�yv or npuWlnn rN�linp to bankruptcy,Insohr�ncy or olh�r rolbf for dsbton;or fhsro ahall be eppolnt�d any husEee,rocelvsr or
<br /> Nquidator d Trustor or Bat�ower or M ell or any paK of ths Property.or IM renta�laaues or proAts theroof.or Trustar or Borrower
<br /> �hail make any general aaalpnment for the benetit oi cxaditors;
<br /> (e)The�ele,tn�nsfer, fease, essignment,oonveyance or fuRher encumbrance oi a�l or eny pert ot or an}I interest(n the
<br /> Property,eftlbr volunta8ly or involunterily,without ths expross written conaent of Lender:provided ttut TrusGor stwH be permit
<br /> Esd!o execwte a base of the ProperlY that does not conteln an opUon to purchase end the term oi whlch does not axoead one
<br /> year,
<br /> (�Ab�ndonment nt the Property;or
<br /> (p)Ii TnisDor le not an Indivfdual,the iaauance,eate,trensfer,easignment,convoyance or encumbrenca ot mone then(H e
<br /> corpcxaUon)e totel of percent of its issued and outatandtng atock,or(H e paMe�shtp)a toWl ot per-
<br /> cent�t paRnerahip interosts,or(H a Iimlted Iiabiiiry company)a tntal of percent of the Iimited ifability oompe-
<br /> ny iMeroats a voNng rlghts during the period tl�is Deed of Truat rernains e Ilen on the propeRy.
<br /> 12.R�di�;Acc�Nntlon Upon Mhult.ln the event of any Evsnt of Detault Lender may,without notice except es requlred
<br /> by taw,dsdaro aN N�debtedness socurod hereby to be due and poyable and tha same shall thereupon beoome due and payabla wKh-
<br /> out any prosanhnent�demand,protest or nodce ot any kind.ThereaRu Lender may:
<br /> (a)Dartw�d that Tnntee exerdss the POWER OF SALE pranted herein,end Trustee ePiall there�Rer cause Trustors InUx
<br /> eat In the Propetty to be sold and the proceeds to be disWbuted,all In the manner provided In the Nebraake T►uat Deeds l�ct;
<br /> (b)Exerdse eny and all righta provided for(n any of the Loan fnstruments or by law upon �ccurcence ot any Event of
<br /> Defeuft;and
<br /> (c)Commence an ecdon to foreclose this Deed of Trust as e mortgape,appoint a roceiver,or spedflcally enforoe any of the
<br /> covenants hereof.
<br /> No remedy heretn confeRed upon or reserved to T�ustee or Lender is Intended to be exdusive of eny other romedy hereln,In the Loan
<br /> InsWmenta or by law provided or permitted,but each ahall be cumuledve,shall be in additlon to every other remedy given hereunder,
<br /> In the Loan Inatruments or now or hereafter exlatl�et law or tn equity or by statute,and may be exercisod ooncurtenty,independently
<br /> «���y�a*.. Thn Tn�alaa muv reslnn at anv Hme WlthOtlt CBUSe.end Lender maY at any ttme and witlwut ca�ase appolnt e suo-
<br /> eessor or aubedtute Tn�atee.Truatee shell not be Ileble to eny party,indudinp wifhout Ilmltetion Lender,Barrower,Trustor or any ptx
<br />_ ch,�ser ot the Property,for a�y loss or damsge unlaas due to rociclesa or wilHul mlaconduct,and shall not be requlred to tako eny ectfon
<br /> In connection with Ihe enforoement of thla Deed of Tniat unless Indemnifled,in writing,for ell costs,compensation or axpenses whtch
<br />= may be aeaoclnSed therewlth.In edditbn,Trustee may become a purchaser at eny salo of the Propertyr(�ud�tal or under the power of
<br />_� eale grented herein);postpone the sele oi ali or eny porUon of the Property,es provided by law;or sell the Property as a whole,or in
<br />- separete parc�la or lots at Trustee's discretton.
<br /> 14.FNS�nd Enp�ns�s.In the event Trustee solls the Property by exercise of power of sek+,Trustee shall be entitied to apply
<br />-
<br />