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<br /> , . _, . ��, _ �.._�_.
<br /> .._ _ ____...' � . .,.' ' .. • s ,il�j..,7aaM'��rF+�. i „_�__'._�__ . . '`t . ��1tL4��._..
<br /> _ �.' �'��,liC w•-'•y� . 1 . .. .�et � L�4,',i` 1 .,.('. . . ,c.t, "/.A.
<br /> � II�i�71C�'!.�.l�r,.. '�.�t�'LC�I[l.:'++ach....n�:�fCi.�k,�N�W ,r�. � _ � ^,b.�ald7la._._.�..—�--_
<br /> :�iiiri.r�..�''+.:�i' »u�...::�:..--„--�•=---
<br /> M-siN�e- � �_
<br /> 4
<br />�;F�a,� _ PaQs 6 �
<br /> _ �o-,31_�gy� DEED OF TRUST _
<br /> .-. . �' Lo�n No 686265 ��"' �(� yo1..39 (ConUnuedD -
<br /> � . ; �_
<br /> �s•: (b) /1�may b�p�rm�ll�d bY�W���1�r d�quctl�►p�N coib,tNS�nd�xp�n�ss of TrustN��d o�thls Trusl,Inctudirp cosb ol wid�n�ol �
<br /> IIIM In oonn�cdon wlth aM,TrustM sh�N�pply ll►�procMde of wN to p�yrr�nt ol(I)�M tum��up�ntl�d undK th�IKm�of Ihk OMd o� _
<br /> �'r �' 7ru�1 a und�r 1M IKrtK o11h�NoM�ol tMn r�td,Indudinp bul not Nmlt�d to acausd Int�r�et and lat�cl�rQa� (N)�11 othK aum�th�n �-;
<br />•:� ���,.,, s�ctx�d h�nby��nd (I�)lM nmaind�r�M my.to tM p�rson a p�nont Ip�Ny mrilMd tMnto. �_
<br /> L• ,�,�.4.. (o) Tru�1N rt�y In th�mnnr�provld�d by kw palpor��N of�N or any pcwtlon M tM Prop�Ay. _
<br /> p�dN�Not ExciuMv�. Trustw and L�nd�r,tnd Mch d Ih�m,ah�N br�ntltl�d to�nlora paYrrNnl tnd pwformt�a o1 my InG�bMdn�u
<br /> .'' or obMp�tlon�secured by tMs DMd o}Trwl and to�xucle�ul�iphb�nd powes undlr thl�OMd o1 Trwl,undK ih�Nol�,undw�nY of tM _
<br />._� (iNaNd Docurtwnb�or und�►�ny oth�r�prwmmt a�ny laws nuw a twr�P�r In torco; noSwltlutandinp,some or Rx W such IndlbMdn�tt �
<br /> md cblf0atbta acund by tMt DMd of Trust tn�y now a hMMMM M othMwiN Naund�whNMr by morqpr�dMd of tru�f.pMdp��N�n�
<br />;-.:� �s�iynm�nt a ot h�r w i a. N N t M r t h��o a plana of ihb D»d of Trust nor ito�nforarnMt�whMh�r by court�a pu�wnl fo th�p�of
<br /> ul� or oth�r pow�s conlaln�d In thl�ONd of Trust,shall pnludla a In Qny mtnrnr aM�ct TruttM'�a L�nd�r�rl0h t to n�N s u p o n a
<br /> ,A..-.-- . � mfora any oth�r s�cudty now or MnNMr Mld by Tnptw or L�nda�ft Mirp�On�d that TruotM and Lmd�r,�nd woh of th�m.sh�N b�
<br /> � �n N 1 N d to entora thb DMd of Tnnt and�ny ollwr ascurf►y now c►hKKib►hNd by Und�r a TruttM In such aCM�nd rtwnn�r as fh�Y a
<br /> N1hK of tMm may In tMk absduM dbcnUOn dat�rmlrN. No nrtNdY con f�rt�d�►Pbut�aoh�s M�M b�oumul�riw and thaN� b�In tddlYonto W
<br /> •xcluelw o►any otMr nm�dy In thl�DMd of Trust a by law provid�d orp���d�
<br /> r .. �, .. w�r y o t h K n m�d Y p i wn In thlt OMd ot Trutt a now or hKMMw�xbNnp at kw or In sQulty or by flafuk. Ewry pow�r or nm�dY Q��
<br /> .': � Not� a any of tM FiMaNd DoaurtMnb to TnxIM or L�nd�r or !o w h l a h �f l M r o f l h�mt by trwlN�a L�ndK���ol Nwm rrwy
<br />::ti;-�`t��'. concurnnNY or ind�p�nd�^tN,Bom tlrtN to qnn and a oMn a rrky b�dMm�d��KM�
<br /> pursw I r►c onsisbn!nrr�dl�s. NotMrp in 1ht�Ds�d ol Tn�t shaN b�cortstrwd as proh�bltlnp LmdK kom�Iciny a dNfcwnaY l�On�nt
<br /> - ����r° �p�irni th�Tnbtor to th��xbnt such�ctlon I�pKmltMd by In�'.
<br /> V�."�'`'�1:*s�: R�qu��t For Nolky. Tnutor�on bNMll of Tnxtor and L�r�►�I�nbY nQt�b th�!R coPY of any NoHa of D�huN and a ccPY ol tny Notla
<br /> ^'i� ol SaM pndK thiz Ds�d of Trust b�malNd to tMm at ih��ddrus�s a�t torth In th�lksf ptnpnph of thb DNd of Tnist.
<br /> ----�"..: Walver, EketFon Of R�nMdM�. A waiwr by�nY P�Y of�bnaeh ot a provislon ol this DMd of Trust ah�N not comtituN a waiwr of a
<br />�•�=;L�!,�'� prejud�a tM putyra rphb othNwis�to d�mand abict compW►�wlih that proviaton a�ny otriw provklon. EI�ctlon by Lender to ptxsw anY
<br /> nm�dy provid�d In this D�sd of Trust,th�Nok,In any F1NaNd DoaurrNnt,or proNded by Itw ahul not exdud�pursuit of any oth�r nrtNdy,
<br />--r�r�-+�i�rr, md an eMcdon to m�ks sxpendituros a to tak�actlon fo pwform an obNpatlon ot Tndtor under thb ONd of Tnnt aMM hNun of 7�usta to
<br /> =:?'��?"�' � perform shaN not affect Lenders riph!to daclara a detauq and to exerchs any of Hs rsm�dMs.
<br /> _�?,_-
<br /> -- Atlorn�ys'Fe�t;Exp�nMa. II londor Instltut�s any edl or aoHon to�nfaq any of th�tarms of thls DNdW���n�.�c� �n�
<br />�•,� `t, ncova Ruoh sum u th�court may adJudpe roasonabl�u�riom�ys'iMS�t trid and on�ny�pp�a.
<br /> Invdwd,�W nasorubia�xpens�s�naurted by Und�r wldch In Lsndwa opinion ar�nsassary at any drtw for th�proteoNon of tr inl�nst a th�
<br />--''���` �nfaartNnt of ita rqhts shall b�cort»a part ol ttw Ind�btsdnas pay�bw on domtnd�nd ahaH bur IntK�st at lM NoM rat�Mom th�dat�of
<br />.`_'==;;.,�-+� ur�unW npaid. Exp�nsM cowrad by thb Pu�pnph I�ud�,wRhout Nmffatbn. how�wr subj�ct to any Amib undor apl*cabN law,
<br />!«�i'��� �i^y auMtomado�Stay�oMlnlu �nctlo�)���PPK�a�iny�ind�dpiUd�N�dOfmmt c�dl�ict�b"�aMVia�,�t►►���co�t�o s�uo►�n0 nc�y�
<br /> • ,^ pbt�lnlnn dIN rporb(indudirq fa�losur�npats)�surwlron�rePorls�aPP►�ba�f��tltM Insunna,and tMS tor th�TrutM�.to th�pcbnt
<br />-�� p�rmi(i�d by app{{eopb taw. Tnrator rJso L�II!pny any couA cosM,��addltlon to aN olh�r aums provliti�sd by I�w.
<br /> _ •_-���� ��y�T�, T���p.W 1u�w aN of ths AaMs and dulla ol Und�r as a�t fath In thb saCNon.
<br />-°-'"�.� ppyyEqB ANp pOLI0AT10M8 OF TRUSTEE. The ldlowlnp provislons nlaHnp to ths powKS and obIlNWtlons of Tnnw�aro part of tt�fs 0�ot
<br /> �x,�;�� Tnnt.
<br /> =-�� PowKS of Tru�tN. In addlHon to all powKS of Tnntee arblap�s a matler of I+�w,Tnutee shaM Aaw thr pow�r to tak�tM(oNawkq+clions
<br /> wlth rrsp�ct to tha Property upon tha wdrian r�quest of Lend�r and Trustor: (�)jdn In p�sparinp ind tNinp a map a pkt of th�Fial Prop�rN�
<br /> - - Uq�dlrp tIN d�dica8on of str�els or othsr rlphb to ths Dubib; (b)Jdn in prantlnD any Ns�nMnt or cxMtlrp any nttbtlon on th�FiMi Prop�rty;
<br /> Y---°---- and (o)lan in any subordnatlon or olhK WrNmsnl afNoflnp ihb Dwd of Trust a th�Inl�nst M Unde►untN►tF�it DMd of TtusA
<br /> --- TruaM�. Trust�stuN rt�t aN qwNAc�Nons nGukW(a TnKtM unda�PP�bM law. In�dditlon b th�riph}s and nrtrdiK sM laih tbow�
<br /> ---- with rupect to�110�any rt of th�Prop�ly.tM Tnrs1N sh�N havo th�dpht to fonda�by nol b��»�L�d�s►NM haw tiw rlpM to
<br /> -'-.�:� lonclo�by Judicial t�uro�in Nther exs�in accad�nc�w8h and to th�/ull�oA�nt proNdW
<br /> ""°°.� gu�por TruMN. l.�nd�r.at undws opbon�may fom 6rtw iv u��w�iy�►c��t a sts,:,�ti..�Tct��s to attq Tn�a�..�r�Nnl�d hr�ind�r by an
<br /> --- Instrum�nt�x�cubd and adcnowNdp�d by L�ndsr and rscaded In the o}M1a W ih�roeotdet of W�Lt Co�nb�N�bri�C�. 'Th���Mu^w^t sfi�N
<br /> --- conhin,in addMOn to�II othK matt«s nquind by at�N law,th�ntma of tM odO�rW Und�►�Trus1M,and Tnntor.th�book�nd Dp�(a
<br /> computer sysbm nNnnw)wh�n thfs DMd ol T�t b racord�d�and tM narr»and addross of tM suoo�ssor bru�tw.md fh�Irntum�nt sh�N
<br /> — b��x�cubd and�dcnoMMdp�d bY RN tM b�nNicMdM undK th�DMd of Trust or fMlr suoassort In Int�n�L 1TN suoo�aa trt�,wNhout
<br /> - --- conwyana of th�Prap�rly.s►Kq suocwd to aN tFH N1N,D�.and dutln conhrnd Won th�Trustw In thh DMd d Trust and bY�ppNcal*
<br /> law. Thit proadun tar subsUtudon of trusl»sha110owm to tM�xdusion of aN olMr provlslor►s tor subsUtutlon.
<br /> NOTICES TO TRllSTOR AND OTFIER PARTIES. Any notbs und�r th�s Ds�d oi T►uat ahaU b�In wrfdnp,may b�ae►►t by fNMac�knlN(UnMa
<br /> �-+�:�o�i� otMrwfsa rpulnd by law)�and sMN W`M�c1iv�whsn actuWy d�Nwred,or wMn doP�with a n�lbnaNy ncoC�o��Oht cotxMr.or,M
<br /> ._ -- malNd.sh�N b�dwmM�MacNw whan d�posftsd In th�UNt�d StaUs mW tkst d�as�c�d a nqkbnd maN�Posiap�PnP�d�dncMd to ih�
<br /> addnss�s shown nMr th�Wp�nnlnp.of ihk D�d o�Tnnt Any p�rty may chanp�Its addn�s lor noqow undK thls DMd of 7rust bY pNinp fornNl
<br /> 0
<br /> - -- wtitWn notlo�tolM Othir P11rtN3�sD�M�V� t tM purPos�of ih�noda b to oharp�th�partys�ddr�u. AN Cop{�s Of notlCa3 Ot fot�dO�tr�hOm
<br /> �_� F otla PurP��TrUstor ayrepss to kYYp�dat and Trustao in�torm�d at dl 1l�rrNS of Trus�s�ctxnr�t ndd�th�bpinninp ot this D»d af Trust.
<br /> -����
<br /> .�..,�l :
<br />___�� MISCE].LANEOUS PROYISIONB.TM toNOwinp mhceN�rnous provtslons us a P�a thb Owd of Trusr
<br />-`:,:�.�,,,o,F An�wlnMnts. TMs OMd of Truat,topolhK wNh any RNaMd Dooum�nts,contHtuMs ih��nUn und�rstandnp and apn�rrMnt of th�pu1Me a
<br /> ;,-. .T to tM matt�rs s�t foAh U lhb D�sd of Tnnt. No alwntlon of a am�ndm�nt to thls D»d of Tnut sMN b�MNcNw unfl�s pfwn In vrritlrp�nd
<br />-�`��':.�+�: sqn�d by th�pYrly or partNs soupht to W ahup�d o►bound by tM NkraBon or am�rMm�nl.
<br /> _,=t._;,.. �.
<br />_� AppNeabN L�Mt. Thla ONG 0�TNit 11�bND dfNYR�10 LMdK Mld�Nd bY LNM�K MI!IN S{M�0�NWfMIt�. Trils ONd Of Trwt
<br /> ~ �hall bt pov�m�d bf►a�d co�sW�d In�ccadanes wltA 1M laws of th�S1M�of N�bnNu.
<br />� � Cp�{pn Hwdlnps. Capdon Madinps In thls Da�d ol Trust an tor conwnNna purpoas only and w not to M us�d to InMrpnt o►cNAns ths
<br /> - provlslons ot this D�sd of Trust.
<br />- �� . M�tpir. There sh�N be no rr�per ot the Inter�st or estate asNed by lhis Oeed oi Trust wHh any other interest a estete�n U�s PropedY at any
<br /> •� tirtw hald by a tor tho benefit of Lender in any capaclry,wHhout th�wrlNen eonsent ot Under.
<br /> S�yK�plNty. It a court of compot�nt JurVSd�tlon tinds any provfsion of this DNd of Trust tp b�InwNd or unanfora�bta as to my pMSOn a
<br /> .. circumstance,suoh Hndinp shdl not nndK th�t provlsion Invalld or un�ntarC�abb as fo any otM►pasora or c�rcumsttnas. If Nasibl�,mY
<br /> � ���•�"' such ofhndir.y provlslon shaN bs de�rtwd to b� modNl�d to be withln th�Nmlb of snfaaablllty or vaNdity;how�wr,H lhs Whndnp provM�on
<br /> cannot b�so modifbd,It ahaN ba sMdc�n and dl othu provlsions of this DMd of Trusl in W otMr asp�cta s1u�N nmNn valld and N►toraabN•
<br /> °'.- .. _ _ _. . ...._.�._..__� ��...�.�...�...,i r.��.�..re i�f.r.ef.!hk Drd ef Trutt ah�h�
<br /> '_-:-.r -
<br />� $YCC���Of�MM1 A{N¢I�. SUOJ�t to ttN�mrtanont s�wwo m wws vwa.n ..w....••�••••�• �. ..—.-�_...._.--'• � -
<br /> other tMn 7rostorintx�t��bs�nefit o�f�p�a ��ta��Y�a�rus�a s I�uoo�aaora�with tnt�nn�a�to thls OMd of�Trust�nd t�i
<br /> . Ind�bt�dness by way of forbeann�w or�xt�eston wllhaut rakasinp Trustor irom tM obNpaHOns of thb Dwd of Tn►st a MabiYly urtdK th�
<br /> Indebtsdness.
<br /> Tlnw ta of tM Easme�. Time�s ot the sssence in th�pertormance ot thls De�d oi Trust.
<br /> Waiven�nd Conwnts. Lendor shall not bo d�em�d to haw walwd�ny rphb undar thls DNd of Tnnt(or undK ttw RNaNd OoCUrtNnb)
<br /> unNss such w�iwr b In wrilmp�nd alqned by Lend�t. No dNay a omksslon on tM part of Und�t in sxe�cisinp�ny ri�hl�h�l op�raM�f a
<br /> walvsr of sucn riphl or any other rqht. A walver by any pady of a provfslon of thls DeM of T►usl shau no1 ConsNtut�a wdvnr of a pnJudla lh�
<br /> parry's rlyht othanwfse to demand stdcl compi�ance with 1Mt provfslon or any other provfslon. No prtor walwr by L�nd�r,na tny co�xa�of
<br /> dwNnp b�lwwn Lender and Trustor, shall cunstitulo a walwr of�ny of Lendor'e riphb or any of Truslor's oblip�Nar� aa lo my futun
<br /> transa�Ctlons. Whansver cortssnt by Lender b requlnd ia this Ds�d of 7rus1,lM pnntlnp ot such cortsent by L�ndar in�ny Ins4na thaN not
<br /> eonsNtul�contlnulrp consent to subssqwnt InsLnces wMro such cons�nt fs roquk�d.
<br /> � �� � _ .
<br /> i - -
<br />