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<br /> .....�..«��I�h,+;,,�"�,�.��r c„nrd e�rnn�,m�u,r r,�rhe Funda hefd bv B�neflclary shall not 6e aulllclent ro pay taxes,assessmsnfa
<br /> _�_..__.
<br /> lnaumnce prem�ume rnd Q�a�na r»nrs u tMy lall du�Tluator ahall puy ro Bene/lcNry erry smount neceasary to make up tne det�c�eney wunin rnrrty
<br /> deya Imm fM daM notice le ma1Md by Bonellclery ro Tluator requeatlng peymsnt tMrsd.Upon payment In lu/l of a!l lndebtednes�.BsnMJCNry ahaY
<br /> promply nefwd to ilusror Rny Funds held by Bsnell�l�ry.H the livat Pnoperty le add under the F►ower of sele o�tha hus�Properfy fs Whenvlse
<br /> �cqu/nd byB�nNid�ry,RsnefklaryahaN�pply,ImmedlaMty prlor to fho eale ol theT/ust Pioperry ar/ts ecqulslrion by Baneficlary,arry Funds held
<br /> Dy Bqneflaluy�t i►ro Ume of eppl�c�tlon es�crod11 apalnst the Indebtedness.ll[lenel/clery executos a wrltten wnlvei ol Tiustor's obllgallona under
<br /> tht�pinyi�ph A,lFuator covsnmta+�nd�pnea to pay,bNoro the aeme bsr.ome deGnquenr,ell taxes,assesaments,lnsurence premtum�yround
<br /> ronta,lnd d otlt�r char�ea wh�taower levlsd upon a at��ssed,p�aced or made qofnsf the rnrst Property. Tiusto►lurthor sgrees, upon wrlKen
<br /> rK)u411 by B�nelklAry,�o�;��u��a a�at d,'pl�csd a me�ds�st r ny�s c�rge`h gus��lk��ust or�th,e roco datbn�hereol.
<br /> ��a�a�me�U+nd ahs�chN D bY
<br /> G Appflutlon d Pbymente.Afl prrymenta rocslved by Honeficlery es ro any debt,nab�dry or obfiganon owed ro Benellclary by Tiustor may be appl/ed by
<br /> B�neNcNry ro►hs p�ymmt d thr IndeDndness a ro any auch other deDt,liebll�ry a obiigation,in ar,y urdor or mannor o!nppflcadon tivh(ch —
<br /> 19�nelkp�t Blte�baoluh d:tc»tlon,dMma�pprop►la%UnNsa otherwlse ekctedDy Benelklery,eny such paymenf shall be deemed etpp�led Nrat
<br /> ro the p+y►m�nt d�ny det►t,OablHty a oblfpetlon othsr than the Note.
<br /> 6t Ch�ryle;f..Un�. hueror wlll keep tM 7iutt Propsrty fros from alf Ilens end encumbrencea whlch!n any way may,ln the/udgment of 6enepclary,hawe
<br /> prlor(ry ov�s�a Imp�lr tlN aecurlry o1,thla DMd ol�Fuat but Tivafor need nof dlschupa Any auch llen so fong es Tiusror ahall agree,!n wrlting,to
<br /> pay tM oblq�t►on�cund by auch Il�r►In�m�nnn acc�pfrbM to ENneflclery end�hau In pood/alth conMSt auch flen by epprop►fare leyal
<br /> procNein��M/f�ctlw ro pro�ront tM�nlbresm�nt d tM INn and the bsa o/any lnnre�t!n a part d the bust Property.
<br /> 7. HazaN In aunnc�.Auator ahal!keep the bulldlnDs artd otlwr Impro►�ements now a�dny or heroafte►erected on the Trust Property lnsured Dy
<br /> Insurmcs curlero ad�f�ctory to 8e►Mklary apslnaf bas by fJn,hazard�lncludedB the te►m'gxtended co�rereQe"and auch o�har haard�
<br /> caauUPNS ind contln�ncba aa mAy bs nqulrod by Bsnelklsry,In auch emounta Nd fw such pedods as may be roqulred by Beneficlary.Tho
<br /> pollay d f�wrtncv ahall bs In lorm�cceptebk to BaneHclary,provlde that the ssrta may not be cancelled or modHled w/thout fdteert(151 deys p�or
<br /> wrltten notke tc�Banollclary,and aheU heve baa pAyeble provislons!n fe�nor d and h Iorm acceptable to BenMklary.All promlums on Insurance
<br /> pollckt sh+l De p�ld!n the menner provlded under pareyraph 1 he��eof or,!f not pYd!n auch mannei by Tiustor making paymant at kast fiffeen(1bJ
<br /> daya prlor N Ihe dus d�te,dlrecHy to the lnsurence canbr.BenMklary aha0 haY+e Ne Nyht M hold the polkles end renewala thereo/end Trustor ahall
<br /> promuly fumish ro BAnef'�c/ary�ll rainvsl notkes end all pald promlum rocnlpta recsiv�ed by!t.In no eYent aha11 Benelkfary a Austee be held
<br /> rtsponl�b br/elq�rn M pay Inaurance premlum�or foi eny bJS or damaye e►falny out of a defsct!n ary polky or arlsing out ol sny hllun�o/any
<br /> lrtsunrws compeny M paY fw any bss or damape lnsured ayalnat or for lellure by 9vsror to eHect Me Insurence requlred hereunder.ln ths event d
<br /> bss,iNS tqehall,plvs prompt notks by ma0 to the fnsurt�nce carrler end Benefklary. 8enellclery may meke prool ot bss B not made prompffy a!n
<br /> propei form Dy Du�roi All polkles ol lnaurence end sny and all relunds o/uneamed promlums ore hereby assl�ned to Benslklary es edditbnal
<br /> secunry for Iha peyment o/the Indebtedness.ln the e�rent ol Benellclery's exerclse ol th�power o/sale contalned here!n,or!n the e►rent oi
<br /> forocbsu�t UI ilyAt d►b�nd lntsrest oi Austo►In end ta eny InsurenCe polky then In face Ehal!pass to the purchaser at the trustee'a aek or
<br /> forecbsuiN a�fe.In case ol eny loss,the Insurance proceeds may;at the optlon ol Benefklary,be appUed by Benelklery upon the lntNbtedness,a
<br /> ary put rlbnol,and!n auch order end amount as BenelJClary may determine;or aeld lnsurence procesds,at the optlan ol Benelklary,may efther
<br /> be usnd Fn nplacing a restodnp the Tiust Property peAlaly or totally destroyed to e condltlon satfsfactory to Benef�lery;a aafd lnsursnce
<br /> proceeds,atrry pwtlon therool, msy be roleased to ltuaror.Unfess Bene/lclary and Tiusror otherwlse agree In wrlUng,eny such appllcatlon o/
<br /> � lnsurenca pocaads ahall nof extend or poatpnne the due date o/the Note,or any hstallments ce0ed lor the�in,or change tha emount d auch
<br /> lnstalhn�nte.II the Ihust Propsrry Is ecqulred by BeneHclary pursuent to the exerols�d�he pow�r ot sale or other forecbsure,aU�lght titM and
<br /> Intsntt ol4ustorin end to ery Inaurence proceeds paysble as a result o/damage to the 1Yust Properry prior to the aele o►ecqulaldon ahall paaa ro
<br /> ' Beneficf�ry�nd ah�ll be epplled tlrat to the costs and expenses,Including attorneyfeea,lncurred In collectlng auch proceeds,then Jn the menne�
<br /> end In Ihe adar Drov/ded hBreln.
<br /> 8. Preaave[Jon end Malntenance ol Tfust Property!Tlustor wlll keep the bulldings end other imprnvementa now or hereaftar erecrod on Ms Tlutc
<br /> Properry in pood ropalr end condirlort end wlll not commlt or permU waste,w/ll nuelter the deslgn or snucturel characMr conatltut/np ary bulkllnp
<br /> now a hBnYtei Necfed on and cronstltuting the 7rust Proeprty wlfhout the prbr wntten conaent ol Baneilclary,w41 not do ary act or fhing whkh
<br /> wnuld undury impilr a depreclaM the veNe ol the Tiust Property and wlll not ebandon the 7rust Propeny.Truaror wUl not remova eny flxturoa
<br /> cortaBlutfi►p Ihe Aust Property unMss the same are lmmedlatefy replaced wlth 1lke properfy sub/ect ro the uen and secudry/nterest of thls Deed d
<br /> liust�n�d�t Mest equal value and uNlity.fi,ator w(11 comply w!M ell preaent andluiure ord�nences,regulallons and requirementa of any
<br /> yovernn�nld body whlch are applkabk to the Tiast P�operry and ro the xcupancy end use thereof.B thls Dsed ol Tivat Is on a unMln e
<br /> Cwtdominlun or�planned uNt devs/opment,1Yustor ahall perform all d Tiustor's obUgatlons undor the decfaratbns or cau+�nants croetlrtg a
<br /> pp�rdnQ�M condominlum w the plenned unit dovebpment,the bylews and regul�dons ol the condominfum a planned unit detislopment and tM
<br /> conatiruo�t docume+rta
<br /> 9.InspecUoo.BsnNklary or!ts ayents may,at all masonable t/mes,enter upon the 8ust Prope►ry tor tha pmpose of lnspecdon.Benstkiary ihaN haw
<br /> no dury to m�ke suCh lnspeCtkn and ahel!not be I/eDle ro 7hrstor a ro mry pe�son u�possession i!ii mnnns u�laila to�aat�a unf ouch 1n�:,,Y�a�. -
<br /> 1Q ProNdbn d 6ocudty.lf Ttuata Mlls ro pertorm eny d the carenants and egreemeMS cmtelned In thls Deed of liust,or N any acdon or procesdinp
<br /> . la eomrt►encod whkh does a may ed►rorsey a/kct the TYust Property a the Intero�t d Trustor w 8enellclsry theroln or the Btla d Tl�ustor tMreto,
<br /> then BersalkJary,rt!ta opUon,may pe�form such ca�»nants end egreoments,maM such appeerencea,de/end�ga�n�t and lrnsatpate auch ectlon
<br /> a prxs�dnp end take such ather ectlon as Benellclary deema necessary to prokct!ta Inte►est lncludlny,but not flmllsd to,dlzbureenent ol
<br /> reason�bb Ntomey Iees end antry upon the Tiust Properry ro mske repelra.Ary emounts dlsburoed by 8enelklery pursuant ro MIS pu�ynph 10.
<br /> wkh Inh��►thereon,aha!!conatitute lndebtedness of flvsror secured by thls Deed o1 Tiuet UMe99 Trustor end BerteNeary epros to other tem►a d
<br /> payminc auch emounts ahail be payable upon notka/rom Benefk/ery to 7iusMr roquesNng payrtront thsreol,and ahel!bear lnterest/rum tM dab
<br /> - o►dJsbursenar�t at tha default rete,lf arry;set lorth!n the Note,or othe►wise et theAfphest rete pe►mitted by law.Nothing contNned!n th/a peraQr�pN
<br /> ahall roqaln Beneflc/ery to lnr,ur any expense or teke sny acHon hareunde►TiustaUrewcaby authoNzes snd emponr►a Benefklery Io enter upon
<br /> ' the 1Fusf Pmpdrry as AustoYs epent end,!n TnrstoPS name or othenvise ro pertorm arry and ell carenents end agreementa to be parlormed by
<br /> 7Yuslor as Mre1n provfded.BeneNcfery ahall,at!ts optlon,be submyared ro ery encnmbrance llen,clalm or domand and to all dphts and ascur(dea
<br /> for tM paynrnt fherod peld a dlscharped by Beneflcfary unde►the provlslons heroof end eny such subrogathn dghfs ahaf!be addldonal�nd
<br /> cumuhtivetecuriry/or thls Deed d Trust.
<br /> 11. Condmnador►. The pruceeds d eny awend a clelm fa damayo�dlrect a consequentlal,fn connecUon wlfh a►y conai�mnat/on a other takkp d tM
<br /> Tlust Prvrpeiry, or eny pert tt►e+eo�a lor com�ayence!n Ileu W a In eoNClpaHOn d oonalemnatlon,aro hereby esslgned to end shall be p�ld to
<br /> BeneAc/ar�Austor wlll file end prosecute,!n good/eid►end wkh due WIlQence�!fs tkfm fa any such etiverd a paymenC end wNl cause tlre aarns le b�
<br /> co//oclerl end�akl to Benefkfary,and,ahould!t fall ro do a0.Trustor Ine►�oca6ty autlailzes end empo�++Brs Benefkiary,fn tha neme ollfus[or ar
<br /> othenvis�ro file�p+nsscuta,aeftk a compromise arry such c!elm and to col/ect,recs�pt/a and retaln ihe proceed�H the Tiusi Property ls ab�vidorNd
<br /> ' by Tluskai a at►er notice by Ber�eficlary ro ltusror that the condemrror dfers ro mala en ewarol a settle a clafm for damages 7lustor falls to respond to
<br /> Baridlclerry wlthln thlity(30)deys elter Me date such noNce Is malleal,8enelklary la euthoKred to coHect end eppry the WoceeCs In the manner
<br /> !nd/cafed MreFn.fie proCeeds of ery award or clalm me};aftor daducdng all roasonab/e costs end expenses,lncluding ettorney fees,whlch may hav�
<br /> � been Inc�md by Baneflclary!n the collectlon thereof,at the sole dlscretbn of Benebdary,be released to Tiustoi epplled ro resrorat/on d Tiust Propert},
<br /> o�eppli�d b the peymont o/the IrW9btedness.Unless Benellclary and TJvstor othWwlso egree In wMtlng,erty such eppllcatlon o�proCeeds fo
<br /> ' lndeamcYnou shNf rrot oxtond or postpone the due date ol the Note or tho paymenfW ery InstaRmenta called!ar thereunder.
<br /> t2. 7lusror NotAe/ease�.Eirtenslon d tho tlme lor payment or modillcaNOn ol ary emaBzotlon o/the Indobtedness grented by Beneficlary ro eny
<br /> successarbinrerest u�Ilusto►shall not operate ro rC�less�!n erty manne�the!labidly ol Trustor and TiusroYS successors!n Interest.BQneflGery ahall
<br /> no[be resquied to commence proceedings ega(nst such succossor or refuse ro extenti time lor payment o�othenvlse modify emoRlzatlon o/the
<br /> lndeWedneu by reuson o/eny demand made by Tiustor end 7Fusta's successors m fnterest.
<br /> 13. Ffnanclu/InformaNOn.Upon repuest of Bene�iclary,1Yuator wlll provlde fo Beneflclery, wlthln nlnety(80)days of the close of Aach ffSCaf yea�of
<br /> busta[he consolideted bn/ance aheot and stetement of eamings of livator and any end all gueranto�s ot tl�e Inde6tedness secured here6y,tl erry,
<br /> and w��f pralde end doliver ro Benellclary such other f/nanclaf lnfamatlort end!n wcn martner ns Ben�naary may reasane'o'ry requasi irvm iimv io
<br /> tlme.
<br /> id. Flnenclal Caesnants.In edditlon to eny othor linnnelal cwonants of Tiusror madon any othor ugroomenr,Insnument or documsnt. 'husror shall
<br /> comply w�h unJ slrell ceuso any end all guarantors ot the Indobtodness socurod honctr�to compty w(th,or bo!n complianco with,fhe lollaving -
<br />— Iinentlaf caertsnfs:(ihls paragiaph shall not eppty!I cwonants and raquiremnnla ero not sot fonh horoln.)
<br /> - f6. Schodulca d Loases. Withln ten(10)dnys a�tor demsnd, hustor aAell furnlsh to 8e�eflclary o schodufo,certlfied to by Tiusror,setfing/orth ell leases
<br />-= o/the b�erProperty,or any patlon thereol,including ln each case.tho name ol No tenants or occupants,e descNptfon of the space oecuplctd by
<br />-= suah tonenfo�cecupant,the renfal payablo lor such spnce.end such othnr(nformaf/on�nd documonts w(th respoct ro such loases end tOnanCies
<br /> As Benvticieiy may roasonabry roquost.
<br /> 1& Covenontld 7Pust�r wlm Aospecf to Leasos. Without tho pNOr wntton consent�IBoneliclary. Tiustor shn11 not,dlractly orindlroctly,w/th respect to
<br /> a arry laaso d spoco!n tho Tiust Property,or eny portlon fhcroof,whothpr such Iuoso es now or horaaltor m oxistenco.
<br /> �
<br />