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<br /> �� t S.Mazwrd or Property Insurance. Hotrowu shall keep the lmprovcmenta now cxlsting on c�reafter ercctcd on thc Propcny
<br />'.���� insurcd against loss by Cuc, hazarda Includcd wl�►in tha tcrm "cxtcndcd covcragc" and any athcr harards,Including ilaods ar
<br />��-�7-- tlooding,for which Lcndcr rcqu�nes insurancc.Thts insurancc shall bc maIntained In the amounts and for thc
<br />,,-:;;-�,., . pcdals that i.cndcr
<br /> ..,.� requires.'I9u Insurance cu�rier providing the insuranccs shall be cho.sen by Borrower s�bJect to L.encler's spproval which shell not
<br /> _�� bo unreasonably wIthhcld. If Borrowu fails to maintain covcregc dcscribod abovc, L.endcr may.�t I.sndcr's opdon, obtain
<br /> coveragc to protcct L.cndcr's dghLg ln thc Property in acccsrdanct wlth paragraph 7.
<br /> '"� All lnsorance palicles and rencwaLv shall bc acceptablo w Lender and shalt Include a standard matgage clause.L.ender shull
<br /> :.�,i�..'` have thc right to hold the polkies and renewals.If Lcnder rcquues,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender aA receipts of paid
<br /> =-�����. premiums and renawal nottces.In ihe ovent of loss,Borrower shall give prompt not�cc to the insurance carricr and Lender.Lender
<br />__��
<br />�,�� may make proof of loss If not made prompdy by Borrowcr.
<br /> = Unlcss Lender end Borrowcr otherwlse agrec In wddng, insurancc proceeds shall be applicd to restoradon or rcpalr of the
<br /> --— Property damaged,if tho restoradon or repair Ls economically feasible and I.ender's security is not lessened.If the restoration or
<br /> �;;;;�� repair is not cconomicaUy feasiblc or L.cndc�'s sxuriry would ba Iesscned,the insurance proceeds shdl ba applled w the swns
<br /> �-�� aecured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid w Boirower.If Borrower abandons the
<br /> --
<br />