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<br /> .. : ExHiBir� � 9?" ! O`1 ��
<br /> ' The foliowing are addenda to the Mortg�pe. Pleas�chRek thw appllcabl��dd�ndum. The '
<br /> addendum checked ahall be incorporated into,�nd recorded with,the Mortgape. Ths term'MoKg�ge'
<br /> shall be deamad to include"Deed oiTrust,'if appliqble.
<br /> THIS TAX-F�(EMPT FINANCING RIDER is made thls 31 day of Oct. ,1�� and is
<br /> incarporated Into and shell be deemed to amend and aupplement the Mottgage. Deed of Tn�st or
<br /> Security Deed("Secu�ity InstrumenY)otthe same date given by the undersigned('Boaowe��to aecure .
<br /> . Borrowers Note('Note')to . -
<br /> Mountain Weat Finaacial, Inc. , A CaliYornia Company
<br /> ('Lender)of the same date end covering the property described in the Security Instrument�nd located
<br /> at
<br />� 1012 North Oak, Grand island, NE 68801 ,
<br /> � (Property Addressj
<br /> ' In additton to the covenants end agrcements m�de in the Security Instrument,Borrower and Ltnder
<br /> . ��rfher c�+ynant an�a;��ta�m�ad P2r�gr��h 9�f th�M�le!M!+rt��gz F�rtn. entt�•�•r,r���r.�±�f�+r
<br /> ,.i�;; Acceleradon of DebY as by adding addfUonal grounds tor acceleration as fotlowa:
<br /> .. ••�� .
<br /> � Lender,or such of its successors or assigns as may be separate instrument xssume
<br /> . rasponsibility for assuring compfiance by the BoROwer with the provisbns of thfs Tax-Exempt Financing
<br />- • Rider,may requir�immediate payment fn fuli of atl sums secured by this Secudly Instrument i�
<br /> , (aj Atl or part of the PropRriy ts sold or otherwise transferced by Borrower to�
<br /> � purchaser or other transferee: . .
<br />� (I) VVho cannot reasonably be expected to occupy the proparty=s a
<br /> .- principal Resldence within a reasonabte t3me after the sate or transfer,all as provided in Sectlon 143(c)
<br />�, and(I)(2)of the Intemal Ftevenue Code;or _
<br /> �� • (m Who hos had a present ownerohip interest in a prindpal Residence
<br /> i: durin�any part of the thrce-year period endin�on the date of the sale or transier,dl as provided in
<br /> � Sectfon 143(d)and(I�(2)oi the Intemal Revenue Code(except that'100 percenY shall be substltuted ior �
<br /> , '95 percent or more"where the(atter appears in S�ction 143(d)(1));or
<br /> � (fii) At an acquiaftion cost which is greater than 90 percent of the�ver��e '
<br /> ;. area purchase price(greater than 110 pereent tor targoted area Residences),ap es provided in Sectien
<br /> ' 143(e)and(1)(2j of the Internal Revenue Code;or � .
<br /> �•
<br /> ' (iv) Who has a grass family income in excess oi the apolicable percenta�e '
<br /> s, of appllcabie median family income as provided in Section 143(n and(I) (2)nf the lntemal Revenue
<br /> Code;or ,
<br /> T :':
<br /> .�.
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