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<br /> �" wer of tale,the followlug dacrlbod propaty Cowny oi -
<br />�- . grants aad eaaveye to Tivata,in m�st,witi►Po ,Suu of Nebruica: _,
<br /> ''''` flALd+
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<br />?`?-:�.ir, . whtch h�s the addnaa of a6� sovTx xir�w� s��r,axJwn sss.�a �l (lurein'PmP�rtY��")
<br /> (ctryl ,Nebraeka 68a oi �
<br />�:k:..� � and�11 easemente. d�t►ts�
<br />;w.,.��
<br />_..�r:� TOCiETHER with all the Lnpmvementa now or hereaRu esectod on p .
<br />�='_:�;:r� appurtcaa�s�nd rents(su�bJ�ect however to the rlghts md auihoof the PropertY�ered by thi�Doed�Tr�ut��,nyd
<br />_;� such reata).aU of w�ich sh�il be deesaed w be u�d���ld atate If th9s Deed of Trust i�on a le�uehold)�ra
<br /> s all of the foregoing,to8ether with aid pmpertY(
<br /> �_��,�`�.. berein�fter nferred to is tUe'Pmp�rtY"; .
<br /> - `� TO SECURB to La�der the rep�yment of iho..,_� c.-3��by�rn�wer a aote d�tod
<br />'°"`'r;;.�.. in the principal wm oi
<br />-•;!�� OCTOBBR 07, 19 97 and exteasioas and ce�'s1a thereof punin"Note").
<br /> ' `,�;.,.�� with iaurest thereon�Provldia8 for monthly InauUmeau of pcincipal�nd iatenst�
<br /> "°" U.S.S 25,001.00 + :
<br /> �� if aot�ooner p�id.due aod Pry�ble on oCTOBBx 14, 2017
<br /> wlth the b�lu�ce of the indebtednes��
<br />'-;� tLe psyment of aU other sum�.with interat thereon� adva�:ad ta�ccocd�twe henrvith w protoct the�ocudtY of thls
<br />�:;�,�cp:�� Deed of Tnur,�nd the pedorn�of the covea�au and�g�nu of Borrower herein contained.
<br /> _-,�:.:.--- Borrower oovetnnu th�t Borcower is Iswfully teised of tbe eaaf Tere��n�of�:+eoo�rd.Bo�iro�wer�eamu
<br />:,._`.��'�- convey the PropertY.ujd thu the ProperiY id uaencumbered.e�� aiast dl cl�im��nd dem�nds��ubjax to
<br />_�.�: ':"�J-�: thu Boiroaer wusanu and will defend 8eaeraUY the tltle to ihe PcapettY�6
<br />-`V,�'�`:"i� ea�umbr�noe�t of rxord.
<br /> -�:,�--w-�; �s follows:
<br />�..:,�� LTNIFORM COVBNANTS.�w�����oov�t �Y WY wlxu duo tho principtl �nd inte�at
<br />--�i 1. p�ymeot o[Pe[ociPd
<br />-- - indebceclneu evldeaced by the Note urd lue chu8a as Pmvided in the Note.
<br />�--J'�'� 2. ��4[oe T�uu�wd Iioau�asxx.Subject to �pplicable k�v a a Nritua wdver by L�eada.Bormaer�ll
<br />�~'"=r':�� p�y to I.ender on tbe day monthly pa u of princip�l and inureat u+e pay�ble under tLe Note.antil ttia Nota b
<br /> `�-:�,;�� pdd ia full� a ium (heKin " ") «!wl to one-twelfth of tha yeuly taxa �nd wa�m�u (��
<br /> .�.:,.�; oondominium aad pl�aned unit developmeat asse.umenta. iimY)which m�Y acc�►prio�tY over tWs Deod oi Truu.
<br /> °=-�� md ground ceaq oa the Prope�tS►� if any�Plua one-twelfth otyeuly premium i�t�llmenu for hwrd ia�i�YP�
<br /> �`.T�=� one-taelith of ye�rly prem�ium inst�llments for mortg�ge inwrance. ii anY, all aa reuonably estim�ted
<br /> —'"---"'°•"�� {rom�to time by Lender on the b�sfs of�aaeaaa�►ents aad biW aad reas°nable admatcs theroof. Bore+oNa�ull
<br /> --1-���.
<br /> ��`�� aot be obltgual to m�tce auch pa!�menta of Funds to Lendesro tLe axtent that Borrower m�kei�ch P�ym�t°tb°
<br /> `�;,��. holder of s prlor mortgage or dad of aust if euch holder is�n lmdtutienal tender• its or�oc�unu oi�vhich
<br /> _--..__M�.�� If Bosower prys F�nda to Lender.the Funds s}ull�ld in�er if��I�eader i�a�iuh m in�dtudou). I�eader
<br />;�;,.�:.":• ire inaured or 6wruueed by a feder�l or stue�ge�y ( �B
<br /> iaaurnoa Premtums��i1�8 u.L�eada m�Y��f�
<br /> ;�;:°�°;��: � �hall apply the Funda to pay eaid taxes.xssessmenta, eaid aasasme��nd biW.
<br />- . ..-;•'- � tor ao holding aud�pP1Yin8 the Funds.en�lYzlnB aaid accowt or verifying ts Leader to m�lte such a c�at�e.
<br />�.;�.. licable law permt
<br /> i � '' ;w•• ' unlps I�ender paya Borrower inurest on the Funda u�d�PP
<br />'� � - Borrower and Lrender may agroe in wcitiag u the time of ezocudon of this Dad of 1Yust th�t inta+est on tl►e Furdt
<br />',"� ment is �de or appliqble law requires nsch i�ues+ac to be paid�
<br /> ehall be p�id� to Bormwer, and unless such agree
<br /> Lender shaU not be required to pny Borrower my intecrst or eamings on the Fund�.Y.ender ahdl give to Borrower�
<br /> withouc cherge, an aanwl accoundn8 of the Funds shvwing cralits end debita w the Fuads and the�O���
<br /> r; i� whish ach debit to the Funds wu made.The Funds u�e pl�dged as*dd'donal securiry for the aums �2,
<br />- Doal of Ttust. -
<br />- R' �-7a�NE)1i6011 �p�1d 6 ��/ _
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