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<br /> 4.ASSI(iNMFNT OF LEAS��. Upon Lcndcr'R roqu�st,Bocrowcr Rhall a�.vign to Lcnder All lc,ascs of�hc
<br /> PropenY �nd �I aocurity deposita mado in connoctjon w11h Icasca uf tho Proputy.Upixi thc R+signment, Ler�dcr
<br /> ehall have tho dght to modlly,oxtcnd or tcrminato tho cxiadng teases and to cxecuta ncw Icascs,in Lcndc.r'e xolc
<br /> discrctbn,As usod in this peragraph O,tho word"k,a+c" shall rt�"eubkaso" if thc+S�curity lnawmcnt b on a
<br /> lensehold. ,
<br /> Borrowu�bsolutcly and uncondIdonally wsigna md tiwiefcre w Lender all tho rcnt�and rovenucs("Rcnis")of eho
<br /> Property.rog�rdless nf to wham tho Rcnts uf tha Property ue payablo. Boirowu authorixcs l.enda or Lencicr's
<br /> agents to coUat the Ra�ts.and agcees that each tenant of tha Pmperty atiall pay the Rents w Lender ar Lendu'a
<br /> agents.Howcva. Borrowex ahaU reccivo the Rents untU(i)Lcnder has glven Borcowcr notke of dcfault pursuant w
<br /> paragraph 21 of the Saurity Insuumcnt an�(ii)L.endcr has given nntice w the tenant(a)�hxt the Rc�ts aro to ba
<br /> paid W I,a�da or Lra�der's agenG 'It�is assignment of Rcnts consGitutes an absolute aSStgnmcnt and not an
<br /> a�stgnme�t for oddidon�l socurlty only.
<br /> If Luida givw noticc of bru�ch to Borrowr.r.(i)eU Rents roceivod by Borcower shal!be hold by Bamwu a�
<br /> nustea for the bencfit of I.ender only,to bc applied ta the snms socured by the Sccurlty Instrumcn�(iq Lcndu shaU
<br /> be endtkd tn collact �nd receive all of the Rents of the Property; (iii) Borrower egroes Ihat each tenant of the
<br /> �Y�PaY Wl Ret�ts dtM and unpAtd w L.et�du or Lcndu's agents upon Lettdcr's wriuen dematd to tho
<br /> te�an� (iv) uniess aPPlicable law provldss otherwise. ell Rcnts collectecf by Lender or l�du's egenb shall ba
<br /> appliod first ta the cost�of taking control of and managing the Property end collecdng the Rents,including.but not
<br /> limited W�ettaneys` fas.recelver's few�Pnmiums on recelvu's bonds.repair and maintenance costs,insuranca
<br /> premiumy,taxes, �se,gsments and other charges on the Pmperty,and then to tha sums secured by thc Securlry
<br /> Inslrumen�<v)Laider,I.�.nde�'s agents a any jndicL�lly appoinud recetva shetl ba liable w account for only those
<br /> Rents sctuslly receival;end(vi) Lendu shall be endtlod W have a recelvcr appofnted to take possession of and
<br /> manage the Fmpacy ead colloct the Rents and profits duived from the Proputy without any showing as to the
<br /> inadequsicy of the Propaty as secudry.
<br /> If the Rents of the Praputy are not sutficfent to covu tha costs of taking control of and managing the
<br /> Propecty und of collocdng the Rents any funds eapended by L�dex for such pu�poxs shall bocome indebtedness of
<br /> 2lo�rowei to I.a�da socured by the Socurlty Instmment pursuant w Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> g�;ti��•��y ��t wA�rancs thu Barrower has not execuud any prbr assiAnmenc of the Rents and has
<br /> not and wW not paform any act that wonld pnvent Lender from exe�cising its dghts under th�s paragraph.
<br /> I.ender.a La�der's agenu ar a judicislly appointed re�eivex.shall not ba requirod to eater upon.talce control
<br /> �f or malntein the Property befa'e a efux giving notice of default to Boimwer.Howevu, L�enda. a Lenda's
<br /> agent�or a jidfci�lly oppointod roceivu.may do so at any dme wlxn a default occ�ut. Any applicetion of Rents
<br /> shall not curo or waiva eny default or invelidace any otha right or rert�edy of I.ender.7his essignmu►t of Ra�ts of
<br /> ttie Ptoperty elWl urminaZe when all the swns socured by the Securlty Instcument ara paid in fu11.
<br /> I.CR06S-DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's default or bresch undu any note a agr�xme�t !n
<br /> which I.encla has en lntr,sesc shall be a bnach undu the Security Instrument and I.ender may invoke any of the
<br /> n,�nodjes wed by the Socurity Instrumcnt
<br /> BY S NIIVG BELOW,Borrower aocepts and agra,�to the terms and provisbns cantatned in this 1-4 Family
<br /> Ridcr. .,
<br /> .�v` (Seal) Seal)
<br /> - O M SMTTfI -Bortower ME IE A 9MI -Borrower
<br /> _ (S�) fSeal)
<br /> •Horrowe� -Homower
<br /> �•67 1f3a�.o� P.o•�o�� Form 5170�lOs
<br /> ��� '�'�`�:`g��'�$?�,4 .,t : �;.�'•�i°�`i '" —_- --- _ _-
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