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<br /> Trustor imvocably grants. bargains ana sells to Trustee in trust, wlth power of sale, that
<br /> property in the Clty of Grana Isl�nd�County of H�II,State of Nebraska,descrlbcd as follows(the
<br /> "Property"):
<br /> Part ai the East HAIf oi the Northe,�st Quarter(El/2NE]/4)oi Sect�on Twelve(12)�[n
<br /> Tovrnshlp Eleven (11)Nort6, A�a�e Ten (10),West of the Sixth P.M., 8a�1 County,
<br /> Ncbn�sl�n,n�ore pArticul�trly described As followe:Beginning nt A point on the Sectton
<br /> lln�,said point being 2W feet eoutb of the Northerrst corner oi sAid Section 12;running
<br /> thence west and p�rs�llel to the North sectloa W�e oi e�ld Sectlon 12,a distaace of 418 _
<br /> ieet;�ng thence South pArAll��t�tLe�ast Sectlon llne of a�id Srction 12,a distwice
<br /> � of 228 feet;running thence e,�st prrallel to the North Sdctlon line of s�id Sectlon 12,a
<br /> distAr►ce oi 418 feet; runntng thence North on the sectton liae of said Sectton A2, a
<br /> distance of 228 feet to the potnt ot beginning,except for parts deeded in Deeds recorded
<br /> " as Document No.83�004fi47 and Document No. 84-001480 ia the Register oi Deecis
<br /> Ofttce,Hall County, Nebrasks.
<br /> Together with(a)all rents,income,contract rights,issues and pr��its now due or which may
<br /> become due under or by vidue of any lease,nental agrament or other wntract,whether written or oral,
<br /> ' for the use or occupancy of the Property.or any part thereof�togethcr with aU tenant security deposits,
<br /> ' subjeet�however�to the right�power and autriorlty hereinafter given to and coniorczcl upi�ii Tiasi�i
<br /> � to collect and apply such nnts,issues,incorne,contract dghts,security deposits and nroRts prior to
<br /> � any default henunder; (b) all buildings and improvements now or hereafter thereon� and all
<br /> appurtenances,easements,rlghts in party walls,water and water rights.pumps and pumping plants
<br /> and aU shares of stock evidencing the sarne; (c)all fixtures and property now or hereafter attached to
<br /> or used in the operation of the Property,including but�ot limited to machinery�equipment,appltancGs
<br /> aad fixtures for gcnerating or distributIng air,water.heat,clectricity,light,fuel or nfrigeration.or for
<br /> ventilating or sanitary purposos,or for the exclusion of vertnin or insects�ur for the removal of dust,
<br /> refuse or garbage, all wallbeds, wallsafes,built-in fumiture and installations� shelving, lockers,
<br /> partidons.door stops,vaults,elevators,dum�bwaiters,awninqs,window shades.venetian blinds,light
<br /> fixtures,fire hoses and brackets and boxes for same��re spdnklers,alazm systems,drapery rods and
<br /> brackets�screens,linoleum,carpets,plumbing,laundry tubs and trays�ice boxes,refrlgerators,heating
<br /> units,stoves,wav;r heaters,incinerators,cornmunicatlon systems and all installations for which any
<br /> L. such building is specifically designed;(d) all awards,compensation and settlements in lieu theteof
<br /> ; made as a result of the talcing by power of eminent domain of the whole or any part of the Property;
<br /> (e)all trade names by which all or any part of the Properry is known,any books and records relating
<br /> to the use and operation of all or any portfon of the Property, all present and future plans and
<br /> specifications and contracts relevant to the design,construction,management or inspection of any
<br /> ; construction of any improvements on the Property and all present and future licenses. pernuts,
<br /> •; approvals and agc�eements with or from any rnunicipal corporation,county,state or other govemmental
<br /> or quasi-governmental enrity relevant to the development,improvement or use of aJl or any portion
<br /> of the Property;and (� all rights of Trustor in and to any escrow or withhold agraments, surety
<br /> bonds,warranties,management contracts,leasing or sales agreements with any real estate agents or
<br /> Deed o[TnuG Assignmcnt ot Renb.Secutiry A�eement and Fi�tturo FiOry{(NB•9l97)
<br /> PAOH 2
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