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<br /> :�°�� 8orrpwws acrow accounl undK tM f�d�ral Rul E�taN SNtMrn�►!Proc�dun� Aot ot 1974 as�rtMnd�d ltom tYn�to tim�, 12 U.B.C.
<br /> _= 2dpt M aq.("FIE&PA'),unlns�nothK Yw fh�t�ppM�to th�Fund�t�u a lafar amoun4 If so,UndK may, �t v►y tim�,aoMot�nd -
<br />'.�t� hold Fund�h an amount not to nccwd Ilw N�sar amount. UndK may�ttmat�lh� amount of Nnds dw on th�baM of ourrsr►!dat� �:_
<br /> �.�9 �nd rNUOn�bM ntYntla of ucpendNun�of tutun E�crow ItKnf or oth�rwhs In eccord�na�wRh applbtble kw.
<br /> �_..
<br /> ,,��. Th� Funds shtM b� h�ld fn �n Imlkutbn who�� d�po�k� �n h�und by � fedKa� �Wnoy� inttrum�ntnHll'� or �ntky (inaludhy yi_
<br />,-� L.�nd�r, N L�nd�r ft �uoh m Instkutlon)a in my F�d�nl HortN Loan B�nk, l.�nd�r thaN �ppN th� Funds to pty th� E�crow Itwm. ___
<br />. ��' L�r►d�r may not oh��Bortow�r fa holdhp �nd appyinp th�Funds, �nnuaNy aiuNzfnp th��scrow �caount, or wrMyhy th� Eterow �Y_:
<br /> -'�a7 ItKns,unlN� LMtdM plYs Bortow�r ht�rNt on th�Fund�and�pplb�bM�w pMmks Ur►dM to m�k�woh a Oh�rp�. How�,I.�nd�r =
<br /> .� 7 may requk�BarrowK lo p�y a on►tim�ohsrp�for an indMmd�►! rMl�tt�t�t�x nportlnp Nrv��u��d by I.�nd1r h oonn�otion wNh �.y.
<br /> - � thl� lan,unMu appfiabM yw provld��otMnvM�. Unlns �n�pr�r�nt k rrw�d�or appNoYbla yw raquiroa htore�t to be paM,LenAer °
<br /> .:_,� sh�ll not b� nqubd to pay BoROw�r �nY lnbnst or wnhpr o�th�Funds. Bortow�r�nd l.�nda rtky WrM In wrkhp, howrwr,th�t
<br /> -' ht�t shaN b� paW on th� Fund�. Untf��haN plw to BortowM, wNhout oh�rq�, an tnnwi �aoountinp of th� Fundt, shOwlrq
<br />-_�� cndRs�nd d�bka to tM Fund� �d tfw purpo�a tor whbh woh drbR to tM Funds wu rtNd�. Th�Fund�a»pMdp�d u�ddkbn�l
<br /> ==== acurky ta aM wm�s�ound by thk 3�eurity InthumM+t.
<br />_� If th�Fund� hNd by Lrnd�r�ooeNd lh��mounts pKmMbd to bo hNd by�pptaabM i�w,UndK�MN scoount to Borrowrr(or th�
<br /> - - �xc�ss Funds In accordRnc�wRh th� nquk�rtNnb of�ppMc�bw iaw. tf th� unount of tha Fundt hWd by I.�nd«'at�nY tim� N not �
<br /> sutfbMnt to pay th�Ecorow It�ns wh�n du�,l.�ndK maY so notly Borrow�r in wrkk�p,and,h �uoh ota BarowK shtN p�y to Und�r '
<br />.,�,� th�amount n�caWy to mak�up th�dMfoNnay.Borrowa:sh�N m�k�up th�delbt�noY in no mon tlw� tvwM monthy payrtNnb, at �
<br /> - I.md�s sol�dkantbn.
<br /> Upon psym�nt h tuN of aN sums srcur�d by th(s S�ourlly InttrumK►t,L.�ndK�hat prompty nfund to BorcowK�ny Funds hNd by �
<br /> � Londu. If,und�r panpnph 21. Und�r shaN�oquin or s�N t►N PropKt9�L,�d�r�P►ior to th� �oquistion o►tsM of th� PropKty,�haN �
<br /> - :� apply any Fund� hNd by Und�r�t th�tlrn�of aoqukklon or aM as r ondk�hst th�sums s�cund by thk &cu►Ily Insbum�►G f
<br /> 3. Application of Payment� unM.s.��M�w�rovw.s ocherw�., �A p�yrtNntt ncNwd by L�nd�►und�r p�r�{Ir�phs �
<br /> t �nd 2 shaM b��ppMed:firit,to my pr�p�ynNnt olurcp�s dw und�r tM Nob;�econd,to amounts p�YabN undK p�npr�ph 2;third
<br />=-— to int�nat dw;tourth,to prMcpal du�;Nd kst,to my yt�ah�rpn dw undK th� Nob.
<br /> 4. Char�es; I.ten�. Botrow�r thaN pay a tl tuas, assau�ne�, on.�, ma .nd �os�ons altrbutabM to th� Prop�Ay
<br /> _ wh�h may attah prlorRy ovK thie S�curiry Instrumsnt, �nd N�ahold ptymmM or pround nnb, N�ny. Bortow�r shaA pty tMN
<br /> obNp�tlons In th�mann�r provfd�d h pu�pnph 2,or R not p�W in that m�nn�r, Bor►ow�r shaM pay thKn on tknr dk�oty to tl�puson
<br /> ow�d paym�nt. BarowK sh�N prompty(umkh to L�ndK al notica of�mounts to b�pab undK thM panpr�ph. If BarowK mucK
<br /> thsse paym�nri dinaty, BoROw�r fhaN prompty fumbh to Und�r ncNpb�vld�nch�th�paym«+u.
<br /> Borrow�r thaN prompty di�ohu�Ny N�n whbh hu prbrily owt thk S�curkyr In�pummt unlas Barow�►:(�)aprMt In wrkh0 to
<br /> th�paymmt of th�ohllpation s�cund by th�Nw► h �m�nnK�CCptabN to I.K►dK:(b)aontatt In pood hkh th�Nm by,or d�Nntb
<br /> ayalnst entorc�n�nt of th�Nm In,Iqa�procMdinos whbh In th�I.�nd�s ophbn op�na to p�wmt th��nlor�c«nmt of th�Mn;or(o)
<br /> •�cura kan th� holdM of th� IMn an WrNnNnt �atitf�atory to und�r subordiiafnp ih.xwi tv 'u`��wiur�Y ks:t�.�"'K. !!l...�
<br /> d�bnntna that anY Plut of tM Prop�rry Is �ubpot W a NIn whbh rtMy attah pbrky owr thk S�CUt1ty ImtrunNnf, LMtdK tn�Y pN�
<br /> BorrowK a notia�Id�ntlyhp th�Wn. Borrowrr shaM atkty th�N�n or Wc� on�or nan of th��atlons tat lo�th�bov�wkhh 10 days
<br /> of ths qNY�p of notic�.
<br /> 6. Hwrd or Property Insur�nc�. eorrow.r �haN k.p �n. �ro+r.�nM+a now .x�wq or n.n.m� .nond a+ m.
<br /> PfO�Ry hsU(�d lQlhft bi�by flf�� hILKd{h01Yd�d Wkhh th�lNRI'1%EM1d�d COYMiQ�"and�ny othK h�ard��YICIUdM1Q IbOds 01
<br /> Ibodiny. tor whfoh Und�r nquir�t tnturmc�. Thk N�unric� shtN b� mNntaYwd h th� �raunb �nd for th� pwbd� th�t I.�nd�r
<br /> rpuins. TM Insurmc�aartiK provtdtW th�haur�nc�shaN b�ohos�n by Bortow�r�ubJ�ot to 1.�►d�fs �pprowl whbh sh�N not b�
<br /> unnnwNby wkbhNd. If Borrowa hM to m�intah oowrp� dMCrb�d abou�� I.md�►may��t Lmd��optbn�obt�h oowra0�to
<br /> prot�ot UndK� riphb in th�Propltty h�ccord�nc�wkh p�r�pnph 7.
<br /> All hwmca polbMs�nd nn�waN MaN b�+�Pt�bN to L�nda�nd sh��inalud�a�1and�M morlp�p�olwr�. I.�nd�r sh�M haw
<br /> th� ripht to hotd tho poNoia and rwNwals. It I.�nd�r nqutns, BarowK sh�N prompty pM�t0 L�nd�r a1l rroWpt� Of p�id pnmiumt
<br /> u�d r�rnwal noticas. In th�rwnt of bss, Bortow�r shaN phr�p►ompt notic� to tM b=urmt�oartrr�nd L�•I.�nd�r maY mru
<br />- proo}of bss If not mld�promMN bY��.
<br /> UnMu I.mdK�nd eorrow�►otMrwlN prn�n wdth0,bwrana procMd�ibal b��pplMd to nttontlon a npak of tM Prop�rty
<br /> dunq�d, M th� ratorstton or np�lr h�conomla�IlY ha��M�nd Und�fs s�cudy M not Nss�d. N th�r�tor�tion a npdr k not
<br /> �aonomfctlly t�aabN or L�ndws t�curky would b� bss�n�d, th� h�unna�proc«dt sh�ll b�appNW to tM sum� aound by thN
<br /> S�curlty InsWm�nt, wh�Mr or not thm dw, wNh any �ooe�ss pald tu oorrowK. �f 8orrow�r ab�ndon=th�PropKtY� or doa na
<br /> �nswK wkhin 30 days • not�� 6•om L�nd�r that th� hsuanc� cartir ha oMKrd to attM � ayM, th�n I.�ndK nxY ocMot th�
<br /> - insunncr procNds• L.mdK rtwY uw th� procMds to npaY a raton th� Propwty or to p�y tums s�ound by thN 8�eurN�r
<br /> Instrummt, wh�th�r a not th�n dw. TM 30ifay p�rtod wiN bph wh�n th�notb�b pk�►.
<br /> - UnIKS Und�r and Bortow�r otlwwls��prM h w►kinp,�ny appNa�tbn o}procwd�to prMiolpal shaN not abnd or post�th�
<br /> ,�.�,� du�dRt�ot th� monlhy paym�nb n1�nQ to In pan�pnphs 1 and 2 a oh�np�tM amount ot th�payrrnnts. �f u�►dK Pu�pnPh 2�
<br /> th�PropKty k�aquind by L�nWr, Bortowws dpht to any hsunnc�poYaks and prxwds rqukinp irom du�to tM Prop�ty prbr
<br /> � - to th� �aqul�kbn shaN pus to L�nd�r to tM �oft�t of th� wms acund by thk S�curk�r ImWm�nt Mr►wdIaENY pdor to th�
<br /> a� ac4�kklon.
<br /> -�'=� 6. Qccupancy, Preaervatlon� Msintenance and Protectlon of the Property: Borrower'a Lwn
<br /> �`�.� Applic�tion; Le�wholda. BortowK shaM ocouPY, attblf�h,and us�th�P�opKty at Borrowwt prY�alpd ntid�nC�wRhin sbdy
<br />;'-`-�'� day�attK th�wnauUon o}thls S�curRy Imtrummt�nd sMN continw to oecupy th�PropKty ae Barowers prhoipal n�idKa�tor at
<br /> Nast orn yMr atnr th� dat� of occup�rwy, unless Lsnd�r otherwia� apna h wrkinq, whbh oonant shd nat b� unr��onaby
<br /> '"%� wkhhNd,or unlas abnu�tlnp oircumelu�e�t�ocbt whbh an b�yond Barovwr�oontrol. Borrow�r sh�N not dKhoy,d�n�or Yr�P
<br /> •�'� �' ths PropKty,allow th�Propwty to dNwlnnt�, or commk wash on th�Propwty. BarowK shal b�in dM�uR k�ny forldlun�ation a
<br /> •�� procwdinq.wh�thK aHA or orMNd. b bpun that h Lmd�s pood hkh judpnNnt could rKUk h forNkun of tM Prop�ty or oth�wk�
<br /> .w��nr1�W �.�.,.r �h. u.n er..t�d bv �hla S�euritv Inatrum�nt ar L�nd�s �CUrkY hteheG Borroywr nxy Curr tuoh a d�Nuk �r1d
<br />--- .«�•�r _'T� ..' .
<br /> .,..- -3:`.-
<br /> x nhatata,ns provid�d h puapraph 18,by o�usinp th�aotion or procMdinp to b� dbmbe�d wkh a rulhp th�t,in Und��pood hNh
<br /> , �� d�t�rmin�tbn, pncludos foA�Run ot tha Bomowws htsrost In th� Prop�rty or othK m�t�rid Ynp�tm�nt of th� IMn cnat�d by thk
<br /> f S�curity InsWm�nt or LM�d�r's acurly ht�t. Borrow�r ih�M�ko b� in dNauk M BorrowK. durYp th� btn �ppNoatbn proc�ts� Y
<br />, �a yati m�t�ri�ry hk� or inaccunh intametton or staEKrwnts to L�nd�r (or ta1Nd to provkM Und�r wkh �ny rtytKial htorm�Non) h -
<br /> ' • connsatbn with th�ben wldmc�d by th�Not�, hcludhq,but not NmkW to, np�mtatlons Conc�tnhp BoROwK'� ocCUp�twy of th�
<br /> • . PropKty as � prkiaipal rasW�►a�• If►hls S�ourky InsWrtNnt b on �bas�hok, Borrow�r shaA compy wkh �M th� provbbn� of ih� -
<br /> ��� laas�. If Borrow�r�cquirsa fN tkla to ths PropMy,the I�sehold and the ta tkM shaM not msrp�u�Nst th� Und�r�pr'ps t�tM :
<br />��� � m6rpif h writhp. Form xSa oli0 -
<br /> .
<br />� F1079.1Ma(19/Yt) Pap�II of 6
<br /> I 601 !•,
<br /> 1 -.. ---- - — �
<br />