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<br /> Prepared By and � � QQ�� � ' � '
<br /> R�tuTn ta: • T ��� � � o � r*'1
<br /> FCE Credit Union c r , ,: s z -�-+ �Q n
<br /> 205 S. 19th St. � � � ; ' � �" � ^' A
<br /> (hnuha, NE 68102�1767 Cl � �•' G � ��� � �, ° 0 `�
<br /> (B00) 323-2786 �' 1 � � � , -� '� x w �. �
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<br /> � T1lU8T=S'8 D=!D OT RsOONVlYl1NCC
<br /> UIiDxR TRUST DSlD �
<br /> 11�Rt718, th� und�r�iqn�d, tC= Cr�dit Uaion, o! 106 8. 19th St., City o! Oaiaha, County o! `p
<br /> Douqlas, StRt� of tt�brs�ka, a� tru�t�� und�r th� DNd ot Trust dat�d , �xoout�d by J�tl�ry 1t. ��
<br /> Burr and Ximb�rl�y 8. Burr, Hu�band aod Wit�, as trustor, in whi.oh lCE Cr�dit IInion i• nun�d (�
<br /> brn�tiaiary, and th� uad�r�iqn�d as truste�, and �nt�r�d as Doouawat No. /97-105554, in th� \
<br /> otti+a� o! th� R�qi�t�r ot D��d� o! Douglas County, BEat� oi N�brarka, hss r�a�iv�d lraa sC=
<br /> Cradit union th�b�neiiaiary th�r�undwr, a writton r�qu�st ta r�aonv�y, r�oiting that all. sua►�
<br /> ��aurtd by �uah trust d�ad hav� b��n tully psl.d and tha� suah trust d��d and th� not� s�our�d
<br /> th�r�by hav� b�n aurr�nd�r�d to th� und�r�iyn�d, aa trustN ior osna�llatioA:
<br /> MOti �'HlA�:�ORa, 1n aoaordana� with suoh regu�s� and th� provi�ions of suoh D��d of Trust,
<br /> th� nad�r�ipn�d, a�s trusto�, do�� htr�by r�aonv�y, wikhout wa�rranty, to th� p�r�on or p�r�ons
<br /> �atitl�d th�r�to, nam�ly: Joti�ry H. Burr and Kimberlsy S. Surr , Hu�band and Wita, th� ��tat�
<br /> now h�ld by it th�r�and�r to-wit:
<br /> yot pe� (1), fi��t�rn H�iqhts 'ourth Subdivirion, in th� Cfty o! arand Tsland, Hall County,
<br /> lf�bra�ka.
<br /> rn vitn.�s th�ral, th� uad�r�ign�d ha� �x�auted thi� D��d o! R�aonv�yanc� at 206 8. 19th BL.,
<br /> pe�ha, P�braNka 66102-1767, on Oatob�r 28th, 1997. �
<br /> , � � � - ., 1 �
<br /> ' � � � . aCE cr�dit Union Bys -8`t
<br /> '"�: •• � .�� Qao D. Syri Via� P ��id�nt
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<br /> a��►TS or ttsew�t�► )
<br /> ' . . ) s�.
<br /> �_oovtrrY os nooar.�s y
<br /> On thi� ZBth day oi ootob�r, 1997, bofor� mo a Notary Public, duly caaaission�d, qualifi�d !or
<br /> and r��idinq in said County, p�rsonally cam� a�orq� D. Syring, Via� Pra�id�nt of th� !Ci Credit
<br /> tJnion, lmoMn to � to l» ths id�ntical p�r�on whos� nan►� i� attix�d to th� ior�qoinq
<br /> instrurwat �nd �cknovrl�ciq�d th� �x�aution th�reoi to b� his voluntary act and d�d and th�
<br /> voluntary act and dMd o! �aid aorporation.
<br /> NIT11i88 my hand snd notarial ��al th� day and y�ar la�t tbov� writit�n.
<br /> r
<br /> � �IIERIII N�TAItY,Sble�t M�6nsN
<br /> ���►� _ SUSAN C.SCHWALM Notary Publia
<br /> �Y` „_N�Coin�•^ F�tp'Au�l�1998 .
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