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<br /> executcd fur Ihc par�wrK:nt'rrcnUnp,�curinµ�►rµui�rm�i�lnµIlir ti����ur�rQ I)cl►I. Aµ�NHI fnilb Ixlicl hy I.�ndcr thzu
<br /> I.undcr nt uny thnc I�in�curc wfih re.�x�:�lu nny�xrNm ur rnllly uhll p•nitd��u�I�u�ccurr�l I)cbl or thnt Ih�pruspccl
<br /> O�iltly r1Ny111Ctl1 IIC INC VIIIU��II�(�IC PpIF1L'tly�fy Im�,uh�•�I riudl ulM�r�,ii��i����c iu��v�nt cif�Icfiud�.
<br /> ls. R6:MM plM:w(IN UP:l�AUI:1'.In r�xn.•hi��+�u���r,fc�i►�r�il nn�i�h�h� h�w will rrquf�c I��ndcr tr,pruvidc (irauitor with
<br /> unllcc ��f tho rf�ht t�i curc��r uthcr nu�iccr��n�l mny�•�i�il►Ifhh Ilmr M hi�ilui��r Inr f�urclinun;uctl+ntr.tiuhJ�ct lo Il�csc
<br /> Ilml�etiim�. IF eny, l.cndrr mny uc�clur�+tc �h�� lrcuir�l Itri�� un�l hn��clnr�� Ihir ti�curlly Invtru�i►cnt in u munncr
<br /> pruvid�d I�y luw iF(ir�uitur iy iu dct�nult. _
<br /> At Ihc upti�m uf l,�ndcr,i+l)�rr�iny p�ul uf Ua�uµic���l fr�•r+ui�l il�mµ�•v,nritnc�i Intcu:rl ►md principui stinll b�:�u�iic
<br /> fntmalixtcly duc wt�l payuhlc,uflcr Kivhiµ nullc��II ir��nh��d I�v luw, u�Hm �hc �k�ruric��ru ut n�Icfnull c�r unythnc
<br /> thcrcnilcr. In xddi�iun.Itindcr 4hNll Iw cnlHlyd lu ull�h�� �rm�•�II�ti��iu�ldrd hy Inw,lh��trrmr nf ihc ticcured 1)cht,
<br /> thi.rSeturfty Inxtrununt xnd uny rclptrd d�kumciuy,inclu�ih���wlUinn�lluil�uiiun,�lu��N�wcr I�i�ull Ihc I'ru�x:rly.
<br /> If thcrc i.r n dcGiult,'1'rustec shall.In u�.ldfllu�i In��ny���hrt�M��n�illril u•in��dy,nl Iliu irquctit�►i'Ihc IAndcr,ndvcrti�
<br /> xnd�U�hc 1'r���xrty nr u wholc ar In �pur��tr �nnrciv nt �►ul�il� +��i�liun In Ihe hlNhcst I+iddcr 1'��r cnsh�md runvcy
<br /> at�uwluze tidc f'rcc und cicar ut�dl ilKht,Ihlc ++ttial int��r�ti1 �d t lr�nt��r :1I YUCI)IIIIII' {U�II�1JNl'L` (!9�I'tu�lcc dc�l�nr�lc�.
<br /> Trusicc ghNll givc nuticc uf tinlc fncludinK thc Ihi��,Irimv in��l��IH�����f�+�k�Hn�1 n�Ic��iI��U�a�uf IHc pr�qxrty tu Ix��id
<br /> �i�rcquircd hy Ihc xpplicnhlc Inw iu cffcct iU�hc thur ul'Ilic��i�qw�•d,��l��.
<br /> Upon tielc of thc prn(x.rty nnd to thc cxtent nul�n��hil�iicd hy Inw. I iu,tr.�rhull inukc nnd drifvrr n dcrd tu Ilir Pru�xrty
<br /> u�ldwhich c�>nvcys�ib.a►lulc titlo li►Ih�purrhukr.�mA idtc� 11i,1�r,�yluµnll f�:�r,cluuµ+�r uud r�►s�y,qhull pny���1 xndcr all
<br /> moncy�+xdvunced for rcpxirs,tnxcr,Inwuuuuu,Ilcnr,���k�,mrnl+und�nfu� �•ncumhiurncr iu�d intcretit Ihirc��n,end 1hc
<br /> princlpal�nd intcrest�m�hc ticcurcJ Ikht,pHyhtN Ihc Rt�rplur,if m�y,�����i+mt�►r. l.cndrr mny pur�:hnu: Ilic Nn�►erty.
<br />- 'I'herecifniy in►+ny dc�d uf���nvey+�nce hhall tx prirmi f;�.le:t'eltletta�t+r Ilte I'i+cl�•.�:! [���11�ll��'�e��1.
<br /> Aq remedie.r xre dixtinct,cumulative und n�►t cx.rlu,irr,nnd ihc I rndrr ly unU�lcd io idl rcmcdlcs pruvidcd nt Inw ur
<br /> equlry.whether or not exprr�rly set G►rih.'1'hr+►ccrplunce 1►y 1.�•ndrr i►1 nny tinm In pHymrnt or�►nr1 inl puymcnt un the
<br /> Sccurcd Dcht aftcr thc bnl►uuc Is duc ur fs acccicr�il�d ar�►flcr G�ir�:lntiurc�n�K•cedlnKv nrc tilcd xhall nc�l c�►n�;lftutc n
<br /> weiver��f l.ender'�right tu reyuitc c�►rnplctc curc uf m�y exi�tlnµ�kf�u�lt.liy nnl exerclrh�K wiy remedy nn(irantnr'x
<br /> defeuit,l.�ndcr d�x:s nut waivc I.�ndcr's rlkht lu lntrr r�mtifdrr Ihc rvcut n�Icfluil�if il cunUnncv ur hnp�xn9 wKi�in.
<br /> 16. E7iPENSE:9� AuVANCF9 ON C()VF:NAN'1'y�A'1'1'IINNF:Y�1' Mt;M:!11 l'lll.l.t:l"1'111N 1:11�1'IW. I:xccpt whcn
<br /> pmhihitcd by luw.Ciruntor.�grecw lo p.+y all oi Ixmlcr'h cr�knk.r if�irHnt�rr hrcnnc��ony awcn���il in�hiH ti�:curity
<br /> lnstrumcnt.Grantctt wlll ulso pxy nn dcm�md�iny w�wunt fncurrcd hy I.�ndrr fur inrurink,inw�x:�•11nK, prc!�rvinK or
<br /> uthcrwl+� protcctfng thc Yr<�crly nnd l.cndcr'ti scrurity�n�crcxt.'1'hcu:cx�x�oky will Ik��r Intc►eK�frum lhc dwtc ut
<br /> thc paymcnt untN paid M full at Ihc highcst intcrewt r�dc in cffcct nr pr�rvtdcil in Ihc I�:rnty uP ihe ticcurcJ pcht.
<br /> Grantar ngrecx to pHy xll cnsts i+nd cxpcnses incurrcd hy I•endcr fn cullrclfnK,cnGncinµ��r Im►Icc�inK IxnJcr'ri rlp�hl+
<br /> und remedfes under this!�curity inst�umcni.'i'F►iy Hm��un€may iiiciildc,i��ui i: ���:i i�rati�:3 ii:,�t.:srssz J�!'sr�,astsr!
<br /> COtil9, imd othcr Icgal cxpcnscs.7'his Sccurity Instrumant c+hnll remnin in clfcct unlll rclru�d.tir�+mnr xgrec�to pay
<br /> fur eny rewrciation ccxts of such rcicasc.
<br /> 17. �NV�ItONMElVTA1.I.AWS ANU NALARQOUS SUlttiTANCt:y.Ar+u++cd In�hiv�:cti�►n,11►1'.nvirunmcmal I.uw
<br /> mcans,without IimitatiUn,the Comprchenxive Cnvirunmemxl Kcx�H►n�,t'�►m�xn���i��n Nnd I.INhility Act(CNR('[.A,
<br /> 42 U.S.C. �XiQI ct uy.),and xll othcr fcdcrul,stat� und (�xHl luw�,rcq�dHlinnM,�.�rdlnrnrr�,ruurt ordcr.�,ntlorncy
<br /> general upiniaey�r interpretivc Ieucrs ccmcerning the publlc hexlth,�ntc�y,wclfHrr,envlronm��m i�r n hazarik�u�
<br /> c�uhstancc;and(2) Huzardouw Substanrc mcans imy tnxfc, rndi�i++ctivc nr hM•rNrd��ux mMtrrl�l,w�atc,M�Ilut�nt or
<br /> com�minant which ha5 charnctcrisdcs which rcndcr the�utr.�U►ncc dnngcuu�v or�►IentiNlly JNn�cn�uK 1�►Ilw puhlk
<br /> hcalth,sufcty,wclfarc or environmcnt.'Thc tcrn�includcs,wfthc►ut Ilntlletfun,nny�uF+�lwncr.n�k(inrJ Mr"hMZ�nkiue
<br /> malerial;'"tuxic Fubstanceti;"'hnzatdous westc"ur"hezi�rJuu.r xuintuncc"un�kr Hny 1?nvfr�►nnxntrl I.ww.
<br /> Grontor repres�:nts,warrants xttd agrces thi�t:
<br /> A. E?xcept ss prcviously diecluscd end Hcknuwledged in writing tu l�nJcr,n�� fi�i.�nkw�Sui.Rlwnu�:Iw��r wHl t►c
<br /> loc.itcd,storcd or rcicascd on or in the Prnperty.7'hi+rc�trtctian d�n�N n�►�wpply �o�.mw11 yuwnNUer o�
<br /> Hiu.urdous Sutntunces thet nre gcnerally recagnir.ed tn tx�i��r�K►ri�tc G►:Ihc normMl u�e Nixl mM{nlunrnur uf
<br /> the Property.
<br /> B. Fxcept as previauyly discicncd and uckmiwlcdgccl in writinK tn I.�nckr,(irnnlnr and cvcry�c��wnt hxvc Fx�en,Nre,
<br /> xnd�shall remain in full cumpliencc wlth uny npplicnhlc C3nvir�mmrntHl I.uw.
<br /> C. drantur shall immediatcly nutify Ia:ndcr i[e rcica►c ur thrcutcncd reicn+w��f a ItxrarJ��u�tiuhrlatKr�Ktur���n,
<br /> undcr or xbout thc Pro�xrty or thcrc Is ii vlolutlon of eny 1�nvir�mmcntxl I.Nw co�xcrnin��hc 1'r�qnrty.In K�xh
<br /> an cvent,Grentor shall tnkc nll ncccssury rcmcdii►I xc�io�i in�iccurJNncc wllh xny I?nviu►nmcntal l�w.
<br /> D. 4rantnr AhNU immcd[ntcly nntify Lcndcr in wridng ns snun ��y Uri�nti�r hns n���c��n 1�►hclirvc Ih�•r�� la ,�ny
<br /> pending or threetcncd invcsliKati�►n,clxim,ur�ir�xccding rolHting to Ihr rdrHr�ur�hreat�:ncd �rlGn�uf r�ny
<br /> Hezardous Sutntnncc��r thc viulxticm of uny�nvir�►nmcntul Luw.
<br /> Ili. CONUEMNA7'ION.Gruntor will givc[.cndcr prnmpt nuticc of uny prnQlnµur Ihrrutrncd n.•Ilnu,hy prfvnl� ur
<br /> public entitics tn purchnsc or takc nny or:iU af ihc ProExrty throuKh rondcnt�tuNon.e�niur�U d��mKiu,ur Niry�Nhcr
<br /> mcens.Grantor nuthoriiss l.�ndcr t�intcrvcnc in C)rautur y num�: In any of the u1Nw��k�x•�ilk•I Hc�l��n.��r clN�m�.
<br /> Grantnr nssigns to i.�:ndcr tl�c praccciti uf�my j►wurd�rr rlidm 1'or d�muigc.r cunnccic�l wilh��cun•kuuu►Uan�nr��Ihrr
<br /> taking of all or nny pitrt of thc Yroperty.Such prcxceds shull Ik cunsidered��nywent,�u�d wlll Ik�qqdir�l�ir pu�vidc•I In
<br /> this Security Instrumcnt.Thiy nssignmcnt uf��r�Ke�dy iy tiubjcct ta Ihc tcrmy�►I'�iny prlur muilK�iK�•,il.-i�l u�U u�l,
<br /> sccurity ugrecment�r othcr licn documcnt.
<br />— 19. INSURANC�.Circ�nwr shnll kccp Praperly insurcd ��guln.r•t loss hy lirc. IIINHI, thctl und ulhcr h��iaid�und r�rkw
<br /> rcasc�nably usscxiutcd with thc Yro�xrty duc to i�s ty�x�md I�KrUi�nt.'I'hir in�ut+uuc,hull 1+.�utiitlntuincd in Iltr ammui�r
<br /> a��d for thc per��xls th�it IAndcr rcquirch. '1'hc insur►uicc r�u�ricr pruvidb�k Ilic iururc�ni:�r �hnll ik• ch�rru hy l ii�iulur
<br /> subjc¢t tn I.endcr's .��prov��l.�vhich shnll nut hc unrcusuni�bly wf�hl���ld, li'(ir�mt�►r 6�flti�n m���nt�u�i�h���•��«�r:�K�•
<br /> dcuribed ubcwc.l.cndcr nttrv.at IAn�icr'c:uption,ohtaiu c�wcr�igc lo prutrrl I.rn�l�.�r'��I�dil�m Ih�• Ihn�x•�IV u<<�n�ilnti
<br /> tatha:tcrms uf this Sccurity Instrumc�tt.
<br /> All insuruncc pnlicicw�md rrnewHis shell F►c ncccp�i�hlc t�►I.�ndcr�md Khnll includc u�inn�lard•'o�.h�K��clwuw"uoJ,
<br /> whcrc nppllcahlc.°IO55�lilyl'C l'IiIUSC."Cir�►ntuc .rhnll innncdintrly n�Hil'y I.cndcr uf r;mcrlhiU�►n��r����miiu��I�N��►t ih��
<br /> insurancc.I.�ndcr shull hc►vc thc right 1��h��ld Ihc�x�licicv nnd rencw��k.11'I,�n�i�r�r��uhrr,l i►anl.,r hh.�ll Umncdf��tGly
<br /> - givc W l.endcr nll rcccipis�i(pi�id rrrmfums imd renr�vid n�►tirr�.U�xm I�ny,(iruntur yhall�;i�c e�m�t�•di,�l�•m+1h��1��
<br /> thc insuruncr cnrricr iind Lcndcr,la:ndcr�nuy mnkc pruuf'uf I�r.;y if nat mndc innncdiulcly by t ii;n ilui.
<br /> - i�,.���i�r
<br />-- O 1N1 B�M�n 6yN�n+�.Inc.61 Cbud.MN(1•l00�9Y1•1]41)1'am NI.U7�NF.F'6W
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