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<br /> XNOfi AI,L t�N BY THB$8 PRS$BNTS: !- ��— la9io�-
<br /> Thet i, Me�raie P. Kru�e, e resid�nt A! (irend teland, Ha11 County,
<br /> N�brA�ks, do by the�e pre��nte, rosks, con�titute sr►d appoint my dnught�r,
<br /> Corli�� L. Cisy of Kennewiak, fie�shington, e� mY 1lttornoy-in-Fact, to do !ox me
<br /> snd on my behsit, any o! ehe followirig:
<br /> i. To M�Cf1Qt'AN by aheck or otheruiae lrom any checking
<br /> acaount, oavingo acaount, or oaving■ ceztitiants
<br /> account, Mhich I mny have.
<br /> 1. To endorse checka !or depoa�t to ay cheeking acaouat
<br /> or ae►ving� aacourit snd eo sec�ive ssiy prop�rty or
<br /> cr�dit� oxned by nw, includiny euiy nan�i�s payabl� to
<br /> ma by a:►y govsrn�nentel ag�ncy. My ltttorn�y-in-Faat,
<br /> eheil have full auth6sity to redeea►, have re-Yegi�ter-
<br />- ed, or tiave reioaued any hond, note, bili, NASrant.
<br /> certificate or other evidence o! indebtednass oxned by
<br /> , me (inaluding any auch itemo o�rned by ms a� a� co-oxn�r
<br />- or joint tenant) tsnd iesued by the tMited 9tnteA, any
<br /> other couat:y, auiy Atate, municipality, or othsr
<br /> govern�nental subdivieion or goverrnnental agenay.
<br /> 3. To oell or leaos any soaeto oxried by me, xhether renl
<br /> eetate or person�l propmrty and including home�►teed
<br /> , propsrty aad stoak� and bonde, ut such pricee, on ouch
<br /> teszne, for euch langth ot tezm, �nd in euch manrser,
<br /> whethar at privAte or public aale or negotiation, aa
<br /> my Attorney-in-Fnct deems advieablQ. She ma�y convey
<br /> any property eo eold by her by inetzumente ot con-
<br /> veyance witii custanary weiia�ii�io6. Sha �s.:i' �ntar �n�
<br /> eefety depoait bax I leaee auid may remove eay itesns
<br /> therafran. 8he ie empo�rered to enake giftn for me. .
<br /> �. To enter into agreements ysrtaininq ta any property or
<br /> any intarest in property oriaed by me and on euch te�cros
<br /> As my Attcrnay-ia-Faat Qaemo advi�abls. Thiw �hall
<br /> iaaiude contraats !or gooda, repair improvements,
<br /> � replacements, and peraonal eerviasa !or the maintsnan-
<br /> ce o! my propertyJ and to borroM funds end mortgage
<br /> property theref�r.
<br /> 5. In generel, to enter into any buain�oa tranosetiono •
<br /> pertsining to my propsrty nnd !or my maintsnanae aA
<br /> fully ap i could do it myselL. 3he ig empoMered to
<br /> . sign my inaome tauc returns end relat�d documents.
<br /> 6. To entor into any contraate or agreements !or nny
<br /> medical, domiailiary, or oCher cars needed by me as
<br /> detesmined to be in my beet interest� by my Attorney-
<br /> ia-8act, nrid pay all lees asid chergee nece�sary !or ny
<br /> maintenance and cAre= to authoriss or waiv� any
<br /> medicel procedures for me.
<br /> � = ratity and confirm all Acts daze by my Attornsy-ia-Fact, under ttsi�
<br /> Power of Attorney. i reaerve the riqht to revoke thio Pox�r ot Attorn�y by
<br /> the liling o! euch revoadtior� in Miacsilaaeoua Recordo i�n the Oliice of the
<br /> R�giator ot Deada ot Ha�il County, Nebraaks. Tiaio Dower o! Attom�y 4ha11
<br /> remain in luil lorce and eltect everi though i mey herealter became� mentdlly ar
<br /> phyeically incompetent.
<br /> DATBD this 9th day of July, 1997.
<br />_ f l ;,
<br />- d� � J y.
<br />- . Marc . KruBe
<br /> — ) R8.
<br /> � COUNTY OF HAT,L �
<br /> On Chin 9th day cf July, 1997, before me, the undersigned, a Notary
<br /> = Public xithia end Por said County, personaily came Mercia P. Kruse, who 3e
<br /> � knvwn to me to be the identicel pereon Mhoae n�me ie a£fixed to tha foregoiag
<br />-� PoKer ot Axtorney, end acknowladged hia execution to k�e her voiuntery nct and
<br /> i deed.
<br /> �
<br /> .; ����1��^�+�.�i����J✓�^-�
<br /> �NEAAI MOTARY4l�le ef IkDqsMi Notary Publ c -
<br /> AM Coin�n.E�p M�rcA 2d 2000
<br />