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<br /> 5. Hu.ard or Propaty (nsurance. Banower sUall kap �he i�nprovements naw exisdng te e rected on the __
<br /> pmpecty lnsurecl agxiust loss by flre,hAZwrds tucluded wIthin f.�he torar "eatended covemge" uKl w►Y other hazards, lnclndiug =
<br /> . s��....:
<br /> flcrods or flcx�ding, for tvhich Lender requi�es Insurance.This insurauce shatl be maintainecl in ths amaunts Ancl far the pedcxls ��„
<br /> ns thxt Lepder requires, The iusur�nce esirrier provl�ing the lnsvrauce stu�ll be cuosen by Borrower subject tu Lemler's approval
<br /> � whlch stutU not be uarexsonably wlthheld. If Borrower fidls to au�intain wverage described Above, Lender mny, xt Lender's _
<br />-_- opdon,abtrin coverage ta protect Lender's rigbts!n the Propetty ia accordAnce wtth para&raph 7• _.
<br /> n
<br /> All Insurance policIes aud renewale shall be accePtable to Lender and sha11 include s standard mortgage clause. L.ender
<br /> stu�U have tt►e tight W hold the policies and nnewals. If Lender requires,Borrower slu�U promptly b*ive to L.�ader all receipis of _
<br /> , paid premiums and renewal nodccs. In tbe event of lac�,Borrower shall give prompt noNce to the insurance arrler and Lend�r. `—
<br /> ; ,- I.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. ���o����oa or repair of the —
<br />- � � Unless Lencler aucl Homower otherwlse agra in wrldng,ln��rxnce Proceeds sbe111K aPP
<br /> �. � � Property damaged�if the restoradon or npair is economiatlly feaslble xud Lender's securlty Ia not lessened. If the nstoradon or
<br /> repair is not eco�wmicelly feasible or Lender's secnrity would be le.ssened,the insurance proceecls si�all be APAlial to the svins _
<br />