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.. . �...�T..� .: �...,.. � <br /> ,_ ,.,�.,,,,. . __..�...�— - . <br /> . . •.,,.r., <br /> - �,...,r ,.�-.....-..n.�.a.,,:- . - - - <br /> �".=- - .__......_,. ._ _ _�...«-_ <br /> Rorcower Fhall prc►mptly pive L.ender written notice af any irrve.r•tigotic►n, claim, demand. lawsuit or dher sctiort by any <br /> guvcmnKntui u� rcguiawq ag�e��y u�j;ci:•at::.patt;lm•nl••{n�•h�ary��ny eex�xny H��ard�ux�ubswnce ur Li�vlronmentul - <br /> af which Fl�rrnwcr hus actuul kn��wlecige. IP&�n�uwcr Ic3rn5, or i5 nat�ttcd hy any bo+�eritnmota4 or regularory nuthnrity, thnt <br /> any removul �tt utlicr rcmcdluUnu uf'uny Hurardnuy Substunce uffecdng the Property ly ixcesauiry.SorrowcP shull pmmptly tuke � <br /> nll ncccssnry tcmedhd acd��ny in arcarduncc with C'.nviriutnuntul l.uw. <br /> As us��l In [hlr puraK�upl� 211. "HururdouK Subrtuix:eti" urc lhiiu: �uUstunces Jeiined ac tc�xic nr h:vur�ous sub5ttmc��s by '� <br /> �nvironn�ental [.uw uixl thc I��Iluwing �ubtituncce: gasi�l6k. keroune, nther flummuhlc nr taxir petrolRUm pn�ducts, tnxic � <br /> prsticides nnd hcrbicfacs,Vt1IUlIIC tiolVCiifti, iiiwtcrfalw domuinin}�uxhestus or formuldchydc, imd radinactive mat�rlals.AK uscxi ir��+ <br /> this puragruph 2U,"E:nvinmmei►tul l.uw" mrnns federul luw�; uix! luwy of'the jurlulicdon where �he Pnsperty is lucatal that$ <br /> rolute to heulth,su&ty ar envirannkntul Pmtectian '�- <br /> N�M-UNIFQRM COV6NANTS.&�rruwrr uixt lxnJer tu�thrr c�wenant and agrax us fallow.r•: <br /> 21.Accclerutlun;Remeclt�,w, �.e+td�r'Kh�ll glve n��tice to liurrower prlor ti�wccrler�Hon tollnwinK Hormwer'y brrnch� <br /> af wny rnvrn�nt or W{reement fn th�+ tiecurity Inwtrun�nt (but not prlor tu wccelerAtlon under par,�Krxph 17 u��� <br /> rpplkAbk law provida utherwis�e).'!7k natice xhRll�peciryi (w)the detMUlt; (b1 the�cti�n requlred to curc Ue de[aulh <br /> (c)w date, not leae than 30 d�y�tmm the date the nutice 1�given to&�rmwer�by which the default muct be cnred:nnd <br /> (d) tlu�t filturo to cure the defiult on or be[ure the dnte specitled In the nutkti may result in pcceler�tion ut the wms <br /> Hecured by thts ��'ecurfty lnstrument pnd �le of the Properly. The rattce she�ll further tntorm 8orrower o[the rlRht to <br /> rein3twte after wcceler�dan nnd the N4ht to bdng p court �ctlan to �usscrt the non�existence of A detault or nny other <br /> detense ot Durro+rer to wcalentlon And �ale. u RMe default Is not cured an or before the date sp�ci(�ed In the nutice. <br /> l.ender,at ih oplbn,mayrequlre immedl�te p�yment In tull at all sums secured by th1�Security Inxtrument without _ <br /> turthrr der,n�nd �nd m�y Invoke the power ot ade�nd tny othcr remedies permitted by applicnble 1�►w. I.ender shaU be <br /> entitled to collece dl expenses Incurred Irt pursuing the�emedies provided in this pwrsgr�ph 21�in�cludtng.but uot Itmited <br /> to,reasons�ble attorneya' fees and coets of title eridence. <br /> I[the power af s�le is invoked, Trustee sh�ll record a not(ce ut de[ault in each county In whkh �ny part ot the <br /> Property ts located�nd sfu�il mnil ooples ut such notice in the manner prescribed by app8cable I�w to Borrawer ond tn <br /> the other persons prescdbed bY aPP�ic�ble I�w.Atter the time required by opplkable Iww.Trusta sh�ll give pubik notk�e <br /> uf s�l�e lu the persons�nd In thc maneer pres�edbed by ap[�IkAI►le�AW Trustee, •H(thout dem�nd on Aorrower, shall isell <br /> the Pr+operty at public Auctlon to the highest bidder At the time and place and under the��te�'c n[all or any ptrcel tot the <br /> exle in one or more p►�cds and in wny order T�ustce determinea. Tru.gtee mAy post�w <br /> Property by pu61k �nnouncement At the Nme�nd plwce of any prcviousty schedulecl sale. I.ender or Its desiRnee mwy <br /> purchase the Property at any�ale. <br /> ._ Upon recelpt oi p�yment of the price bid� Tnistee shall deltver to the purchaur Trusta's dxd coaveying the _ <br /> property. [�be raitale In the Trustee's deed Ftwli be primA facie evidence of thc truth ot the staternents mAde thereln. <br /> Tnutee shs�ll�pply the proceeds ot the ss�le in the foilowing order:(s�)fo all cosGs And expenses ot exerclsing the power ot <br /> sale,and the evla,tncludinq the p�yment o[the Trustee's fe�ActuWly Incurred,not to exceal th4� of 50.00 or �o <br /> of the principwE �mount ot the note At the time oF the decl�ration oi defiult, and reasonwble attorneye' feac as perm�tted <br /> by law;(b) to wll sums secured by this Secudty Instrument;and(c)Any ex��ess to the person or pensoro legAlly entitled ta <br /> it. <br /> ig, seav■■:ey��ee. L'�n paymcnt of sl! :usn� �ur!�d by thi� Security Instrument, Lendcr shall request Trusta tu <br /> reconvey th�Property and shall sunender this Sccudty Inst�ument and All notes evidencing debt s..^curai by this Secarity <br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without wanency and without charge to the person or persons legally <br /> entitled to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> 23.Substitute 'Crustee. Lender,ut its option. may from time t�time remove Trustee and appoint a suaessor tn�stx to <br /> any Trustee appainted hereunder by an instrument recarded in the county in which er and duties conferred+upon Trostx herein <br /> conv�yance of ttx Property,the successor trustee shall succeed to ull the title,pa <br /> and by applicable law. <br /> ?A.Reque�t fur Notkes. Borrower requesu thut copies of the natices of default and sale be s�+►t to Borrower's acidress <br /> which Is the Propctty Address. <br /> Z;,riue�s i'v::�is�:.ttcaEtj'�st.."irucr.ent. If ane or mert riderc r+n+hxn:n�exi by Bonower and recorded to�cether with this <br /> Security Instcument. the covenants and ngreements of each such rider shall be incacpornted into and shail amend and supplerr►ent <br /> the covenants and agraments of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrument. <br /> [Check applicable box(es)J <br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condominium Rider []1-4 Family Rider <br /> �Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider O Blweekly Payment Rider <br /> []Balloon Rider ❑Rate Improvement Rider [�Second Home Rider <br /> ❑V.A. Rider ❑Other(s)[specjfy] <br /> BY SIGNIN(3 BELOW. Borrower accepts and egrees to the terms nnd covenants contained in this Securiry Instrument und <br /> in nny rider(s)exxuted by Borrower and recorded with it, <br /> Witnesses: � , � <br /> (Seal) <br /> Reinhaxdt J. Fisaher. Jr. -&'m""r <br /> %\, �G� (Seaq <br /> Benita K. Fischer •norrour� <br /> (Seaq ��� <br /> -Bom�wcr -Bercow�er <br /> = 5TATE OF NEBItAST�A, County ss:Itall <br /> Thc faregomg instrument wus uckrtawledged before mc this l7th dny of October � 1997 � <br /> by Reinbnrdt J. Fischer, Jr. and Benita K Fiecher, husband and wife • <br /> Witmess rny h:�nd and notariul seal ut Grand Island , in sutd ounty.the date aforesaid. <br /> My Cummission Expires: f <br /> CENEMINOTi1RP•SbNNN�Ot�q n„�Ury wni�c <br /> 12-2 3-2000 ����».� <br /> ve�o a o�a Fwm 3028 9190 <br />