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<br /> THI5 DEED OF TRUST,Is ade a af the 28TH dey of OC70BER ,19 97 ,by and among '�
<br /> JQhn J. Giilesp�e, �Jr. aTca— aka Alyce M. c3iileapie c
<br /> whose maliing addreaa ts
<br /> 8259 E MADERO AVE. MF.SA AZ 85208-9999 (herein'Trusto�',whether one or more), �
<br /> whose mailing addresa is� p BOX ���•% LRMaD ISLAND N�A802 _(herein'Tructee7,end
<br /> ihe Beneficfary,
<br /> whose mailing eddress Is ���� N BROADWELL AYE��CRAND ISLANp NE 68803 __ (hereln•lender).
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lendet's extenslon of credit IdenUfled herein to
<br /> (herein'Bortower;whether one or more)end the trust heretn created,lhe reoeipt
<br /> of which is hereby ecknowled8ed�Truator hereby irrevocably grants, transfero,conveys and asatgns to Truatee, IN TRUS7,WITH
<br /> pny�FR oF SALE,for the beneflt and eecurily of Lender,under and eubject to the terms and cond(tiona hereinafter set forth,the roal
<br /> P��nf►described es follows:
<br /> Together with all buildinps,Improvemente,flxturea,streete,alleya,passageways,easements,dghts,privilegea and eppurtenencea
<br /> located thereon or fn anyw(se pertalninA thereto,and the rente,laaues and pro6ts.reverabna and remak�ders thereoi,and auch per-
<br /> sona�property thet(s ettached to tha tmprovemenb so ea to consNtuta e flxture,Including,but not ilmited to,he,aUnp end 000lir�y equip-
<br /> my�r n�i}�nnt}�nr yvifh 1hw Iufmw�fwe�0►R1et(tS!!sltBCe.^.�,t�any,wh�ch Intereats are hereby released and waived;all of which,indud-
<br /> Ing replecements and addltbna thereto,la hereby declered to be e paR of the real estate secured by the Iien of this Deed oi Trust and
<br /> a0 of the foregoing belnp referred to heretn as the'Properly'.
<br /> Thts Deed of 7ruat shall secure(e the payment of the princiPahaving a metuHly date nin NOVbEMBER 4�2002e or crodit agree-
<br /> ment dated OCTOBER 28 199� -
<br /> in the orfgfnai pdndpal amount of S 77•000.00 , and eny end all modiflcettona,sxtensbns and ronewals
<br /> thereof or thereto end eny end all futuro edvances end readvancea to Borrower(or eny of them N moro than one)herouncler pursuant
<br /> to one or more promissory notes or credit agreemenb(hereln called'Note');(b)the peyment oi other sums edvarx�id by Lencler to
<br /> protect the security oi the Note;(a)the pertame�ce ot ail covenants end agreemanta oT Trustor aet forth herein;and(d)ell preaent end
<br /> future Indebtednesa and obligattona of Bomower(or any of them ii more than one)to Lender whether dfreci,Indiroct,ebaoluta or contln-
<br /> gent and whether arising by note,guarenty,ovebreft or otherwise.The Note.Ihis Deed oi Trust end eny end sll other documents thet
<br /> secure the Note or otherwise executed in connection therewith, including wlthout ilmltatton guarantees, security agroementa and
<br /> ess{pnments of leases and rents,shall tw retemed to hereln as the'Loan Instrumenta".
<br /> Truator covenants end egreea wlth 4.ender as fWlowa:
<br /> 1. Payrr�nt ot IndeM�dn�ss.All indebtedness secured hereby shail be paid when due.
<br /> 2. TitN.Trustor is the nwner of the Property.has the right and euthority to canvey the Properly,and werrents that the Ilen creat-
<br /> ed horeby 1�e flrot and prior Ilen on the Properly, except for Ilens and encumbrances set toRh by Trustor In wrlting and delhrered to
<br /> Lender before execution of th�s Deed of Trust, and the execuUon and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not v(oiate any contrad or
<br /> other oblipetbn to whlch Trustor Is subJect.
<br /> 3.T�x�s.bs�ssm�nts.To pay betorti delinquency ell texes,speclal essessments and ell other charges egainat the Property
<br /> now or hereatter levfed.
<br /> 4.Insuranca.To keep the Property insured agafnst damepe by flre,hazards included within the term'extended coverege',and
<br /> such other hazards as Lender mey requtre,In emounte end with companles accepteble to Lender, naming Lender as an additlonal
<br /> named insured,with loss payable to the Lender.In case ot bss under such poltcies,lhe Lender is authorized to adJust,callect and
<br /> compromise,all clalms thereunder end shan have the optton of appiying all or paR of the insurance proceeds(i)to any indebtedness
<br /> _ secured hereby end in such order as Lender may determine,(!q to the Tn�stor to be used for the repalr or restoraUon of the Properly or
<br /> _ (ilq for any other purpose or object aetlsfactory to Lender without attecttnp the Ilen oi this Deed oi Trust for the full emount secured
<br /> - hereby betore such payment ever took piace.Any appifcations oi pmceeds to Indebtedness ahall not extand or poatpone the due date
<br /> - �r anv navments under Ute Note.or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> _..m��
<br /> 1 �6.Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor sheli pay to�enaer, it1 SUC�I Tanner es i.endter rriny�ica�no�o,v����..R�..
<br />. � sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more ot the tollowinp: (I)all texea,essessments and other charges agatnst
<br /> the Property, (Iq the premtums on the property insu�anca required heruundnr,rand (fffy fhn prarn{ums on any norigags lasurnce
<br /> required by Lender.
<br /> 6. Maintenance, Repaln and Complianc�wkh Lsws.Trustor shall keep the Property in good ctindition end repair, shall
<br /> promptly repair,or replace any improvement which may be damaged or destroyed;shal�not commit or permit any waste or deteriore-
<br /> tion of the Pro�orty;shall not remove,demollsh or substantially alter any of the Improvements on the Property;shall not commit,suffer
<br /> or pertnit any act to be done in or upon the Property(n vlolation ot any law.ordinence,or regutallon;and shell pay end promptly d(s-
<br /> charge et Trustor's wst and expense ali Ilens,encumbrances and charges Ievied,Impcsad or accessed agafnst the Properly or eny
<br /> paft thereof.
<br />„�
<br /> T.Eminent Domsin.Lender Is hereby essigned all compensation,ewards,demages�and other payment�or reliei(hereinaRer
<br /> r�oc xsr nu�r aw�w.arcn
<br /> o�oee nwc�nm+d coRn�o.rnn�r,a eaww�awwu«�.��.xa.w
<br />