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o� 5r 4 o <br />A A 0 q-1 <br />1 <br />tr — �� � r1 ` yI i r' <br />(p Ic <br />d� <br />82-- ioU2833 <br />s <br />` zt) <br />. 51 w <br />vs <br />Z ear, e� • ' <br />• a. o0 <br />_ . i r _ ec.L �,�e _ <br />�� . S. E.Cor. z -R -/f <br />/ ,-„ / n <br />- r 1 \ :.r.14/. Car .5eAt. ar-5�- // <br />0. <br />Plat of tract of land comprising a part of <br />the. Northeast carter (NE4) of Section 'Pen (10); <br />part of the Southeast Quarter (SIila) of Section <br />Three (3); part of the South Half (5t,) of Section Two (2); and part <br />of the Northwest Quarter of Section Eleven (11), all in Township <br />Ni,ic (J) North, Range Eleven (I1) hest of the 6th P.M. in Hall <br />County, Nebraska, more pnrticulurly described as Follows: <br />1/ <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter (N(i'.i) of said Section Ten <br />(10); thence easterly along the north line of snicl Section Ten (10),a distance of One <br />Thousand Three Ieungred t?ighty fight and Sixty Three Hundredths (1,388.63) feet; thence <br />deflecting left 20 16' 53" and running northeasterly, a distance oF Seven Thousand Sixty <br />Three and Nine 'Tenths (7,063.9) feet to the cast line of said Section Two (2); thence . <br />southerly along the cast line of suid Section Two (2), n distance of Four :kindred Twenty <br />Three and Forty Five Hundredths (423.45) feet; thence deflecting right 47 36' 52" and • <br />running southwesterly, a distance of Three Thousund Seventy Eight and Forty Five hundredth! <br />(3,078.45) feet to the south line of said Section Two t2 }; thence westerly along the south <br />line of said Section Two (2), a distance of Four Hundred Twenty Five and Nineteen Hundred- <br />ths (425.19) feet to the South One Quarter (Sla) corner of said Section'Two (2); thence <br />westerly along the south line of said Section Two (2), a distance of Two Hundred Thirty <br />Two and Ninety Five Ilundredths (232.95) feet; thence deflecting left 21 30' 30" and <br />running southwesterly, a distance of Five Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Seven and Four hung <br />dredths (5,457.04)•feet to the west line of the Northeast Quarter (NB►a) of said Section' <br />Ten (10); thence northerly along the welt line oF said Northeast Quarter (NE4), a dis- <br />tance of One Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Six and Twenty Five Hundredths (1,976.25) feet_ <br />to the place of beginning and containing 249.193 acres more or less. <br />1 hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the accompanying <br />plat is from an accurate survey of the described property mode under my supervision. <br />• EXHIBIT A <br />_C-1444.4 ,t/ r / <br />Charles 8. Beer L.S. 192 <br />201302861 <br />BENJAMIN E ASSOCIATES, INC. , - ENGINEERS f, SURVEYORS - F.O. IIOX 339 GRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />Scale 1" - 1,000' <br />'MARCH 19, 1982 <br />