<br />WITNESS the hand of said Grantor, this day of 2013.
<br />By
<br />NOTARY P f : LIC
<br />My commission expires:
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<br />SINCLAIR MARKETING, INC., a Wyoming corporation, ( "Grantor "), hereby CONVEYS AND
<br />WARRANTS against all claiming by, through or under Grantor, all for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) C
<br />and other good and valuable consideration, the following described land to Jubba, LLC ( "Grantee ") /6
<br />together with all improvements and all other rights appurtenant thereto, subject to all restrictions,
<br />recorded or unrecorded, easements, roads and highways, questions of survey; general taxes for the year
<br />2013 and subsequent years; all special taxes or special assessments, levied or assessed, and all
<br />installments of special taxes or special assessments, not due and payable as of the date hereof.
<br />Real property and improvements commonly known as 2009 W. 2 °a Street, Grand Island, NE
<br />as more fully described on Exhibit A attached hereto.
<br />No part of the Property shall be used by Grantee or any other Grantee or Party, including future
<br />Grantees, successors, assigns, and lessees, directly or indirectly for a petroleum station, gasoline station or
<br />for the purpose of conducting or carrying on the business of selling, offering for sale, storage, handling,
<br />distributing, or dealing in petroleum, gasoline, motor vehicle fuel, diesel fuel, kerosene, benzol, and
<br />naphtha (except as may be incidental to the primary business conducted on the Property), or for any
<br />residential purposes. This restriction shall run with the land.
<br />INC., a Wyoming corporation.
<br />: ss.
<br />On the day of T 1k2013, ersonally appeared before me & Tot tiIJ�S rt'
<br />who, being duly sworn, did say that he is the V4t Vv v of SINCLAIR MARKETING, INC.,
<br />a Wyoming corporation, and said pt,'ty,,, ,4 J ak}r c4) acknowledged to me that said corporation duly
<br />executed the same.
<br />My Comm Exp. 654047
<br />