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<br /> Ttitt�sxceed the orlpind princlpa al mount atat d Ihsroi�S T77t.OU0 00 Iny suma a ��ver la�great���ty��Is Deed of
<br /> 18.Mise�ll�ou�Providnn�.
<br /> (s Borrow�r Nol l�l��s�d.Extenslon of tha time for payment or moditicatlon af Amnrtizadon af the sums aecured by thta
<br /> of Tn�at prented by Lendet W eny successor In Inte�►�at oi Barrovrer shell not operete to releaae,in any manner,the NabIH-
<br /> ty of ths orloEn�l 8ar�wer and BoROws�'�at�aors In intero�t,Lender shall not be requlred to commsnce proceedinpe
<br /> ipainet wch succx�wr or rofuss W sxtsnd dms for p�ymHnt w othsrvWss modity amortlzetbn ot fhe sums aecured by thia
<br /> Dssd of Tnnt by roaeon of eny demands made by the orl�inal Borrower and Borrowers aucceeeora In intmeat.
<br /> (b)L,ond�r'�Powsrs.Without affsctinp th�Ilabllfty of any otherpstion Iiable for tM payment of a�y abll�atbn heroln men-
<br /> llonsd,snd without effectlnp the ikn or cherge M thle Deed of Tnnt upon eny portbn of the Property not then or theretotore
<br /> reie�aod a�cewrity for the full amount oi ap unpald obllpaUan:..londor may,fn�m Umo to Umo and withnut notice(i)rete�ae
<br /> any pason so N�ble,pi)sxtsnd the maturky a elter my ot the terms of any such obilDetlona,(iii)prant odier Indulpenoes,(iv)
<br /> rnls�se or rsconvey,or cauos to be roba�sd or reconvsysd at eny dme at Lenders optbn any parcel,portion or ell ot the
<br /> PropsRy,(v)taks or releasa any other or�dditlonal�sairity ior a�ry oblipauon herofn msndoned,or(vi)meke compoaitiona or
<br /> other�rrarp��nenL wRh dsbton In rolatlon tlt�nsEo.
<br /> �c)Forb�nna by L�ndK Not�Waiwr.My torbearance by Lsnder in sx�r�fslrp�ny ripht or remsdy heroundsr,or oth-�
<br /> erwise efforded b�r epplk�ble lew,shall not be e waiver o/or predude the exercJae of eny such ripht or romedy.The procuro- 1
<br /> ment of Ineurance a the payment of taxea or other Itena or chargea by Lender shall not be a weiver or Lender's dght to ecceler• _
<br /> ats fhs matu�ity of the indawtedneas aecurod by thla Dsed oi Trust
<br /> (d)aueas�as�nd Assipns Bout�d;Jolnt and�v�nl Liabllfty;C�ptbns.The covenants and agroements heroln oon• Q
<br /> fafned shaN t�lnd, and the riphts herour��er ahall inuro to,the reepecdve eucc�essoro and asstpns ot Lendar end Tnstor.AM �
<br /> covenanM end aproements oi Truator ahall be Jolnt end eeveral. The capUons and hesdir�ys oi dte paragreplts of d�Deed d SZ,
<br /> Tru�t aro ta convenience only and are not to be wed W Intarprot a deAne the provlalone hereoi.
<br /> (s)R�qwst for Nodus.Ths perties hsroby roqueat Mtt e copy o1 eny ratice of defauR hetsunder and e oopy of sny noHce `C^
<br /> of�sk hsreunder be maNed W each peAy to this Dsed o1 Trust N tfie addross sst torth ebovs In ths mwxwr Pres�xibed bY �
<br /> eppRceMe k�w.�xcept tor any othar nodos roqulrod uodar�ppNcat�b taw to be gtven In anott�sr manner,any raUoe provkbd for
<br /> (n this Deed ef Truet shaH be given by maNinp such nottce by oerlMsd rtwN addressed to ths oMsr partls�,at the addross set
<br /> forth above.Any rwtice provWed for fn thK Desd ot Trust ahaN be etfeetive upon mailinp in the manner d�slpne�ed t�ersin. H
<br /> Truator is more tt�an one pereon,notice sent to the addrosa aet toAh ebove ehell be not(ce to all sueh peraons.
<br /> that L��hroTn�ata rwdcs P��e Y��P�� �A��so�a bl�cau tl ro or n+leted��i�dsr�tsr-
<br /> est in tl�e Pro�erty.
<br /> (y)R�eoriwyanc�.Upon payment of all aums aecured by thia Deed of Tnist,Lender shall roquest Tn»tee to r000nvay the
<br /> Property and ahall sunander this Deed of Tniat end ali notes evidenctnp indebtsdneae secured by thie Deed oi Trust to
<br /> TrusDee. Truatee aheli roconvey the Property,witl�out wartanly end vrilhout diarpe to the peraon or psieon�s feg�Ny entided
<br /> Iheroto.Trustoreh�H pay ali oosts of recor�datbn,N eny.
<br /> (h)P�nonN Prop�tlyi ��!►/►prwrrwM.As addfdonal eecurily for the payment of the Nole� Tniator herot�y Qranta
<br /> Lendsr undsr ths Nebraska Unifortn Commerdel Code e security�teroat in ell Axturea,equipment,and otlbr psrsooM propsrty
<br /> ueed tn cannectlon wfth the roal estate or tmproven�ents located thxean,end not othervuiae dedarod or d�emsd to be e part al
<br /> ths rset eet�te�cured heroby.This Insuumsnt shaii be conawed es a 8ewriiy nproement under aaid�o�ie,rnd v�e Le�n�;ei
<br /> ihall hws�II the rl�hta and remedbs of a securod paAy under sald Cods M edditlon to the riphta and rorr�edka cxs�led under
<br /> and acoorded ths Lender pureuant to thls Deed of Truat;provkled that Lsnders ri�hts end romedtse undar t�ia p�rspraph ahaM
<br /> be cumulativa with,end in no way a Iimitatbn on,lendara�{phte end remedbs undsr eny ofher aecurity tproemsnt sf�ned by
<br /> Bortewer a Tnntor.
<br /> (t�Lt�m and Encumbranc�s.Truator hereby wananta end �epre�enb that thsro is no dsfeuit w�der ths proviNora oi eny
<br /> mort�e�e�dsed of trust�ba�e or purcheae oontrect deacdbinp al or any p�rt oi ths Propsrty.or dher oa►lract.katnxnsnt or
<br /> aproemsnt caudtutlnp e Ilen or encumbrancs apatnat all ar eny psrt of ths P�operty(cdlecNvely,'l.tem�,exhtinp as d the
<br /> date ot fhl�Deed of Tniat,end that any and all exiadry�L{ens rorruln unnwdHled sxc�pt as diaclaed W Le��(n TnxEors writ
<br /> ten diecloaure ot Ilena and encumbrancea provided for herein.Tn�ator shall timely pe�form ail of Trustor� obltpitbns,
<br /> covenanta,reproaenMtions and warrantles under eny and all exiatY�pp and tufuro llene,ehall promp6y farwerd to Leaisr oopie�
<br /> W sU notbes d default aent in connecUon wNh any and eA exiadnp Qr futuro Ltens,and shall not witlwid Le�xfers prior wrNten
<br /> consent in eny manner modtfy tt�e provlslons of or allow any future edvancee under any exbtlnp or tutur+e 1{ens.
<br /> U)�PP��o(PaynNnb.Unlas othervviss requirod by law,sums p�k!b L��dsr hsrs�x�d�r.k�cludMp without Nmihtion
<br /> peymenta of prindpal end Interest, insurence proceede,conAemnetion prooseds and ronri�nd profib,eheM be spplisd by
<br /> Ler�der to the amax�ta due end owing from Trustor end Sorrowa In euch a�der sa Ldnder in I�S sob discrotion�eenn desir-
<br /> abt�.
<br /> (k)sw�rabNity.K eny provtsion o/thts Deed W Tnnt coMNcb wkh�ppl{cabis law or b dsclarod knraYd or oM�erwrisr unsn•
<br /> toros�ble.such oon111at or Invalidriy shall not affsat the other priovkion�of thls Dssd o�Trust or 1M Nob wlNch an b�pNien
<br /> sRed without ihs oonflk�ting proviaton,end to this end the prov(sian ot lhis Deed oi Trust snd fhs NoOe sro dedarod to be sev
<br /> erable.
<br /> (I)T�rnK.The terms?rutGx"and'Borrower shall include both sinpular and plural,and wM+n the Tn�ebr and Baruwer aro
<br /> 1he aart�s psr�on{a),those tertna as uaed In thia Desd of Truat ahall be Intsrohangeable.
<br /> (m)Ciov�rnin�Law.Th�s Deed of Trust aha�l be govemed by ihe lawa oi the Stete of Nebraake.
<br /> . � �
<br /> Trustor haa executed this Deed of Truat ea oi the date wdlten above. _ _
<br /> '\ ' ,- . �
<br /> � �. n • -' � ,
<br /> /
<br /> JACK GILLES ) "�� (ALYCE GI LESPIE) T"'�0f �
<br /> V v v r I
<br /> TruaWr 7rustor �
<br /> I�Y:r�r........__......... .....i.. . .i_1' . . .. y�.�'sw...n•m...--.�+.�-a'�r_•i4�_i� . �._
<br /> . . .. ._. . ..._ ..... . .Yidil.. ............��._........_�
<br /> .'1 . .l . .r . �._ _ . .. .___.. _ ."_ —_ —
<br />