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<br /> DIIAI1HLS POw�R 0! ATTO�ilY
<br /> EEiON 71LL 1�1T HY TH38E PAa8E11T8 s ��w� ��O�/
<br /> That I, Esther M. Filltin, have made, aonstituted i*
<br /> appointed, and by these presents do make, aonstitute and app
<br /> Helen K. S keen, i Z 5 0 0 W. C e d a r v i e w R o a d, P. 0. Bbx 311, Wood Ai.ver,
<br /> Nebraaka, as my true and lawful attorney for me and in my name ,
<br /> plece and stead, and on my beha�f, subject to the provis3.ons of
<br /> ps�raqrapb 14 hereof, to do and execute all or any of the following
<br /> aats, desds and thinga.
<br /> 1. To Rece�ve Debt��. ��^*ents and Prcnertv,. 'ro ask, dem�tnd,
<br /> sue tor, recover and receive all sums of mpney, debts, duea, qoods,
<br /> waras, merchandise, chattels, ef.feats and things of whtttsoev�r
<br /> nature or desaription which now are or hereafter shall be or beaome
<br /> due, owing, payable, or belongfng to me in ar by any r3ght, titls,
<br /> wnyB or means howsoever, end upon reaeipt thereof, or ot any part
<br /> thereof! to make, sign, exeaute nnfl deliver auah reaeipts, releaec3s
<br /> dr o�:her disaharges for the same respeativeiy aa r�r sai8 wttezns;
<br /> shall desm advisable.
<br /> Z� Te s.ttiA Aaaountg. To settle any aaaount or r.eakaning
<br /> whateosver wherein I now am or at any �ime herealter sh�►11 �e in
<br /> any way intsrast�d or aoncerned with any person whom4osvar, ar►d to
<br /> pay or ree�ive ths balance thereo! as the aase may require.
<br /> 3. To Sa �afv �ec��tx Tnt rests and Mortaac[$e. To receive
<br /> every swa o! money which now is or hereafter ahali be due or
<br /> intereatg or�agreempent or mortg qe orand on rrece pt P the ufu 11
<br /> � othert di cha qe of suah security interestndorumortgaqe byld�eed cr
<br /> � otherwise.
<br /> �}� mo Comnound submit to A�bi tratio or OtherLrj se Sett le
<br /> �r Aclinst D�f� r�A�±Q�. To compound with or make allowanaeB t4 �ny
<br /> person for or in respect to any debt or demar►d whatsoever whiah now
<br /> is or shall at any time hereafter beaome due and payable to me, or
<br /> by me, or upon my account, �nd to take anci reaeive, or to pay and
<br /> disaharge (as the aase may be) , any compoaition or dividend th8re�oP
<br /> : or thereupon, and to give or reaeive rsleases or other digaharges
<br /> for the whole of suah debts or demanda, or to settle, comprcmise,
<br /> or eubmit to arbitration every auch debt or demand and every other
<br /> riqht, matter, and thing due to or concerning me as my attorney
<br /> ehall think beet, and for that purpose to entQr into and execute
<br /> and deliver such bonds of arbitration or other instruments as my
<br /> attorney may deem advisable in the premiaes.
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