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AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: <br />Advantage Title Services <br />503 W Koenig St <br />Grand Island NE 68801 <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO <br />FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. <br />AFFIDAVIT OP ATTORNEY -IN -FACT <br />SS <br />201302962 <br />COMES NOW, Jeremy James Hardwick, VP Loan Documentation for Wells Fargo Bank, being <br />of lawful age and sound mind, and, having been first duly sworn, states the following: <br />1. I am the dilly authorized and acting Attorney -in -Fact for HSBC Bank USA, N.A. under a <br />written Power of Attorney dated February 17, 2009; <br />2. Said principal is the owner of the following described property: <br />The Northerly Eighty and one -half (80 1/2) feet of Lot One (1), in Block One Hundred Forty -eight (148), <br />Union Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />3. Said Power of Attorney authorizes me to act on behalf of the principal for the purpose of <br />selling the above described property, and to execute all instruments necessary in the <br />performance of said authority; <br />4. Concurrent with the execution hereof, I have exercised the authority vested in me by virtue of <br />said Power of Attorney by executing a Warranty Deed to Fairbanks Real Estate, LLC; <br />5. As of the time and date of the execution of said Warranty Deed, said Principal was alive, and <br />I have no knowledge, actual or otherwise, of the death of said Principal, nor any knowledge, <br />actual or otherwise, of termination by revocation of said Power of Attorney; and <br />6. This Affidavit is given for the purpose of inducing said Fairbanks Real Estate, LLC to accept <br />a Warranty Deed executed by me in reliance upon said Power of Attorney. <br />SUBSCRIBED AND SWORt1 to before me this day of 2013 <br />Notary Public eAfe <br />Cam`-' <br />