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<br /> �0-3�--tes7 DEED OF TRUST Pepe 6
<br /> Losn No lfe�9d1 (Continued) :�7- 14 93�I
<br /> ��������������� ��
<br /> • IMn i0�nqukod by t�w�nd afUr noadalbn o}suoh Nolbe ol Dsf�ull and efler NoNce of S�b haNnp bsen piven�s requk�d by ww,e�N —.
<br /> � IM Ropaly�l Ih�Hm�and pl�ce of 6eN Ilxsd by H In such Nolics of Seb,eilher ee e whole,or In aeperste lol�a pereets a INm��s �,_,
<br /> TrttslM sh�M dem sxpedNnt,�nd In euch ader es II mey delermine,al publla auctian to Ihe hiphesl bidder ta cash In I�wtul monsy ol
<br /> IM UnN�d Sl�te�p�yabb�tt the IIrtN ol e�k. Truslee shNl daliver lo such purahaser or purchasera Ihereol Ils qood end suHlcNnl deed w E�
<br /> dNde conwyirrp the property eo sdd,bul wllhoul eny covenanl or warrenly,express or Implled. The recllels In such deed oi tny m�Ners �:
<br /> or f�C1f sh�l b�aoncluslvs praol ol Ihe Irulhtulnes�Ihereol. Any person,Includinp wlihoul NmilAllon Trustor,Truslee,or Lender, mey
<br /> putChas��l such teb. -
<br /> (by M nwy b�pMmlH�d by I�w,aM�r d�ducllnp�M cosb,lee��nd expenses ol TrusiM�nd ol lhi�Trusl,trwiudinp co91t of�vld�nce of
<br /> IMM In conn�ollon wMh aN,TrutN�sh�N�ppiy Ih�procNds ol sak lo p�yrtNnt ot (1��M eums�xpsndsd undsr fh�t�rrta ol fhM DNd of
<br /> Trtesl a undK Ih�lerms M IM Not�nol tMn repeid,Inciuding bul nol Ilmlted lo eccrued Inlerest end tafe cherpes, (N)all other sum�Ihen �__
<br />' aowrd hsr�by,�nd (HI)ths romslnder,II�ny,lo ihe person or peroort�lepally enUfied Iherelo. �
<br /> (o) Truats�may in Ihe rtNnn�►providsd by law poslpone sale ot all a sny patlon ot Ihe Properly.
<br /> Ren�dM�Nol ExtWNv�. TrustM�nd L�nd�r,and sech of lhem,ah�ll bs enlllled lo enlace plyment�nd perlwm�nc�of�ny Indeblednes!
<br /> a obAQ�Nons s�ound by thls DMd of Trusl�nd to sxerche�N riphfs and powero under IMs Oeed ol Trusf,under the Nots.und�r�ny ol lh�
<br /> RNat�d Ooaum�nb,a undK any olh�r�preertNnt or any taws now a hereafler In iace;nohvNhstnndlnp,some ar aN ol auch I�dsbledness
<br /> �nd obNp�Bons seour�d by Ihls Deed ol Trust mey now a heroefler be oiherwlse seoured,whelher by morlpcge,daed of trusl,pledpe,Nen, -'
<br /> �salpnmenl a olhe►wlss. Nei1Mr Ihe�ccepl�nce ol Ihb Oeed of T�tmi na il�entacement,whelhe►by caurt aatlon a pursuani lo Ihe power of
<br /> e�le a o1hN powstl coN�l�ed In Ihis Dsed ot Trusl,eheil pre ud�e a In eny mnnner �Recl Trustee's or Lender's riphl to resNzs upon w -
<br /> entora�ny o1Mr securily now w hasnftx held by Trustee a�ender,II belnp�preed Ihel Trustee end Lsnder,and e�ch ot Ihem,sheN bs
<br /> �ntlit�d to�nfwcy ihia Deed of T�i�nd any oiher security now a hsreaftar heid by Lender a Truslee In such ordsr�nd m�nner�s they or
<br /> Nihsr ol Ih�m rtMy In 1f»k abedule dhcrNion determine. No remedy conterred upon a reserved to Trustse a Lender, Is Intsnded to bs
<br /> sxcluslvs of Rny olher nmedy In iMe Dsed o}7rusl a by Isw provided w permifted,but eech ehall be cumuleHve end shaH 6o in addlHon to
<br /> �wry olher rsrrwdy plvsn In ihb Deed of Trust or now or hareeller exlslinp�f Iaw or In equlty or by afaluta. Every power or remedy piven by Iho
<br /> Nots a any ol Iha Related Dorsurn�nb to Trusfee or Le�der or ta wh�h eliher ot them mey be olhe►wlse entllled, mey be exercised,
<br /> conctxnnlly qr indop�ndenlly,kom Nme lo tlms and as oMen�s mey bs deemed sxpedlenl by Trustee or Lender,end eitMr oi Ihem mey
<br /> pursw Inconsisbnl nmsdbs. Pfolhirp in Ihis Deed ol Trust shaN be consirued es prohibitirq Lender from aeekinp a delldenoy judpmenl
<br /> �fleinst Ihe Trusla lo INe sxlent auch aclfnn ts permiUed by iaw. -
<br />� RptNit Fa tioNe�. Tnnlor,on brh�M nt Trustor�nd Lender,hereby requssb that�copy of my Notke of Osf�tWt and�copy of any Notbs
<br /> ol SaM und�►IF�Deed d Trust b�nMN�d fo�hom et IFro tddresses set talh In Ihe fkal panpaph of Ihis Deed of 1'rust.
<br /> WNvtri Eleatlon ol q�m�dMi. A waWar by any pariy o�a breach ol a provlsion ol thls Deed ot Trus!shaA nol consHlule a weiwr ol or
<br /> prsJud�s Ih�parhr's dphls otherwise lo demand elriet compliencs wilh thet provlslon a ttny other provislon. EbeHon by Lender fo purous�ny
<br /> remedy provlded in Ihls Oeed of Trusl,ihe Nnle,in eny Related Oacument,or proWded by letw shall not exclude pureuit of any olhet remedy,
<br /> end an eNcHon lo m�ks exp�nditurrr a io fake acilon lo pertam en oblipallon ot 7rusta under IMs Deed of Trust afler faYurs ol Truslor lo
<br /> perTorm sh�N nol eMecl Lender's►Fphl lo declare a defeull end lo exerclse eny of Iis temedie�.
<br /> ANorMya'FNf;ExpNtMi. II L�nder InsHlules any suil a ecllon lo en(ace eny of Ihe terms of Ihis Deed of Trusl,Lender sh�N be enHlkd lo
<br /> ncowr aoh sum as lM courl may�d)udp�rNSOnabN as�tlaneys'tees�t lrlel md on any eppsel. Whelher a nol an�cotxt�cHon!s
<br /> Involwd,�N rwsonabk e�ensMS Incurtsd by Lender wh�h In Lsnder'e opinlon are necessery al�ny Nme la ths protection of ile Intenst a IM
<br /> enforcemsnl of Ils►fphts sheR become e p�rl ol Ihe Indebledness peyabb on demend and sheM beer Inlerest al lhe Nole rete hom Ihs dsls of
<br /> expsndltun unlH replld. Expensss covsred by lhis p�r�preph Inciuda,wlihoul Ifmltallon,however subJecl to any Amits under eppllCabls I�w,
<br /> Lt�d�r:�#arss�t:'!�uhsth8r ar nat thar&ts�=awsuH�In�ludln�aticxnayr,'is:�tor ban;rt;p�,-y�rccaari�rips(irs�.iudir�p.Y�ris i��ai{iy u
<br /> wcab�ny aulom�lb nlay a InJunclion),�ppqis �nd tny �nl�lpaled posl-Judpm�nt cWlsceon seMCes, Ihe cost ot ssucMnp ncads,
<br /> obt�inlnp NIN nports(Inciudlnp fa�osun reporis),stxvsyoro'reporls,�ppnlsd lees,ttik Insur�nce,and fes�1w the Trustes,lo Ih��xlent
<br /> p�rrMB�d by app9cabN taw. Trusta�ho wIM pay�ny court aosls,in addlllon lo�tl olher sums provlded by tew.
<br /> Rlphb of T►ustN. Trusl�e sh�N haw�N of!M riphh and dutbs oi Lender as sel forth in thls seellon.
<br /> POWERS ANO ONLIOATIONS OF TRtJaTEE. Th�toNowinp provfslona rsl�Nrp lo Ih�powsrs�nd obNp�tlons ol TruslM�n pa�f of ihb 0»d of
<br /> Tru�l. ,
<br /> PowK�a�l TruNN. In addiNon lo dl pow�rs ol TnntN�rislrp u�mNNr o(Mw,Trusbe ahd hav�!M powK fo f�k�Ih�tallowlrp�cNons
<br /> wNh nlp�al to tM Rop«1y upon tM wrltlNt nqu�st of Under and Truslor: (e)Jotn In prspeNrq and flNnp a m�p or plal M tM ReU Pro{�rfy.
<br /> IncludMp Ih�d�df��lbn of eMds a olher dpht!lo tM pubMc; (b)ldn tn qraMinp�ny e�ssmenl a cretttnp any restrlctlon on lh�ReN PropMy;
<br /> �nd (o)join In�ny eubo►dneMon or qiher eqreement aMecHnp ihis beed ot Trust or Ihe Inlerest d Lander under ihls Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trust�s. TnnfM atMN meel aA quaNACattons requlred tor Trusloe under eppltcebb taw. In eddlMOn 10 the riphis�nd remedies sel torih�bove,
<br /> wHh nlMel lo�N a�r►y pn!d lhs Prop�rty,the Trust�e ehaN h�ve ihe dphl to tareclos�by nvlky and sde,and L�nd�r ehaM h�w Ih�tfphl lo
<br /> la�clo�by wdlci�l IorsCosun,in�Ilher c�s�In eccorda+c�wMh end to Ih�fuN�xtenl pro�idsd by�ppNabls kw.
<br /> Sucoeuo�Tru�le�.Lsnder.Q Lender's opHon,rt�y hom Nms lo Nms�ppolnt�euccessp Truslee to am Trusts�•ppdnfsd Mnunder by�n
<br /> Instrum�nl uncuNd tnd�cknowlodp�d by L�nder and ncad�d In lhe oMce o(Ihs ncorda ot HALL County�N�bnska. TM Inslrumeni aMN
<br /> cont�ln,ln�ddHion to aN olher maNers requked by stele le,�►,!he nemes ot tMorIp1na�L�nder,Trustee,and Trustor,tM bodc end p�ps(or
<br /> comput�r systsm nNnnce)wMn Ihls Deed of Trust Is recorded,end Ihe nsme and eddren of the auccessa Irusles,�nd the Imtrumsnt sh�N
<br /> t»�x�culed�nd�cknowbdped by�M Ihs hsneAclsries under Ihe Deed ot Trusl or theM successors In intenst. Ths succ�ssa kuslN,wilhoul
<br /> canwy�nce ot tM Property,sh�A succeed lo�A Ihs Iltle,power,and dulles conferred upon Ihe Trustee In Ihh Dsed of Trust�nd by�pplicabls
<br /> law. ThFS procsdure Ior suballluHon of Iruslee shnN povern l01he excluston of eN othsr provlsions lor subaHlullon.
<br /> NOTtCES TO TNtf�TOR AND OTFRR PARTIES. Any nollc�undsr Ihb Deed ot 1'rusf ehaH b� In w�ilirp,may b�ant by lelN�csimN�(uMets
<br /> o11NrwFS�r�by hw),�nd sh�N b��M�cHw wh�n�cfwiy deliwnd,u when d�po�it�d wllh�n�HonaNy r�copniud owr�tphl courNr,a,If
<br /> m�M�d,shM dMmM MI�oNw wh�n deposN�d In ths Unlled SY�tes m�H Ilrol ciasa,cs►IIMd a�ep�slersd m�N,posh�prp�ld,dir�cl�d fo th�
<br /> addnss�a thown n�u 1h�bpinnlrq ot Ihis pesd of Trust. Any perty mey ohenps ils addrsss fa noNCes under this Deed of Trust by plvinp famsl
<br /> wrlH�n noHa fo Ihs othsr putbe,spsctfylrp ihal ihe purpos�of the nol�s Is to cherps ihe p�rt�e nddress. AN coples o(noHces ol Iaeciosur�kom
<br /> Ihs hdder ol any Nen whkh has prlorlly over Ihls Doed o/Trusl shall be senl to Lender'a address,ss shown neu the bepinnlny of Ihls Deed of Trusl.
<br /> For nolky purpos�s,Trusla aass�to keep Lender end Trusiee intormed el eM Ilmo�ot Truslor'a curtent addnss.
<br /> MIaCF1LANE0lld PAOVIlIONS. Ths tWowinp miscNlaneous provlsions cro a psrt of thb Deed of Trusf:
<br /> Am�tNNnlM�. TMs Osed of Trust,topether wllh any RNded Documenb,consNtutes IM entlre undastandlnp�nd�preement of Ihe paANs es
<br /> to Ih�matlKS al tath In Ihis Deed of Trusf. No elierallon of a ertrendment to thfs Oeed ot Trusl shell bs eBacNw unbsa plven In wrlflrp md
<br /> slpned by IM p�dy or partles souphl lo be cherqed or bound by the�Iteration or emendmenl.
<br /> Appik�bta law. Thb Deed ot Tru�t h�s been dellve�ed to Lender and accepted by Lende�in the Stele ot Nebnska. Thb Deed ot Truat
<br /> �hMl bs qov�med by�nd comtrued In sceordence wHh the lawa of ihe Stale ot Nebra�lce.
<br /> C�plbn He�dlnps. Ceptlon headinps In Ihis Deed oi Trusl are for convenlence purposos only end aro noi to be used to Inte►prel a deAne Ihe =
<br /> provhloni of tMS peed of Trust. °
<br />•- 6Mrplr. TMn�h�N b�ao m�rp�►of lM Inl�nst or�slaf�crNted by Ihb De�d ot Trust wNh�ny olher Inleresl a�sitle M lM Properly al any -
<br />= tlrtN hNd by a ta IM b�n�At of L�nMr in�ny qpacNy,wHhoul lhe vrritten consent of Lsnder. _
<br />- INUIdpN Parfl��.AN obllptllons ot Trustor under ihis Deed ot Trust aheN bs Jo�nf and aeveret,snd n0 reterences to trusla eheN meen eech and
<br />_ �wry Trusla. TNs mlt�ri Ihll each of(fN psreo�t!Elpnlnp belOw b rosponslbb tor 011 obllpeNOns In ihls Deed of Trus}. -
<br /> S�vet�bNly. !t�court of compsfent Jurtsdlction}Inds any provlslon ot ihls Deed of Trus!lo be InvaNd a unenlorceeble as to any poraon or =
<br /> ckoumsl�nc�,suoh Andlnp sh�M not ronder th�l proNslon invalld or unentaceebN as to any other persons a clrcumstances. It te�aWk,�ny =.
<br />� such ofl�ndlrp provhion nh�M b�deemed to b�modifled lo be withln the Amlls ot enlace�bllily or veNdity;however,it Ihe oHendtnp provFsion
<br /> _ cannol b�so modlllsd,It shall b�slricken end all other proNSlons of thb Deed of Trusl In s8 other respecls dhall romsln velld nnd enforceebb.
<br /> - Succ����d As1ip��. SubJect lo ihe Ilmltallons slaled In lhls Deed of Trusl on IranslK ol Trustw's interost,lMs Oeed ol Trust shatl bs
<br /> bindir+p upon�nd inure t�ths beneAl of the pertles,thelr successore ond asslpns. II owne�ship ot the Propsrty b�comes voslsd In e peroon
<br /> other Ih�n Trusla, Lender, wilhoul nol�Ce lo Trusior, mey doal wllh Truslar's successas vAlh retoronce lo lhl� Deed ol Trusl end Ihe
<br /> Indebtedness by way oi labeerance or extenslon wilhoul releoslnq Trustor hom tM obHpellons of thls Deed of Trusl or Ileblilty under Ihe =
<br /> Ind�bledn�ss. _
<br /> � • •�
<br /> . _ . . .. . ..._..__y___ . ___�-�,..-�---_._._._„_
<br /> � . _�_......a.::... .....1.____,. _.__ _ _ _ -- - °
<br />