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<br /> "`"``�•'-'� 1Q� Rslmuu:ment Borrower has a right to be rcinststed lf LeQder has required imme�drt��i�ll;nt In tull
<br /> `' bccuusa of Bart�wer's failure to pay an amaunt due andcr thc Note or this Sccurity Instrumen� T'his rtght apPllcs —
<br /> - " " � '� evea ufter foreclosure proceedings are insUtuted. To reinau�te the Secudty Instrument�Borrawer shaU tendar in a lump -
<br /> �• ,, ; sum sU amounts required to bring Bocrower's account curraat Including,co tho oxtent they are abligutians of Borrowar -
<br /> � � under this Security Insuument,foreclosure costs and reasanable and cuatomary atrorneys'fees and expenses prolsedY
<br />=� �;;��,,, associated with the for�closuta proceedlag. Upon ralnstatement by Borrowcr, this Securiry Instrumcnt and tho _.
<br />`��`.�` �`� obligattons that it secures shall rern�ln in etfect as iP 1.cnder had not required immediate payment in fuA. Howevcr,
<br />.,. I.�nder is uot res�uired to permit�elnscatement if:(i) Lcnder has accepted retnstateaient aiter the commencement of L
<br />�� foreclosure proceaiings withia t�o years Imtnediataly precediag the commencearent of a cutrant forcclosure
<br /> proceeding, (fi)reinstatement will preclude foreclosuro on di�erent gcounds in the tuture,or(W)reinstatement wlll
<br /> adversely a�ect the priodty of the!ka created by Wis SecurIry Instrumen�
<br /> � 1� g��=�g�; go�anoe bp l,�ader Not i WaiMer. Fxtension of the time of payment or
<br /> ! modi8cation of amortizatlon of the sums secured by this Security Insuument granted by Leader to aay successor In
<br /> ��"�"`��.. interESt of Bonower shall not operete to release We llabiliry of the original Bonower or Bonower's sucassots in
<br />`�`"�`x'�.��n_ interes� Lender shall aot be requiral to commence proceediag�agaiast aay succcssor!n inwrest or refuse to cxund
<br />=°u:nc w+.
<br />=���.� cime for payment or othenvise modlty ataonizatiaa of thc sums secured by Wis Sccurity Instrument by reasoa o any
<br />~ �r.`•`" demand mada by the original Borrower or Bonower's successors Ia interes� Aay forbearance by Lender in exercLsing
<br />.i';�t�.�;:';..�
<br />_��Y�;� any dght or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or preclude the excrcise of any dght or remedy.
<br /> �, ���go�l;,bint and Se�etal I�a6tliryr,Co-Si�en. The oovenants and agreements of this
<br />�:,�%x,�l
<br /> Security Iasuument shall bind and beneat the successors aad assigas of L.ender and Bonuwer�subject to the provls ons
<br />•-=��� of paragraph 9(b).Bottuwer's oovenants and agccatents shall be joint nnd sesreral. Any Barrower who co•sigas this
<br /> `��°'^�! SecurIty Instcument but does not e�ecute the Note: (a)is co-sigNng thLs Securlry Instn�ment only co mortgage,grant
<br /> -��:� and oonvey that Borrower's interest ia the Propeny under the terms of this Secudty Instnament;(n)is not personally
<br /> -�'-��y� obligated to pay the swns secured by tLtg Securlty Instrumeat;and(c)agrees that Lender end any other Bonower may
<br /> �::*��`s� agree to eatend,modify,forbear or make any aocontmodatioas with regard to the tera�s of this Securlty Insuument or
<br /> --�=���._ the Note wIthout tt�at Bonower's consea�
<br />,�-:',"J`� 13. Nodoea. Any aotice to Borrower provlded far in tl� Sec+uity Insuuatent shell be given by dellvertng it or
<br /> _-�"�''�. by mailing it by Srst class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. 'The notice shall be ditectai to
<br /> - � ttte�'roperty Addtesg or aay other address Bonower designates by n�tice to Lender.Auy notice to L,ender shall be
<br />, ..��':�:+�� given by 8rst clsss mall to L.ender's address stated hereW or aap address I.ender designates by notice to Boaower.Any
<br /> .j1"^'*�'�� notice provided for in this Securtty Insuument shaU be dcemed to have been g[ven to Bonower or Lender when given
<br /> �`�.�. � a��►�o��Idect i�t ihts �gr»P�.
<br /> -•��.�� 14. CiaMUniaa L�.S�aabilltr Th1s SecuritY Ins«ument ahall ba govemed by federal law and the uw ai the
<br /> _y�si; f urlsciiction in which the Property is located. In the event tbat any provision or clause oP this Sec�dty lnstru�►ent or
<br /> _ — the Note oonQicts with applicable 1ew,auch oonflict shaU not af�ect other provisions of thi.c Se,cudty Ipstrument or the
<br /> '�.E�� Note which can be givea effect without the conIIictIng provLsion. To tlils end the provlsions of tlds Securtty Instrument
<br /> --_---= and the Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> ---- 15, gocm�a�er�s(bpSr. Borra�ver shall be glven one conformal copy of the Note and of this Security lnstrumen�
<br /> _--- - = i� Haardooa�noa. Eorrower sbaU not cause or permit We presence,uso,disposal,stc�raga.or releasa of
<br /> ---_-- any Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Ptaperty. Bonower shall not do� nor allow anyoae else to do,aaything
<br /> �-� a�'ecting the Properry that�S in vioiation of any Envlronmental Law. The preoeding two senteno�s shall aot apply to
<br /> "`�' the presence,use,or storage on the Property of small quantides ot Haaardot�s Substancas that are generally recogniud
<br /> ' to be appropriate to aormsl residendal uses and to maintenana of the Property.
<br /> Bonower ahuU promptly give Lender wrItten notice�f any lavestigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other actioa
<br /> by any governmeatal or r�gul�tory agenc.y or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> - --- Envitonraental Law of which Borrower has actuat knowledge. ItBonower learns,or is notlflod b3�any goveramental
<br /> --- — or regulatory authorlry,that any nmoval or other remeAtatioa of any Hazardous Substanas affectii►B the Fr°I�enY is
<br /> Y'�� necessary,Bonow�r shall promptly take all nec�ssary rcmedial actions in a000rdanoo with Environmental Law.
<br /> �_-=;� qs used in thls paragraph 16,"Hazerdous Substances'are those substances deSneA as toxic or ha�ardous substences
<br /> --°_-- by Environmenwl Law and t4e following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other tlammable ar toxIc peuoleum products,
<br /> _.,�,i to�ctc pestic(des aad herbicides, wlatUe solvents. maurlals oontaining asbestos or f�rmaldehyde, and radfoactive
<br /> �•-n matedals. As used ln this paragraph 16."Eavimnmental Law"means foderal laws and laws of the jurlsdiction where
<br /> i,�,,�� the Property is located that relateto healtIl,safety or environmental protectton
<br /> ;:�_='��` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Harrower and I.ender further oovenant and agree as follows:
<br /> '-`�� '>� ` •, 17, paR{anmeat oE Renb. Borcower uaoonditionally assigas and transfers to Lender all the rents and revenucs
<br /> �� -• - .
<br /> ` ���=� of the Propercy. Banower autho[izes Lender or Lcnder's agents to oollect the rents and revenues and hereby directs
<br /> - -'��'�'�M�. each tenant of the Pro to the rents to Lender or L.ender's agents. However.prtor tv Lender's notiae to
<br /> PertY PaY
<br />- � Borrower of Borrower's breach otany covenant or agreement in the Securfty Instrument,Borrower shall wllect and
<br /> .. � receive all rents and reveaues of the Property as trustee for the bene8t of Lender and Bonower. This asslgnment of
<br /> � rents constitutes an absoluto assigament and not an assignment for additional securlty oNy.
<br /> If Lender gives notice of breach to Bonower. (a)nll renfs received by Bonower shall be held by BoiYOwer as
<br /> tnutee for bene�t of Lender oNy,t�be applied to the sums secured by the Security Insuumeat; (b)Lender shall be
<br /> ;�`''"� entitled to collect and receIve aU of the rents of the Properry;and(c)each tenant of the Propercy shall pay all rents
<br /> � � � due and unpaid to Lende�or Lender's agent on I.ender's writtcn demand to the tenan�
<br /> - n,.......e.we.• ..,.�...,......�.�t �nv.,rtnr nccionm�.r�t nf thc rents and tfa�not eIId wW IIOt DCTfOLM eIIy SCt W8t w01lld
<br /> _�,_._-.__-.---.-_..- __ ............. ......«... —�r-•-- --o--- -- �-
<br /> � prevent Lender from cxerctsing fu rights under this paragraph 17.
<br /> �i Lender shalt nnt be required to enter upon,take oontrol of or maintaia the Propetty before or after giving notice
<br /> ,� of breach to Borrower. Howevcr,Lender or a judlclaUy appolnted receiver may do so at any time there is a breach.
<br /> n«,�mm�s�,cem,in�.ceoo�bw»ez Page 4 of 6
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