� . . , . :�,t:%rr+ rh' .�r�i�� t�Lt-. :� ,�- r�. � ti �Z �vWyt� r T --=�-'....,
<br /> �ji �, +; _ ' � - ' ..,i�'"�'; _'n„> s;j.ayh,�¢n �.Lj-,. +� - 1- - }} r` h --i-_ -;t:`. _ . .,
<br /> �Ji�q i �� � ��:�3tY�jJV1�l�l.bi.,\c��.d., .... .
<br /> APPL# 001-71003004
<br /> � MLi� OOOOQ00000
<br /> iHOMJ1A D NOfpIDAUM AND P11M3I.11 HOHNBAOM, H[T8B]IH!) ]1Nf7 ilIDB ��� ����
<br /> nf tiw C�unty af �+L �nd Stau of �B�� heroinafter calted the pxrty of the tirst pan, in
<br /> cawWcr�l{w►uf F�f3H�X FYt/� THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLiARS�
<br /> In hrnd ��Id, do heroby Ortnt, b�t��in,sell and wnvey tu�to the Home Fedenl Savings&Loan Associadon of Gruid Island, (irand blind,
<br /> N�r��k�.uid lu�ucceiwn and�a�i�ns,the following real estate.situated In �+L
<br /> Counry,Suta nf ����KA ,to�vit:
<br /> To�edar wNh dl th��ppurten�nce�dbrouaa boton�ia�.and aU covenants ia�U the title deala runniny wiU►said real est�u,and all tha rente.iawes
<br /> �nd proflu�Nsr�therctrom�Aet defiult in pedomunce of any covenent or candidon heretn contained;and wurmts ttie tide chereto perfcet�nd
<br /> ckar ezcept tor�hb mory��e.
<br /> Durfn/tlte time�hu mort��{e h in force�he mon;t�oro agrce:
<br /> Flnt. To p�y�II 1uce�u�d�pecl�l ua�smentslcrbd a��inst uid premisea.includlnR all taaes and asseasments kvied upon this mortga�e,
<br /> or the defx iecured by thu ma���e.
<br /> Seeond. To keep all bulldin���hereon in�urcd�Qainst loas by fire,IiQhtninY and tornado ia some company.w be ipproved by tho eaid
<br /> Home Pedenl uvin���Lan Auaiatbn ot(ir�nd Ialud in the aum oP S 85,000.00 � for the beaefit of the said
<br /> Atwci�tion,and iu�ucce�on or�ui�n�;�nd w depotit aid poliaies with said Associitlon,u�d ahali not commlt or suffer any wute on sald
<br /> prcmi�es.uid�h�tll put and k�ep aW ral ewte bulWia�i u�J improvementa ia�ood order.
<br /> 7n1rd. To pay or c�uw w bs p�io to tho Homo Foeieral SsvuiYa&Lo�-t el�iwi.i�tion of GtsssC Isl:ssd,l�succa;.ar.ar�fts�,s!x swn
<br /> �um of S �=a� DI1/s THOUBAND AND NO/300 _ DOLIARS.
<br /> pryabb au tolbw�:
<br /> DUS� ADRIL 1, 199Y
<br /> whh iate►at tlNroon Wy�bb.sccordMy w the tenor and effect of the oae aruin first mort�aQe note ot esid murtgagon.be�rins even dato whfi
<br /> dw�pro�a. Atter m�turfty wW Dued drrwt Interctt�t the nW of nine per cent per uu►um.
<br /> U wW taxa�nd usaumentr�ce,noe p�W when due,or if the bulldinQa on said pnmises are not insured aa ibove pmvided,or if any
<br /> of aid inkre�t I�not p�ld when due.then wid whob debt thtll become due immediatcly,at d�e option ot the said Assoc4tion,aed xbsll therafter
<br /> drsw b�en�t�t die nta of nfne per ant par�mwm.
<br /> 9fie mort{yor(�)h�nby u�l�np)w uiW morq��ee aU renta and iacome arisine at�ny and�U times from�aicf Propeny aad hercby
<br /> wd�orf�ce uid matt{yoe or fp��ent,u lu optbn,upon default,w uke chir�e of aaid property and colicet tll renta uid income tfierefrom and
<br /> �pp1y d�e wm�w dw p�ynMnt of MNenu, prino{pd, Inwrar�ce premiums,taxes.uaessmeate,xepaira or improvecnents necessiry to teep s�W
<br /> propetty ia temnqbk conditbn,or w cMl�r cluu�ot p�ymenro provided for horein or in the note 6eroby secured. Tdia rcat�ssiQnment slWl
<br /> c,ontinue in(oca u�di the uapdd b�l�n�e af pW no�Is Nlly p�id. The uk(n�of possession hereunder eha11 in no msnnar prevent or reurd said
<br /> mort���ee In the calbctbn of MW wnu by I�auF{o�ure or otlrcrwiss. �
<br /> Whedier wid debt become�dw Yy l�qe ot Hme,or by rcawn of d�e tailure of die parry of the 8nat pan to comply wkh any condition
<br /> heroln,the raid Home Pedenl 5�vfn���Lo�n A��oci�tion ot dr�nd Lund,the succossors end u�iana,ehitl have�he d{ht w be�in the forccloiure
<br /> of th4 mortpge rt wrce on�he whak deM heroby recurod,�nd w Include theroin aU taxes,aasessmenw,insurance pnmiwps and cosce,piid by
<br /> It or them;or wfd Aswcl�tion, lu wcceuon or�ul�n�,m�y foreciose only as to the sum psat dne,without inJury to d�is mort�a�e,or the
<br /> displuement or imp�lrment of the Ibn d�ereof.
<br /> And the uid ifnt p�rty�nd the m+�ken of uW note.e�pecully aacee and declare that the aepar�te eauu of ach and every one of them.
<br /> Inclu�in4 both that rrow owneA md U�at hero�tler�cqulred,Is pted�ed and bound for the p�yment of the debt hereby sxured.
<br /> - ARer tha commem:ement of any tuk In foreclu�un the plaintif�therein s1u116e entitied to tho immedi�te poasession of s�id premises u�d
<br /> the appoinumnt of�recoiver therefor�rat wflh�t�ndio�they m�y be d�e homestead of the occupant and not witbsundin�the parties Ii�bie for the
<br /> debt may be wivent,and the ftr�t pirty hercby cunse�b!o the�ppolntment of a Receivcr upon the production of this indenturc,without other
<br /> evidenc�..
<br /> _ Tfio foreQoinj conditbm�nd��roemenu,�il�r�l�in�ular,bein�fi�ily pert'ornrcd.this conveyance ahill be void,otherwise to be and
<br />_ rem�in in NII force�nd effect.
<br /> Si�ned thit �OTfi �y o( OCTOBER. 1997 A.D..
<br /> ° _.,LEaz�.�C/��/i�—�_
<br />� / `�Il�i D 80101�I�OM —� ---
<br /> :� • �
<br /> In prosencc of o
<br /> 11/94 827-1
<br /> � _.. .�._..�_,.-a.- - - _
<br />