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<br /> � !6.Horrowor's Copy.&�rrower ehall bn given one contormed copy of the Note end o[thie Security Instrument. -.
<br /> ' ''" 17. 'I'ransfer of tho Propert or�Beaeficla!Iateroat in Borrowar,If all or any part of the P�coparty or any
<br /> _N._.
<br /> :•. intereat in it ia sold or transiened or if a benoficisl Interest in Borrower is sold or transferra!and Honower is nat a
<br /> •.��_,., ,y. natural pereon)without I.ender'e pr or writtenconsent,I.ender mey.at iteo tion,require immediate piyrnent in full of _.
<br /> _ ,- a11 sums secured by this Security Inetrument. Howover, this option shal�not be ezercisod by Lander it ezerciee ie
<br /> prohibited by federal lew ag of tha date of thle Security Inatrument. -
<br /> -K�'_"° If T.ender oxercisea this option,i.,onder shtll ;ive Horrower notice oi�cceleration.The notice shall pravide�poricxi `-
<br /> of not leas then 30 days irom the date the notice ie delivered or meiled withtn whlch Bonawer must psy tll sumesa:ure�
<br /> -'� by thls SecurIty Inatrument.If Borrowar feils to pay these eume prior to the expiration of thIg period,Lender may invoko� -
<br /> any romodiea permittod by this Socurlty Inatrumant without further notico ar demand on Borroaer.
<br /> ,.. . 18. Borrowar'a Rijdt to Rainstato.Ii BocrAwer meeta certein conditione. Honower ehell have theright to have�
<br /> � anforcoment of thia Securltq Instrument diecondnued at eny tlme prior to the eaclier of:(a)S dnye (or such other peric,d'-• -
<br /> •� as appllcable law may spa�ify far reinstatement)betora sale of the Property �urswnt to anypower of e�lecontainod�nG
<br /> �'� 4�,~�' thie Security Inatrument;or (b) entry of• jud�ment enforcing thia Se�eunty Instrument. Thoso conditiorss ue that-Q --
<br /> s;���Y, Borrower: (a} paya Lender all aums which then would be due unda thie Security Inetrument and the Note�s ii no
<br /> T�;�f� acceleration htd occurnd;(b�cures eny detault oi�ny other covenante or agroomente;(c)paye all expenses i ncurnd i O'
<br />_-� entorciag thta SecurIty Instrument,including,but not limited to,rea�onable attorneys'fas;and(d)talces such actlon as�
<br />_ �- Londer may reasonsbly roquire to�saure that tho lien of thia Security Instrument,Lender's rights in th�Property end
<br />=_Y� Borrawer's obl�lgation to pe}r the sume secured by this Security Inatrumontshall continue unchanged.Upon reinaUtement
<br /> —_� by Borrower,this Sxurity Instrument and th�obligationa sxured hereby shall nmtin fully eftective as it notcceleration
<br /> --=�-*� had occurced.However,thie r�ght to reinstate shall not AP�rly in the case oi acceleration undor peragraph 17.
<br /> �-� 19.Sale of Note;Chaa�e o!Lwa Sorvicer.The Note or s partial intereat in the Note(to�e►ther aitbttusSecudty -
<br /> ____-= Instrument)may.be sold one or mo�e dmes without prior notice to Borrower.A sale msy result�a a chuigein the entity
<br /> - - (known as the"Loan Servicet"�that collecta monthly pnymente due under tho Nou nnd thia Security Instrmneat.There
<br /> ��°_�-�� aleo may be one or rnore chenges of the Loan Servicer unrelatod ta s eale oi the Note.Ii there ie a chinge o!the Loan
<br /> = Servicer,Bonower wIll be givan written notice of the chenge in accordance with paragraph� 14 above and spplicxble law.
<br />�,::�`:;;� The notice wtU stste tho name and eddress of the new Loan Servicer an d the a d dress to w h ic h peymantes hou l d b e mu16.
<br /> __=�°— Tho notice will aleo contain any other information roquired by applicable law.
<br /> `"5�:� ' 20. Hatasdoua Subsbnces.Borrower shall not cause or it the presence,use.dieposal,sivngo,or release of
<br />�_��� any Hazerdous Substances an or in the Properry.Bonower ahal not do.nor ellow anyone else to do.anythiag Jfecting
<br /> �, the Pmperty that is in vialstion of any Environmental Law.Tho precoding two senunces shnll not apply to th�preaence,
<br /> - _— u�a, or storagei on the Property oi smell quetitities of Hezardoug Substances that are generally recap�i zed to bo
<br /> -==_-�= appropriato to normal raidential uses and to m�intennnce of the Property.,
<br /> ��==� ���n+!�w�r sha�l gr.�mg±ly�vR L�a��r w!�itt�n notice of any inv�st�¢auon,clnim,demead,lcwsuit or oth�r ection by
<br /> any governmental or regulatory egency or private party involving the Pmperty and nny Hazardous Subetance or
<br /> — ' Environmdntal Law of which Bonower h�s actual knowledge.If Borrower learns.or is notifiod by any goveramental or
<br /> � regulatory authority.that sny removal or other romediation of any Hezardoua Substence afixting the Ptoperty is
<br /> _—_ nxeaeary,Aorrower sh�ll promptiX take all necessary remedial actions m accordanca with Environmenul I.�N.
<br /> Aa used in tk►ia p�ragraph Z0, Hezardous Substences"are thos�subshnces detined as toxic or hazudous substances
<br /> - by EnvIronmental Law and the following subetances:gasoline,kerosena.othatlammnble or touc petroleurn products,
<br /> — toxic pesticidas and hcrbicides. volatile solvents, materials conteining asbcstas or formddehyde. er�d radioactivo
<br /> matenals.Ae t�»ed in thiA paregraph 2(1,"Environmental Law"means federal l�ws end lawa of tho juriedictioa where the
<br /> _ ' Property is locaud that relate to halth,satety or environmental protectioa.
<br /> _ � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covonantuid�groe as followe:
<br /> ---- �;� 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender ehall =ivo notice to Bono�ar pr�or to �ccaleratioa lollowIn�
<br /> ' Borrower's breach of aay covenaat or aareement in thie Securjty Iaetru=nent(but not prIor to�cceleration
<br /> , uader parajraph 17 unloaa applicable l��v provides otharwise).Tha aot�ce shall epecify:(s)the dei�ult;(b)tho
<br /> �ctton required to cure the default; (e) a date. not leae thaa 30 d�ys ftom the date the aotice is �Ivea to
<br /> HorroNer,by which the default muat be cured;aad (d)that t�ilure to cure the default on or beiore the d�te
<br /> apecIfied ia the notice may result ia�cceleratioa of the aums secured by this 5ecurity Iastruraeat�nd sale of
<br /> - � tho Praperty.T6e notice ehall further inform Borrower of tha ri=ht to reinatate aiter acceleration�nd tbe
<br /> ___�_ rijht to brin=a cnurt action to assert the noa-e:istence of a default or anp othor dofeaae of Bonow�r to
<br /> � acceleration snd eal�.Ii the default is aot cured oa or before the date tpecified in the not�ce,Lender� at it�
<br />�-- � optioa. may require immediate paqment in full of all sums secured by this Security Iastrumeat wit6out
<br /> turthor dem�nd and may invoke the poeer of s�lo�nd any other remodiea permltted by�pylicable law.
<br /> ' Lender ah�ll be oatltled to collect all espeasea incurred ln pursulnt the rcmedies provided in tliis p�ra=aph
<br /> - -�—q 21,includin j,but aot limited to,reasoaable attorneys'fees and coats o!tltle evidence.
<br /> -- � If the powor of aale is invoked�Tru�tee sh�ll record a notice of default in cach cvunty in whicb�ny part of
<br />_�__��z° the Proporty is located and shall mdl copies of such aotice in tho an�aaer�rascribed by appljable law to
<br /> =-"{�r��:' BonoNer and to the other persoas preacribed by applicable law. After thetime required by applic�ble lsw.
<br /> ����'� Truatee ahall;ive public aotice oi sale to thepersoas and ia the maan�r prescrlbed by�pplicable 1�p_Trustee�
<br />��_ �,:�.� without dom�nd oa Borrowar.suaii sell the Property�t public auction to tha hi=heat bidder�t the ttme and
<br /> -- place and under the terma desi=nated In the notice ai aale ia one or moro parcels aad in�ny ordar TrusteG
<br />- - determines.Trustee may postpone sale oi all or aay parcel 01 the Property by public announcomoat at the
<br /> =�.�`;'�-. time and place of any previously scheduled s�le. Leader or its designea msy purchasa the Property at any
<br />- .. aale.
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