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<br /> ���a��h�t�e provis�ons of the Nebraslca Farm�iomcstead Protection Act,Wo
<br /> v�c
<br /> Husband and Wife,Ttichar�i]ensen�S�On
<br /> undcrsignod,Rand}' E.Schimmer and Brenda Schimmar. H���Wife.Clarence F.
<br /> K.Jensea,Husband and Wife.Patrick Landrig,nn and lania J.Lar►dri8an, e or Tnut Deed
<br /> Oleen and Epa Jean Olsen.Husband and Wife,pdor to execuW►g tlu ariached Mortga N.����I
<br /> datod Octobor 29.1997 by and betwan the undersi8ne�and Nonvest Bank Nebzaaka,
<br /> rderrod to as"MortgaSe or Tmst Deed 7��Y����Wledge:
<br /> 1. That no part of ttie homcstead of the undersi8nod ie Presendy or in the tuture wj11 be dtu�tad
<br /> on tbe follovvinB dacribed real estate(heninAitor"Parcel 1")nor aro there any buildinBa su�cknt to be
<br /> designatod as a hom�tad PnsenUy located upon Parcel 1:
<br /> �,ots pne(1)and Two(2)and The Noribwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter(NW»4�1/d)
<br /> Exapdng a cedoin uact more particuiarly describod in Warranty Dxd c�ocordal In Bodc SS.
<br /> 1�Age i,ai:f�i�'t�an'I'�rM2?.TQ+n'Ahip Ten(101 North.ltange Nine(9)Weat of tho 6th P.M..
<br /> iiall County.Nebraska
<br /> 2. The undersiBned ackn°wlcdgc that while ttw Mortgage or Ttust Dood re►►�ns ou��
<br /> a lien on Pera�1.theY�ha111�ave no right presendy or in the iuturo to make a desigm
<br /> on Pancxl l,including wlthaut limltation,in the cvent of a foreclosure or trusla's sate undar 1he MortgaBe
<br /> or Trwt Deed.
<br /> 3, The uadersigned acknowlodgc that if.conYrary to th�s Disclaimer.they
<br /> establish a homeatad
<br /> on Percel 1 during the Ume the Mortg,age or Trust Deed nmalns unsadsfied and a 8��1 u�n�11.they
<br /> st�a11 havc no dght W mekc a dcsignadon of homescead in the event of a forocloaure or hu�teo�°�O�''
<br /> the MoRg,age or'I'mst Deed.
<br /> 4. The w�dersiBnal state�St�is acknowledgment is their Wwwing and votuntary�ct and dee�
<br /> and constituta a written disc�aimer and acknowledgment under the Nebrasks Farm Homeste�d 1'rotoction
<br /> Act and the undaraigned do hcreby disdaim any right to dcsignate a homestead in the cvent of dcfault
<br /> upon such Mortgage or Trust Deed or in the event of a foreclosun nr uustee's sale under the Mortgage or
<br /> Ttust Dced.
<br /> _ 5. The unde►signed tiiRl►er understand and agroe that this acknowlcdgment and Disclaimet shsll
<br /> be Rlcd as a Preface to and beoome a pari of ti�e Mortgage or Tn�st Deed•
<br /> =;a
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