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<br /> TOCiETHBR WITH all the improvenknte now or herexfter erocted on tho propcny. aixt ull cascrncnts,nppurtenanccs, and
<br /> iixture.� now or hereafter a part of the property. All rcpinccments and additlono shall al�o be covcrcd by thly Sa:utity
<br /> Instcument.All oP the foregoing is referrod to in this Security Instrument es the"PropeAy."
<br /> BORROW�R COVENANT5 thnt Borcowtr is lawfully stiscd of the estate nereby ranveyod and hu5 thc right to grnnt snd
<br /> convey tt�e Property and that the PropeRy is unencumbercd. except far encumbi�ncea of rocord. Bormwtr warrantx and wlll
<br /> defend gcnerally the titie to the Property against ull claims and detnands,subJat to any encumbrnnce9 nf record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMBNT combines uniform cavenents for natfonal use and non-uniform cnv�nu�►ta witl� limited
<br /> variations by jurisdiction ta conatitute a uniform security instrument covedng real praperty.
<br /> UNIPORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender covenant and agra as follows:
<br /> 1. P�yment ot Princippl pnd Interesh �'rep4ymmt and Late Charges.Borrower shall promptly pay when duc the
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidenced hy the Notc and any prepaymcnt and late chatg�s due under thc Note.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes stnd Insumnce. Subject to appllcable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shsll pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note. unul thc Note is paid in full,a sum("Fands")for:(s)yeurly tauw
<br /> and assessments which may attain priodty over this Securiry Inst�nt as a lien on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold payments
<br /> or ground rcnu on the Property,if any:(c)yearly hazard or property tnsurance premiums;(d)yearly fload insurance premiums.
<br /> if any; (e)yearly mortgage tnsurance pitimiums. If any:and (�any swns payable by Banower to Lender, in accoTdance with
<br /> thc provls[ons of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgaga lasurance premiums.These items are callal"Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excad the ma�cimum amount a lender for a federally
<br /> rclatcd mortgage loan may require for Horrower's escraw account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Pmcodures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amended from dme to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another Iaw that eppliea to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so. Lender may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excood the lesner�nwunt.
<br /> Lender may estimate thc aawunt of Fum1s due on the basis of current data arxi reasonable estimatcs of expendltures of future
<br /> Bscrow Ittms or otherwise In accotdance wlth applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shap be held in an tnstltution whose deposits are iasured by a fed�ral ageacy. iastrumeatality. or entity
<br /> (inctuding L.ender,if I.ender is such an institution)or fn any Fodoral Home Laan Bank.Leoder ahall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escmw Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds.annually analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> verifyiag the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Bonower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits I.ender to meke such
<br /> a charge. Howcver, Lender may requtre Bonower to pay a one-dme charge for an independent real ostate tax reporting servlx
<br /> usod by I.endcr in connectton with this laan, unless applicabte law provides otfxrwise. Unless an agrxment is m�de or
<br /> agglirs�k!eW r�uir!s 4nter�st i�t+r r?�d, irnder shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or esmings on the Funds.
<br /> Barrower and Lender�may agree in wridng,however, that interest shall be paid on t6e Funds. Lender shall give to Horrower.
<br /> without charge, an ennual acoounting of the Funds, showing eredits and debl�c to the Funds and the purpose for which a�ch
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.Thc Funds are plalged as additional securiry far all su�ns secured by this Sccurity Iastrupitnt.
<br />' If the Funds held by Lender exaod tho amoants pern►itted to be held by applicable law. L.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in eccordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the anwunt of the Funds held by Lenckr at�u►y
<br /> dme is not suffictent to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notity Borrower ta writing,and.In such cas�Borrower
<br /> s6all pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more th�n
<br /> twelve monthly paymente.at L.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums socured by this Security Instn�ment, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower�ny
<br /> Funds held by Lencier.If, under paragrnph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Propecty. Lender,prior to the acquisiti�n or s�le
<br /> of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of a¢quisition or sale as a credlt against the sums socured by
<br /> this Securiry Inxttument.
<br /> 3.Applkatlon oi Payments.Unless applicablc law provides otherwise,all payments reoeival by I.ender under�wngrnpha
<br /> - i and 2 shall be appliat: ticst,to any pmpayment charges due under the Note; sa:ond, to emounGS payable under puagraph 2;
<br /> third,to interest due;fourth.to princtpal due;and last. to any late charga due under tho Note.
<br /> _ 4. Char�ea;Liero. �iorrower shull pay all taxes. assessments,charges,�nes and impasitions attributuble to the Prope�ty
<br /> which mny attain prlodty over this Security lnsuument,and leasehold payments or ground r+ents, if any. Borrower shAll pay
<br /> � these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or jf not paid in that msu►ner,Borrower shall p�y them on time diratly
<br /> � to 1he person owod payment. Bonower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notias of ernounts w be ptid under this paragreph.
<br /> � If Borrower mAkes these paymenGc directly�Bomawer shall promptly furnish to Leneier receipts evldencing the p+4yments.
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy diacharge any lien which has priority over this Socurity instmment unless Borrower: (a)agras in
<br /> � writing to the payment of the obligatIon secured by the Ifen in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in goad faith the lien
<br /> � by. or defends against enfnrcement of the lien in, legal proccedings which ia the L,ender's opinion operate to pnevent the
<br /> t enforcernent of the lien;or(c)secures from tlie holder of the lien an agrxment satisfactory to Lender subordinnting the lien to
<br /> �
<br /> this Security Instrument. 1f L.ender determines that any part af the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> ; this Security Instrument, I.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien Bonower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> � more of the acttons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notic�.
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