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<br /> authorittes wlth rospect to the Trust Property. ita operation. lmprovement and use; (g)the Tcust
<br /> property has Indefeasible sccess to public rights of wxy as now Improved and open to public passage,
<br /> and is not encroached upon by�mprovements or rights of others�nor do the improvements on the
<br /> property encroach upan the propeRy of othecs;(h)there are no actions,lawsuits,or other procadings
<br /> pending or threatened against or affecdng the Trust Property or Trustor w6uch might adversely affect
<br /> the ability of Trustor to perfarm its obl�8ations uader the Note or other loan documents,or whlah
<br /> might adversely affect the prlodty of Beneficiary's Srst lien on the Trust Property;(i)consummatton
<br /> of the loan s�c:ured hereby and performanoe nnd�r the loan docu�aents wiU not conflict with or result
<br /> � in a bceach of any law�regulation or court ord�r apglicable to Trustor or the Trust Property;G)no
<br /> � condemnation proccecting is pending or,to the knowledge of Trustor,thneatened with e�espect to the
<br /> .` Trust Property;(k)thero has ban no raet�rlal c+dverse change in the financial conditlon of Trustor
<br /> which might adversely affect the abilirj of Trustor to perform its obligattons under the loan
<br /> document�� or which might edversely affect the pdority of Beaeficiary's first lien on the Trust
<br /> propecty;(1)aU services and utilides,such as water,electrtcity and sewer,are available to the Trust
<br /> Property;and(m)with nspect to aach Trustor who is an iadividual.no part of the Trust Property
<br /> � constitutes any part of Trustor's busintss l�omesuad or residendal homestead. As used in this Deed
<br /> •� of Trust� Hazardous Substances rneans: (a) any "hazardous waste" as defined in the Resource
<br /> ; Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976(42 U.S.C. §6901 et seq.). as amcnded from dma to tune,
<br /> s �d r��4etlQn� pmmulgated th�reunder; (b) anY "hazardous substance" as de£ned by the
<br /> Compret�ensive Envimnmental Response,Compensatlon and Liabllity Act of i�(42 i3.�.�•°s�I
<br /> et seq.),as atnended fram time to dme�and nguladons promulgated thereunder;(c)radon,asbestos,
<br /> polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's),explosives, radioactive substances, and matedal quandties af
<br /> petroleum prodacts;(d)any substana the presence of which on the Trust Property is regulated by snY
<br /> federal,state or local law relating to the protection of the environn►ent or public health;and(e}any
<br /> other substaace which by law roquires special handling in ita collecdon,storage,treatment or dlsposal.
<br /> p, Trustor agrees as follows:
<br /> 1 p�y�t�I�ebtednas;p�er[ormana of Coveoants. Trustor shall pay e�ch az►d
<br /> ,.�, ev�ry i.nstallment of principal and interest on the Note and all other indebtedness secuted mentsyand
<br /> � and when the same shall bccome due,and pecform and observe all of the covenants.agree
<br /> ="�� provisions contained hereln,in the Note und any other instrument given as securlty for the payment
<br /> -�� of the Note.
<br /> �� Z, 1Vl�intenance; Compliance;Inspectlon� Trustor shall: kc�p the Tcust Property in
<br /> `� good condition and repair;not pemnit or suffer any extraordinary repairs or removal or demolition of,
<br /> i ar a strucnual change in any build�ng,fixture,equipm�nt,or other impmvement on the Trust Property:
<br /> ; comply with all laws,ordinances,regulations,covenants� cond�tions and restrictions affecting the
<br /> : Trust Property or requiring any alteradon nr improvements to be made thereon(including tho Fair
<br /> � Housing Act and the Am�ricans With Disabilities Act,as each is amended from time to tima);nat
<br /> commit or permit waste thereon; not commit,suffer or permit any act upon the Trust F'roperty in
<br /> violadon of law;culdvate,irrigate�fert9lize,prune and do all other acts which from the character or
<br /> . Deed o[TNSG Auipmxnt of Renp.Secutity Apeement YM Flxture Flin;(NB-919T) �
<br /> PAOB 4
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