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<br /> �J Borrower rr�y cure euch e dsfauk md rNnat�te, ee provlded In psragnph 18, by causing tho actlon or proceedinp to be
<br />–_= dlaml�s�d with K n+llnp that,In Lend�r's pood i�Nh determination,precludea torteNure oi the Bortower's Interest In the Praperty or
<br />- • � Ot�1E�1M�«�LY��� �11��1«��t 0�t�lB��dl M�rlwi h��I�b 4�w��Jhi (na/nnn�.1 w.1�n�ir'. �M�IrMu 7�/wrw.N Rl�nn���wr w*wM.�(�0�W!
<br /> ..__� ....' "'�... ...�.......... " _"""' ""'...� __•'___. _" '.
<br /> -_� � d�tauft N Qanawsr,durtnp tho toan appNeatton prace_a,pane materlaHy tal�e or Ineocurete intormaUon or etetements t�I.rnde.(or
<br />-�� ' faNed to provlde L�ndx wkh �ny materlal k�torm�tlan) In connection wkh the loan evidenced by the Note, lncludlnp, but no!
<br />:;�� Iimked to, reprenentstlona conceming 9onower'e occupancy ot the Property as a princlpal resldence. I/ thla 9ecurlry
<br />-.,.o Inetn�mmt I� on ■ loaeehotd, Borrower ehaN compy wfth aN the provialona of the tease. if Bortowcr acq�iros fee tRie to the
<br /> — P►opety,the INSah�ld md the taa titla shaM not msrye unlesa Lender+�flrees to the merger In wdUng. (Q
<br />°'°'� 7. P►ot�otlon di t.�nd�r's Rl�hts In th�Prop�rty. It eArrower iaua to perform the covenante end agreementa �
<br />�,�� cont�lned In thie 3ecurlty In�trummt, or ihen la � lep�l proceeding thRt m+iy a�gntllcanty attect lender'a dghte in the Property �
<br /> �� (suoh�s �prooMdiny In banlwptcy, prob�te, for condemmtlon or fodakure or to enforce I�wa or req��latlons),then LendK►my--
<br />'�� do and p�y for whRtever Is neceae�ry to prateat the vNue o1 the Praperty�nd Lender'e righta In the PropeRy. Lender'a�ctione�
<br /> _' rnay Includs �ykiq rny suma eecured by a Ilen which has pdorily ovor thla Socurity Instrumcnt, appe�dny In couh, payinp.�Q '
<br /> � ro�aon�bls attomeya' faea �nd antsrinp on the Property to rr�ks repalm. Although Laider may t�ke ection under thls panpry�h�
<br /> 7,Lender daee not h�ve to do so. Qn
<br /> ._� My amounte dieburoed by Lender under p�ngraph 7 sha4 become additionai debt of Bortower secured by this 3ecuriy��
<br /> -- Instrumsnt. Unbaa Bonower�nd Lender agree to other terma ot pryment, these amounte shall bear Interest irom the date of
<br />-�.;� dlaburssment at the Note nte ond sh�A be p�yable, wkh intereat,upon notke hom Lender to Bortower requeating payment.
<br /> -- 8. MOrtQ��� Insur�ne�. I} Lender requked mortgege Insurance na a condltlon oi making the Ioan secured by this
<br /> =�� 8ecurfly Inntrument, Borrower shall pay lha premluma required to mainteln the mortgage Insurance In eftect, IL tor any reason, the
<br /> — mort�pe inaunnce coverape requlred by Lender Ispsea or ce�ae� to be in ettect, Barrower shnll pey the premlums requked to
<br /> obUh covKSye aubatanUaMy equNalsnt to the morty�ye {naunncs provioualy M�f(ect, at a aoat substanti�Hy equlv�lsnt to the
<br /> coat to Borrowet of the moRy�gs Ineunnce prevbuay In eftect, trom �n rftsm�te mortyrpe Inaurx approved by Lender. If
<br /> — aubaUnti�Ny equlvdent mortg�ye Inaurence coveraye la not avaiMble, Borrower ahaN pay to Lender e�ch month a aum equal to
<br /> onedweHth of the yeuy mortpape inauruice premium being p�id by Borrower when the tnsurance coven�ye I�paed or ce�sed to
<br /> be In ettact. Lender wiM accept, uae �nd retdn theae paymenta as a loaa reaerve In Neu of mortqape Inaurance. Loss reaerve
<br /> _ paymxrta rr�y no lonper be requkad, at the optlon of Lender, H morty�pe inau►u�ce covempe (�n the�mount �nd for the perlod
<br /> ' that Lendet requlra) prov(d�d by�n inaurer approved by Lsnder�tyaln becomes�vailable and le obuktsd. Borrower ahaN pay
<br /> ths premiu�a requked to m�N�Uln morty�pe Inaunuice In effeat,or to proride a loaa reaerve, untN the requkement(or mortgaye
<br /> ,� Insunnce ends In accordance with any wdtten agreement betwean Borrower�nd Lender or epplicable kw.
<br /> 9. Insp�etlon. Lender or ks agent may meka reasonable entdes upon and fnspections of the Property. Lender shaA ghre
<br /> Bortower notice at the tlme of or prior to an InspecUon apecilying re�non�6le cauae tor the inspeatlon.
<br /> _° 1l1. Cond�mnation.The proceeda of any awud or claNn tor damages,direct or consequenUal, in connecUon w8h any
<br /> condertinadon or other t�kiny of any p�rt ot the Properry. or for conveyance M Beu of condemnaUon,Rre hereby�safyned and
<br /> sheN be pdd to lenda.
<br />� _ In the event ot s tot�l taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be epplied to the sums eecured by this 3ecurity
<br /> Instrument,whether or not thm due, wkh �ny exceas pdd to 8orrower. In the event of a partt�l taYJnp of the Property In whkh
<br /> the idr rrwrket vsdue of the Property knmadlately before the takinp la squ�l to or proater then ths amount of the euma secured
<br /> by thla 3ecurity Inatrument Immediatelyr bsfore ths Uking, unleae Borrower and Lander othawisa �prea In writing, the sums
<br /> a!it�.tt��;thl�!G!!'alrl�y In*fi!mr!nt whsN be reduced hy the amount of the proceoda mulfiplled by the tolinwing t►�N�np� {w)the
<br /> toUl amount of the eums secured knmediatey before the taking,divided by(b) the feir m�rket value o}the Propaty Immediatey
<br /> betore the tsklnp.My baance ahall be pald to BoROwer. In the event oi e parttal tnking of the Propary In wh�h the fak market
<br /> v�ue of the Property Mnmediately betore the teklnp Is less than the amount ot the aums secured immediately betore the Wckip,
<br /> unless BOROWE� and Lender otherwise ngree In wril�g or unless appAcable lew otherwlae providea, the proceeda ehall be
<br /> -"� appYed to ths auma secured by thia 3ecurfry Instrumeet whether or not the aums aro then due.
<br /> If ths Propaty ts abandoned by Bonower, or if. �fler nottce by Lender to Borrowa that the condemnor otfera to m�ke an
<br /> aw�rd or settle R d�kn fo► darru�gas, Borrower faHs to reapond to Lenda wBhln 30 daya nfter tho date the notice is yiven,
<br /> Lender le euthorized to coMect and eppy the proceed�, et fts option, efther to restoration or repalr of the Property or to the
<br /> suma aecured by thia Security Inatrument, whether or not then due.
<br /> Unleaa Lend� aed Borrowa otherwlse e9ree in wdting, any �ppNcatfon oi proceeds to prindpal shnfl not extend or
<br /> pootpone the due d�t�of the monthy p�yments referted to In puagnpha 1 and 2 or oh�nge the�mount ot auch paym�nte.
<br /> 11. Borrow�r NaR R�I�as�d; Forb�arancs By L.�nd�r Not �Waiver.Extenalon of tha Ume Tor payment or
<br /> modlM1caHon of�mortizatlon ot the euma eecurod by thla 3ecurf4y Instrument granted by Lendx to aoy aucceaaor In Mtxeat of
<br /> Qortower ahaN not operete to releese the IlabNity of the oNglnal Borrower or 8ortower's auccesaoro in�lnterest. Lender shtll not
<br /> bo requked to commvnee proceedinps ayainst any successor In Interest or refuse to extend ttme tor payment or otherwise
<br /> modity�mortl�Uon of the sums eecured by this Secutlty inatruma►t by ro�aon of any demand made by the otipin�l BoROwer or
<br /> Bwrowa's auccesaoro in Interoat My torbenruroe by Lender in exercfaing any rlght or remedy shall not be a waHer of or
<br /> preclude the exercise of sny riqht nr ranedy.
<br /> 12. Succ�ssora and Assigns Bound; Jolnt anrl S�v�rai U�btlity; Co-slgnsra.'rhe covenants and
<br /> ' ayreements ot this Securfty Instrument shal) bind end benefit the succeasors and assigns oi Lender and Bortower, subJect to the
<br /> __ , provlsiona oi parapreph 17. Borrower'e aovenante and agreements ehdl be jolnt end sevenl. My Borrower who casipns thla
<br /> Securfly Inetrument but doea not execute the Note: (a)Is co-sipning thia Securky Inetrument onty to mortQ�ge,grant and convey
<br /> thst Borrower's Interest in the Property under the terma o1 thls Securtty Instrument; (b) la not pereonally obNpnted to pay the
<br /> , suma aecured by this 3ecurfty Inetrument; end (o)�greea th�t Lendor�nd any other Bor►ower may sgree to extend,mndify,
<br /> torbear or make eny eccommodatlons with regard ta the tams of thla Security Inatrument or the Note wkhout thet Bortowa's
<br /> -— consent.
<br /> 13. LOl11 Charges. If the loen secured by thla Security instrument Is subJect to e law whfch a�te maximum losn
<br /> � — aharges, and th�t Iew is flnaly Interpreted so that the Interest or other loan oharges collected or to ba collacted In connection
<br />--'�� wkh the loan exceed the permitted ilmks, then: (s) any such loan cherge ehell be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> .�-�
<br /> „�,� the aharge to ths pertnitted Iimk; and (b) any suma alraady collected from Borrower whlah exceeded pertnitted Ilmita witl be
<br /> "?!??��1 retunded to Borrower. Lender mey chaose �o make thls retund by reducing the prtnclpal owed under the Note or by meking a
<br />- � direct payment to Bottower. It a retund reduces principal, the reductlon will be treeted as a partial prepayment without eny
<br /> ��r''y� prepayment cherpe under the Note.
<br /> '`;�Z• ' 14. Notieoa.My notice to Bortower provided for In thls Secudty Instrument shall be given by del(verfng it w by meiling it
<br />.-•�� by flrst clesa mell unlesa appliceb�e law requires uae of another method. The notice shaA be direoted to the Property Addreas
<br /> "��� or any other addresa BoROwer destgnates by nodce to Lender. My notice to Lender shall be gNen by firat class mail to
<br /> Lender's address stated hereln or any other addrass Lender designates by not(ce to Bortower. Any notice provlded for In thle
<br /> • .�. 3ecurtty Inatrument shall be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender when given as provided In this paragreph.
<br />.�:•'�.! 1 C fSwv��nlNw !�u�. �.`�u�r�htlliu T1.t� e.....ati. 1...�......�..� .ti�u ti .....�� �...���� ��.. _
<br /> ,-_-- . .....s ..� � . ...�. ....� ..��.y ...�..�...�... ... .. yv.... v� �on auu iilo t6w VI Ifl@
<br /> Juiiadiatton In which the Property ts loceted. in the event that eny provlsion or clnuae ot thla 3ecurity Inatnrment or the Note
<br /> conAlats wkh epplfcable law,such conillct shall not atteat other provlsions of thfs Securfty Instrument or the Note whlch can be
<br /> ' glven olfect without the conAictina provislon.To thls end the provisions of this Socu�ity Instrument and tho Noto aro doclared to
<br /> be severable.
<br /> 1 B. 80t'rOWq�'8 COpy. Borrower shail be ghren one contormed copy of the Note and ot this Security Instrument.
<br /> ..'�;.. � � �- .,�-
<br /> . , F1316.1M0(7/9� Pagc J ot S +(��'.� � ,
<br /> 97203
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