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<br /> TOflCI'H�R \VI'f1I �11 the improvemonts naw or horeatter oracted on tho property, md dl eanomente,
<br />- -__ �ppurtoaincem,�nd fixwree nAw or hereatter a p�rt of the propercy.A11 replacumuntc and additians�t►nll alro be cove�red �
<br /> by thls Securtty lnetrument.All of the tore�ing ie referred to in thte�ecurity Instrumont te the"Property."
<br />� HQRROWER COV�NAN'fS thtt Borrower ie 1twlulty saised of the esute hereby conveyed end hea the ri�ht to
<br /> - �rant end coavey the Property tnd th�t the Prupe,ty is une�ncumbered,except for encumbrances of rocord. Honower
<br /> u.�� warranta md will defend�enerelly the title to the Property againat all cliims dnd demuid�,subject to my eacumbnncee
<br />'���s` ' of record.
<br />„_;x;;�� THIS SF•CURITY INSTRUMBNI'combinee uniform covenanta tor nttlonel uso and non-un�form caven�nte with�
<br /> _�y;Q,s limitod vuYSttona by jurtedictian to constttute a uniiorm eocurity inetrument covering real property. �
<br /> UNI�ORM COVEN pTS.Borcower and Lepdy covenant and sgroe 6follows: p when due'^
<br />-���� � 1.P� meat oi Priuci ol and Iatereat;Pra a ment and L�te Ch�r es. Borrower ehall prom tly pay
<br />=;,� the princlpal of snd interest on the debt evidencal by the Note md nny prepryment aad lato char�es duo under the Note.
<br /> --__= 2. Puad�for TaYes aad Inaurance. Subjoat to epplicablo law nr to a written waiver by Lender� Borcoaer shal`
<br /> ___ pay to Lender on the day manthly psyments ue due under the Note,untll tho Note is paid in full,a sum("Funda")lor�
<br /> ___ (a)yearly tsxee and�ar�aments wt►ich mey att�in pdority uver this Security Instrument�e a lien on the Property;(b
<br /> _- yearly lasahold p�ymente or Qround rents on the Property, it any;(c)yesrly hsz�rd or property inaurance prem�ume,
<br /> - � (d)yarly tlood ineurance premiums.if any;(o)yearly mortgage insunnco premiume,ii�ny;uid(f)any sume p�yable
<br />_=t;?;�!'� by Borrower w Lender,�n nccordence with tho provIsions of peragn�ph 8,in lieu of the psyment of mort�ge insurancx
<br /> - premiums.Theee itemB are celled"Eecrow Itama."Lender mey,st sny tlme.collect ind hold Funde�n en amount not
<br /> :.-.,t�za ta eYCeed the maxtmum amount a lender for a federally relatod mortgage loan mey require for Bonower's eecrorv
<br />�`"�"��°' account under the federal Re�l Eetate Settloment Procodur�s Act of 197�ea amended irom ttme to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> � Sectian 2601 et aeq. �"�PA"��unless snother law that applles to the Funds seta a lesser amount.It eo,L.ender may,
<br /> �_� � at tny time�collact and hold Funds in an smount not to exceed the leseor emount.Lender may estimate the amount oi
<br /> ~ Funds due oa the basie of cunont data aad reasonable esttmates oi expenditures of future Eecc�ow Items or otheraise ia
<br /> accordance with spplicable law.
<br /> The Funds shall bo hr.ld jn an Institution whoso deposits are Insuted by a federal agency�instrumantality,or entity
<br /> -== : (inrl�d+_ng T.ender,ii Lendor is auch an institution)or in anY Federal Home Loan Bas�C.Lendor ehall apply the Funds to
<br /> =�== psy the F�croa Itome.Lender mey not charge Borrower for holding and applying tho Funds.annualiy anatyzia� ii�o
<br />___�;;';:� ' escrow account,or verifying the Escrow Items,unlese Lender paye Bormwer interesc on the Funda and�pplicable laN
<br /> "�°1• � permits Lender to mako such a ch�rga Howover, Lender msy require Borrower to pty a one-tIme chuQe !or an
<br /> --=.��� ._ independent real estate taY reporting service usod by Lender�n connectton with this lwn,unlesa applicablo larv provldee
<br /> _- otherwiee.Unlese sn agreement is mede or spplicable law requires inureat to be paid. Lender shall not be required to
<br /> ---— pay Borrower any interest or earnin$e on the Funda.Borrower and Lender may a�roe in wr�ting,how�ver,thst intenest
<br /> , sh�ll be p�id on the Funda.Londer ehtll give to Bonower,without chicge,en Rnnual accouatIng of the Funde,shoMinQ
<br /> credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for wt►i�ch each debtt to the Funds w�s made.Tho Funde are pled�ed�e
<br /> -= , additional security for all swns secured by this Securlry Instrument. �nder shall account W
<br /> • If tho Funds held by Lander oxceod the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,
<br /> Bonower for the oxcese Punds in eccordance with the requinments oi appliceble law. Ii the amouat of the Funds held
<br /> — • by I,enda at tay time is not sufficiont to psy tho F.ecruw Itema ahen due,Londer may eo notity Borrower in wdtin�,
<br /> euid�ia such c�se Borrowar eh�ll pey to Leader the emount nx�seuy ta make up the deficlency.BorroNer shall make
<br /> up the deficiency in no moro thnn twelve montWy peymente,at Lender's eole diecretion.
<br /> — Upon payment in full of n11 sums securod by this Socurity Instrument,Lender ehall promptly refund to Borrower
<br /> �� • any Funda hold by Lender. If. under paregraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property, Lander, prtor to the
<br /> acquisition or sale oi the Proparty,ehell apply any Funda held by Lender at the time of acquieition or eale�s a credit
<br /> � • againat the suma secucod by this SecurIty Instrument.
<br /> - 3. Appl{cstioa oi Paymeate. Ualess applicable law provides otherwise,all pcymenta receivod by I.ender uader
<br /> ' peragcap}�e 1�nd 2 shall be applied: first,to any prapayment charges due under tho Note;eecond,to amounta p�yable
<br /> unda ptragnph 2;third,to intenst due;fourth,to pnncipal due;and lest,to any lau charges du�und�r the Note.
<br /> 4. Chartos; Liene. Borrower shall pny a11 tsxes, assessmonts, cAarges,fines md impositions sttributable to tho
<br /> — Property ahich may attein priority over th�s Security Instrument. end leasehold paymenta or ground renta, if any.
<br />--
<br />