. . " .,. � ._-�:::;�_;:
<br /> . . .., -,�.:-�.�
<br /> � .. .. ,. . . , . . : ....;-�.,,.;,,-� ;�,...., . . . . � :..�._r��::-:-. __ ----
<br /> _ � _--� - - -,,�:,-h.,�.7:T;;,��"��'�=:�:.�,._ �r`_�..y:� ___ -
<br />_ . . �r. . . . �►•�•wrr• -�.�� •.,N,-..,,,.,.• -w- . ..r- .._-- —
<br />-v . . ��. 4
<br />:��� . 97- /0 9���
<br />- ,,�� . �
<br />��,,
<br />�;,.,,,_ '�� � confNCb wkb �pplic�bb kw,suoh aonWCt�htN not afhot othK provi�bnt ot thit SPaurky InsWmont or th�Nob whbh can b�
<br />�ir,. �.� pM�n Nhct wkhout th�oonribtinp provMlon.To tha ond th�provkiont of this S�ourky InsWmmt and lh� Not��ns d�oMnd to
<br /> • b� sr,w�bM.
<br /> - � � 16. BOKOWlt'a Copy.Borrowpr�htN b�pM�n on�ooMOmNd copy ot th�Nol��nd of thlt&ou�Ay Intbum�nt. _
<br />- � 16. HetArdOU� Substancsa. Bortow�r shaM not aausa or p�rtnk th�prK�nc�, ut�, dkpoaU. stortp�, or nMaa ol
<br /> . � my Htsardous Subitanc�s on o►h th� Property. Bortow�r th�A not do, nor tlbw anyoM Ns� to do. anythYp tM�otinp lh�
<br />-%:''?•^:� Propwty tlut M M vbktbn o} any EnvYOnmmtal Law. Th� pnc�dinp two sentmo�� thtM not �ppy to th� poa�nc�, u�, a
<br /> storap� on th�Propwty of amaR quantkwa of H�nrduus Subatanc�s that are psnKaly ncoanlisd to ba �ppropr{�t�to normal -
<br />-�`�''!� aaidanti�l usos and to malnt�mnc�of th�Prop�rty.
<br /> 3 `� 8orrowar �h�U prompty plw I.�nd�r writt�n not�� of �ny hwstip�tbn, olalm, dwnend, I�wsuk �►r otN�r actbn by tny
<br />-_--°� powmmenul or ropuktory apenay or prMat�party hvotvMp th�Propwty �nd any He:ardous Subshnc�or Em�konmmul 4sw o}
<br /> � � whbh Bortowar has aatual knowNdq�. If Borrow�r INma, w h nr�tMf�d by any powmm�ntal or nQuktory authorky, that�ny
<br /> rwnov�l or othK r�dktfon of any Huardous Substanc�s aM�othy th� Prop�ty k n�c�ssuy, Barowa sh�M prompty bdu aN
<br /> - . . necesaary rortwdlal iattons h�coordanc�wkh Envkonm�ntal Ltw.
<br />�,��•,- , As usW In thN panp►�ph 18,'Hwrdou� Sub�anc�"u�thoa suEshnas dMin�d a toxb or hmrdou�subst�ncM by
<br />-3i' "� Environm�ntal l.I�w �nd ths faMowh� tubsttnc�s: paaoNn�, k�ros�n�, oth�► fMmm�bM or toxb pMroNum produob, toxfa
<br /> '` pestbides tnd h�rbbid�s, volatiM solventa,mat�ials aontahhp asWstos a fomuld�hyd�, and ndbaothrw nyt�rlUs.Af uf�d Yf
<br /> ��� tha puaflnph 16, 'Environm�ntal Law"mo�n4 fsderal kws and kw� oi th�Jurbdbtbn wh�n th�Propwty k locl�t�d that nlat�
<br />-'" ' �- �� to hakh,ufety or�r►vkonm�nUl protsotbn.
<br />�'�..��;o'�
<br /> --•?:,;.t�i;' NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3.Bortow�r�nd L�ndK furth�r oown�nt and apn�u toNow�:
<br /> s.�;'�,.. ..
<br /> 3;.;i'.�i-.'��: �.
<br /> '`�'� 17. Asalpnment of Rents. Bortow�r unaondkbnaMy atNpns�nd tnnst�n to L�ndK aN th�ar►ri�nd rwwiws of tM
<br /> i_.;_,.• ,
<br /> �v�:i��ti• Prop�ty. Bor►owK tuthorixos I.ondor or L.�ndir's apaft�to ooMot th��ri and r�nnwt�nd h�nby dlr�eU woh tmmt of th�
<br />_,: �•.. .
<br />�;-:.; Pro�rty to pay th�r�nts to Und�r or Landa's ap�nts.Howww,prbr to Undw's not�� to Bortow�r of Borroxrws b►Mah of
<br />�"'�7°' �ny cownNt a ayrNr►Nnt In th�S�curlry Imtrum�nt, Borrovwr sh�N aoM�ot Rnd ncNw aN�ts�nd mrwM�s of th�PropKty
<br /> s_.T�....
<br />_�y::.,;�,���� as truete�for tha baietk of Lender and BorcbwK. This �tatpnmmt ot ronta constkut�s an absok,te assipnm�nt �nd not an
<br />�=-=�-=— assipnm�nt for tddkbnal s�curky ony.
<br />�'�`.��. If Lender phres not�e of breaoh to Bortower. (a) aM ronte nc�iwd by Borrow�r ah�N b� hNd by Bortowr as WstN for
<br /> � benefit of Londw ony, to b� �pplkd to the aums aocurrd by tha Socurky Inatrumait; (b)Und�r shaM b� �ntkYd to ooNeot�nd
<br /> a��� receNo aq of th� r�r►ts of tha Proparty; �nd (c) aush tanant of lM PropMty ahaN pay aq nnts dw uid unp�ld ta LendK a
<br /> ���� Undett �pent on Undws wrkt�n dsrn�nd to th�tmant.
<br />�:��.i'_��i Borrow�r hts not �oacubd any prlor�salpnm�nt of th��q and hu not�nd wW not p�AOrm �r►y sot th�t would prw�w�t
<br />_n,., — I.mdor firom�rots„p ita rtphts undar tht�Patynph 17.
<br /> "� -- — Undu sh�N not b�nqulnd to antK upon, Wu conVOl of a mahtah th�Propwty b�fon or tlar pMinp nodc� of bn�ah to
<br /> — Borrowar.HowwK.UndK or�Jud(cfaNy appolnt�d ncNwr may do so at�ny tMM th�n k a brwch.MY lppicatbn of nnb
<br /> - - �haN not cur� a waiw�ny d�huk or hvalW�t� my othK Hpht or nrtNdy ot Und�r. ThR uslprnnM�t of nnts ot tM Propwty
<br />�Y:,A;e.,.� ahaN brmYUN wh�n th�dobt s�ound by th�S�CUdIy Inttrumont k p�id in tuN.
<br /> 1t. Foreclowre Proaedure. Ii Lender requlrea Immedtate p�yment In tuli und�r P�raqr�ph !�
<br /> --=�_� Lender may Invoke ths power of a�le and �ny other remedtes permitted by �pplicabl� law.
<br /> --°=7 I.ender �hait be entitled to colleot ell expensei fncurred in purauU� th� romsdi�s provided In
<br /> ---__ tht� Pareyreph 18, tncludin�� but not Itmlted to, �eesonabte �ttorneya' tees �nd � oi title
<br /> _ — evidence.
<br /> � It the power of sale t� invaked. Trustee �II record • notic� oi dshult In wch county in
<br /> �-— � which �ny psrt of the Property (s located and sh�ll m�ll coplea of auch nodce In the msnn�r
<br /> --- , prescribed by epplicable Itw to Borrower end to the other peraons prescrlbed by rpplic�bls I�w.
<br /> -- - . After the time requtred by applicabte law� Truates shall qlve publto�otics of ale to the pKaona _
<br /> -= md tn the manner preacribed by rppticabte I�w. T�ustee,without dem�nd oo BorrowK, �11 aull
<br />�,� the Propeety at public wcUon to the hipheat bidder et the ttme snd place and undK th� tKms
<br />�"� deslqnated in the notics of s�le In one or more parcel� and In my order Truste� dmtermines.
<br /> ��_= Trustee msy postpone �ale of atl or any psrcel of the Property by publia �nnouncement �t th�
<br /> _��,,z..,,� � tlme and place of any prevlously acheduled eale. Lender or its desipnes neay purchs*e ths
<br /> -� ----- Properiy et my aale.
<br /> �i��r;,�-=9 Upon recetpt of paymen! ot ths prtae bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purch�ser Truste�'a
<br /> �z;�`^r�:��;'�' deed conveytn� the Property. The recitals In the Trustee's deed shell be prlm�taois evidenes ot
<br /> :" '-� ���� the Uuth of the stetemenU made theretn. Trustee �haii sppty the proceeds of the tale in the
<br />-`��� ��'�-�°�; fotlowtnp order: (a) to all costs end e�enses of exercisin� the power of iele, and th� al��
<br /> _ .;V ;�`;� includinp the psyment of the Trwtee'a feea actualiy Incurred, not to excaed 3 %
<br />- � :��R.� ot the prinoipal amount of the note at the ttme ot the daclantJon of defaui� md rewonabl�
<br />�_� ' . � attorneye' tees as permitted by taw; (b) to ell sums secured by thts Security InsVument; �nd (e)
<br /> ` eny excess to the pereon or peraons te�aliy enttUed to It
<br /> If the Lender'a Interest In this Seaurity Inatrument la held by the Seerefary�nd the Seerewy -
<br /> • requtrea Immedtate payment in futl under Parapraph 9� tha 3earsLry may tnvoke the nonJudtct�t
<br />_. ., powar of saie p�ovided in the Sinpte Femtiy Mortyaye Forecbsure Act of 19�4 ('Aat�(1� U.S.C.
<br /> . . ,�j"'�� 3751 ��y.) by requeattnq a forealosure commisitoner desl�nated under the Act ta commence
<br /> � foreclosure end to aell the Property es provided In the Act Nothtnp In the p�ecedtnp �entence -
<br /> --� --�--'- �ti�11 a�w�Iv� �I�� C�wr���w����wu ��w1�1N w�lu�udu �w���M�� 1w � �rwa�.r ��wa����O�r�r��w4 •�
<br /> _____.. � - a...••v�r••.� ..�..•�..r.7 7 i v«•�•••.�v �..�..�.r•v w w r������ v��r�� �w���wM�• •v -
<br />_- . � or applicable law. _.
<br />� 19. Reconvoyence. Upon p�yment of aq aums sacurod by thb Sacurity InaWmmt, Und�r ehal nqwst TrustN eo _
<br /> roconv�y Ih� Proporty and shtN aurrender thls Securky Instrum�nt and tN noted wldmchp d�bt s�cund by tAk S�ourky
<br />,. Instrument to Truste�.Truatas ahaN nconwy th� PropMy wkhout wuranty md wRhout ohup�to th�pwson or pKaon� Mp�My `
<br />;� entkle0 to k.Such person or persons shtM p�y�ny rocordatbn costa. ��
<br />' F6E13.1M0(e/9)) Pay�4 0l 6
<br /> �f.
<br /> , H
<br /> . 6O7 =
<br /> i
<br /> �,
<br />