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<br /> dpplisd to ms when I hava renched the aondition her i�n��fand
<br /> prolong xay liEe,t nd not t eaure �ae ore impro gr n►Y ondition.
<br /> - a� r---�n±��en Here�t t.
<br /> 13. T4_J�Q.D11 e��'��'Phincrs ---------_-
<br /> In general to do �11 other actR, ro ert m nd afta3ra, ornto
<br /> whatsosver i.n or mbout n►y astmte, p p Y�
<br /> conaur with peraons iointly intereated with mysal! thorein in doing
<br /> all ac�ts, daads, �ttar�, and things harsin, �i to 1�int�ntsyand
<br /> qan�rally d�saribad, as lully and w!laatually
<br /> purpos�s a• I aould do in my own prop�r p�r�on i! p�rsonally
<br /> pr�s�nt, it b�inq �y ir�t�nt to grant to a►y said attoxnsy e g�n�ral
<br /> �nw�r,t liwit a to th� �psoi�la�ects�h�r�in aoscri�as� or spsaiel
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<br /> �v�r e�' l�t�arn����t�etiv� Not��tardina Q�a b17 itv_e�
<br /> . P�a�Q��x_,C �on�tt�� n E••-�* �tt�r Prinaina� �a D�a*�+ Lntil
<br /> �,��. Pur�usnt to th� provi�ions o! the Nsbraska Probat� Cods,
<br /> I dsciara that this powsr dt attornay shall � disabilit tior
<br /> ix�madiatoly end aball not b4 a!l�atad by xY y
<br /> in�3a�,a�ft�� ans3 th�* t�a authorit_y granted har�in shall aontinus
<br /> during any period while I am disablad or inoapaaitatsa. Fiiu-L;�e�,
<br /> pursuant to said Sections, a�ll �uah authority shail continuv attex
<br /> � a�y daath, until notics oi' suah d4ath shall have been r4c�ivad by my
<br /> attorney so that sh� has actual knowledge of t�e tact that I hav�
<br /> died. Any a�ation taken in good lnith by sa�id attornsy durir�g any
<br /> period while it is uncertain whsther I am alive, b�lor��an
<br /> received actual knawledge of my death, or, in any ev�nt,
<br /> durinq ar►Y l�ex'iod while � �a disablad or inaapacitated, ehall bn aa
<br /> valid as it I ware alivs, aompntant, and not disabl�d.
<br /> IN WI�NESS WHEI�EDF'► I have eigned and acknowledqed this
<br /> instruYnent thia �_ dey v! June, 1997.
<br /> - �' --l- -� �,aP.J�-� --
<br /> Esther M. F lk n
<br /> . ) ae:
<br /> COUNTY OF IiALL )
<br /> � On this � day o! June, •1997, l�etore ma, ths und�rsiqnad, a
<br /> t Notary Publi.c duly �sommiaeioned and qualitied in aaid aounty,
<br /> parsonally came Esther M. Filkin, known to m4 to be the identical
<br /> parson whose n�ne is aflixed to the loregoing instrumsnt, and sha
<br /> , acknowledged s mg hand u�id n tarygs al thbe te andl�ar la t above
<br /> deed. Witnss y
<br /> writton.
<br /> , Notary Publ a
<br /> POIIERS�FILK .D OEHEAAI NU1ARr•S��te ol NebnsM�
<br /> MY Comm.Etp M�11,199!
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