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<br /> COVEMANTB �7w I�9V�J�
<br /> 1, r�yrtNrM�, Borrnwu �prn� to mak� �II prym�nts on tM a�cunyd d�bt wphon due. Unleu Borro er �nd endn efp s� pth�rwtt�, �ny `
<br /> p�ymmt� L�nd�r nc��lwlncl�il.iiaorb ta MtiM,fa�ind th�n to Mlncipill:l pirtial prip ym�nt o}th�iicurid�d,bt oacu�►i for iny r�uonal twl I —
<br /> �xalulW�ol Int�t��t M P
<br /> not nduc�or�KCU���ny�aMdui�d p m�n�u�tll thl�s�ux�d d�11!li P�M full.
<br /> 1•C�����In�it iny clilmi w�hl�h waul�d�Impik tl�Ilmi�o�thl,diid of truit�lindi�miy�iQulri eorrowir tohei�tlpn�nY r phti�eilmiito�
<br /> to th�aop�rtt�� pS�i�bw o►mnKl�l�to Imptov�or m�lntdn th�prop�rty.
<br /> Mf�M��w�lc row�r m�y h�v��p�lnst p�rtl�s who Iup y
<br /> �, kwwMw�. Borrow�i vQll k��p tM prop�rcy insw��i undcr lurme oncept�dle to Lsrxl�r�t Borrower'o exp�na �nd for 4�nd�r'�b�Mfit.All
<br /> �nsunna�polioN��hall Inalud���t�ndwd mort ap�pd�up In),vor of l�nM►.L�nd�►wlll W nsm�d u br�p�yN ot a4 fiw Insured on eny euch �
<br /> or to th��ic�u�id dibtl If lir�bir�riqulrii�m�rtp,qi�neurinailtr�riowirrprilii ta�m�lnt�ln�iuchhniurincitior ii{anpii LindK��Qu�����
<br /> 4.prapKty.Borrow�r wlll k��p tM prop�rty in pood condrtion�nd m�k��II np�ln rsuonably n�c�ss�ry.
<br /> 6,E�p�n�a.Borrow�r�pr�u to pW NI L�nd�r'a�xpsrn�� �no�udinp ro��on�bl��ttorrnyR'f�ss,if Borrow�r bn�ks�ny eov�n�nt�in thl�dad
<br /> of trutt or in any oblip�tlon tscund by thl�dad of trust.�orrow�r wiil p�Y�����mounts to Und�r n provld�d in Covsmnt 9 of thf�da�d of
<br /> truat.
<br /> iicur�ity 8 tire�tt.�B�orrowir�wtll pir�furm i1ltloitBo rowir�s obllpit of n andsr�iny P►lor mortpipi�dud of truitror�othiriicu�rity t+�iyr,imsrn
<br /> Inaludinp Bcrrower�covemnts to m�k�p�Ym�nts when due.
<br /> �,/� of R�nts�nd Pro1ks•Borrower�ssipns to Lsnder ths rentc and proffu of the property.Unl�n Borrowsr and Lender h�v��pned
<br /> oth�rw s�In wrltlnp, Borrow�r m+�y collect end reuln the �ents a� lonp ac Borrowsrend�collint the rentsBAny renn I�rider co�l ictaihill be
<br /> p�nt, or�court appolnted rsc�lvunma t�k�pottestbn aned m�n�gs the proplrty
<br /> nicuiiry rel,ted sxpms�f The►m'�T^t^o�artw��f��t��"n�thin ipplY to p�ym nti on the secu ea a:ei:i�°aviS:d m'��ovsnan t1�ny ot ►
<br /> t�`��s����p��V�pw�loqn�nq.Borrower� rees to comply wlth the(xovlslons of anY leaee If thla d��d ot tru�t Is on
<br /> unde th�eco Ivrsnents by�w�or r�Gu��tloni ot th�co�n�domtnlum or P���'�a�it dsvalopmant�t�Borrower wlll ps►form all of Burrower't dutl�s
<br /> g, Authadty of L��wM►to P�rform fa Sa►owK. If Borrower tail�toM rtorm any of Borrower's dutles undsr thls dsed of uust,Lendsr m�y
<br /> p�rfam ths dutles a c�ut�th�m to b�p�rform�d,L�nd�r may dpn Borrower'a n�m�or pay sny amount If necesury ia perform�nce. If Mny
<br /> conttruatlon on ths Prop o!��dThts�mey Include com�pl�tlnp the construatlonm�nne►,Lender may do whetever Is nacsssuy to protect Lander's
<br /> sscwlty Interest In the
<br /> Lendn's fatlurs tb perform wIII not prsclud�Und�r irom sxerclslnp any of(t�►other rlphu undsr the I�w or thls cNsd ot truat.
<br /> and wil�bo�r In iriit from t�hstdate oi the pamsnt untN paldtln full at�theptnterest�rate In�sfteat on thi iecured debt unts wlll he dw on dem�nd
<br /> 10.D�twh �nd Aacetontlon. If 8orrowsr fdls tbmi�9�ePor da d af trustul.�nderrmiy iceilirati�ths�miturltyhof thi securid debt ind
<br /> obllp�tlon secured by thls dead of trust or any pr
<br /> ��m�nA Imm�dl�ta p�vmsnt�nd may Invoks the poN+er of s�b snd�nY other rsmedles permltt�d by appllaabl� +w•
<br /> ��,p�qwst tor NWk�of D�fault.It Ia hsreby roQusst�d that coples of the notica ot aeiauh and..i:�,.:a�i ta�cti Person w►N+u�P+�
<br /> hento.it ths addres�of s�eh euch person,at sst forth he�aln.
<br /> 12.�ow�r ot S�N.If tM I.�ndsr Invok�t th�pow�r of��le,the Trust��shNl fk�t ncord In tf»oNla of the npletw of d�M1s of sach countY
<br /> wh�rsin th�trurt propa�ty or som�p�n o►p�rc�l th�reot Is dtuat�d a notics of d�fault cont�lnl t:On;w��mLOb°t�4��`ni aspr•alb�dtby
<br /> sh�N�Ifo mall copt��of th� notic�af dsfauk to ths Borrower, to sach p�rson who Is�P�nY� �� not(n any
<br /> �p�l l o a b l� I�w.Not I�s�th�n one munth �fter tM Tru�te�ncords ths nottce of d�fault or two months If th�trust prop�►ty
<br /> a t b l l o a u o t l o n t o t M M p h�a t
<br /> Incorpot+t�d clty or vlll�p�end Is ua d In farm in y op s r�t l o n�a a r r N d o n b y t h�uuttor,ths frust�s ahdl plve publto notic�of ute to t prraon�
<br /> and In ths mmns�pnsar�bed by��PPP11°��°��W Truq�s,wlthout demsnd on Borrowerr,t y�hsll ad l t h�pro p�r t Y W
<br /> btdd�r.I t rpuk�d by tM F�rm Ham�st�ad Rotectlon Aot,Trustee s���N���,mint at tM tlmiipn�d pl�ci of,nyrpQelvlousby sc�tl�duNd uN•
<br /> Trwt��m�y po�tporn s�l�of�11 or any p�ral of ths prop�rlY by pu
<br /> Lend�r a Iu d��tyna maY purchau the prop�rtV�t ami sal�.
<br /> T��itei'i tlad sw 1�be prlms acli�ivbldlinci Lf tMhtf uth�of the at�itsrt�ients�contiln tid thire�naTruitii ahallip Ip y tM�oceidi of�tl��N��tM� —
<br /> pon
<br /> ��iM tat,mi t fi�s tlbj to I�H iumi iieurid by thli�deid ot�dustuirtd(cl thst balinc��If iny t�o th��P�rsons�I�Oilly in itNd to��cilw ft��
<br /> 13.Fonelaur�•At��^du'�option,thls de�d ot trurt may be forsclosed In the mann�r provld�by�ppllc�bb l�w fo►fa�cbsun of morcp��
<br /> on real p►op�rty.
<br /> Lendsr m�y enter ths property to Insact It It Lender plvs�Borrow�r notle�b�foreh�nd.The notice mu�t�t�t�the n��om
<br /> cri�� or Lond�r'a Inspectlon.
<br /> �6,Cp�d�rtwwitlan.Borrow�r��sl Qns to Ltnd�r tM prceeedt of�ny�ward or cldm tor d�m�pss conn�otsd wlth a cond�mnation or oth�r t�kinp
<br /> ot�II or�ny part oi the propertY.Such proaeds will be aPD��ed ts provldsd in Covenant 1.ThI�as�lpnment U subNct to th�terma of�ny prtor
<br /> security aprsement. Y
<br /> �y W�uponxBortowe�i ydifauk,l.indw d�oii not wa(ve any rlpht to la i��consfder the evs t i difiult If It haptp�ini pilny. By not�xuclsirp
<br /> 17. Jaht �nd Swu�l LI�bWt�s Co•tlp�n; Sue¢�stas �nd Aalpu Bound.AII dutl�s und�r thit ds�d of trutt an Jolnt and s�wnl. Any
<br /> B�orrowi'i In ersit n tM pro►°°dty to the Trust=e�u�tM term�i cof thb�deed ot truitt In��dltmto�ntiuch�Borcowei iyr,si tha tt�t►s�lenwdYir+�iidt
<br /> d�pt w�ichrout�thiL�BorrowN�s�conn t ind wlthart�eNisfnp thstBonowe�trom ttro t�mj of thli d,�idtof�uit���d�ot trust or th�sscund
<br /> The dutNs and ben�fks of thls d��d ot tru�t�h�ll bind�nd b�nefk ths�ucc�ssora and�sslyna of l�nder and Borrowsr.
<br /> 1�,Moda�.Unka�otMrwlse requlred by law, any not�e to Bonowsr shall be O�ven by dsBver(np It or by malllnp it by certlfkd mell addr�ss�d to
<br /> @orrow�r at ths propertY address or anV oth���ddre��thet Borrower has plven to Lsndsr.Borrower wlll plw �ny notice to Lend�r by cettfi�d
<br /> — mdl to Lsnder's eddrsss on p�pe 1 of thts d�ed of truat,or to any other etldre�s whtch Lender hs�ds�fqn�t�d. Any other notic�to Undet sh�N
<br /> b�s�nt to Landar's addreu�s st�t�d on p�ps 1 of thl�deed of trust.
<br /> pny notice shdl b�ds�m�d to h�v�b�sn plwn to Barrowe or Under whan plwn�n the mann�r statsd�bow.
<br /> �g,T�an�t�r of tM prop�rty or a B�►»fINY t�mnst In tM Bo*roW�►•�}All or any part of the propertv or any{�terest In It Is Bold or trantferred
<br /> piYment If�thelBaprower�li not e�netuiel psrion andds beneflcfal�nteresian the Bo►rohwer{s�oldaobtranitered However�lender mayinot
<br /> demand paymsnt In the�bove�Ituatlons If It is prohlbfted by fedaral l�w es of the dete of thls daed of truat.
<br /> ^ �p. R�p�wy��.Wh�n the obllpetlon secured by this deed of trust has b�en pald enpdo Lender has no further obllp�tlon to meke edvancea
<br />_� undsr the Imuuments or�9nement�src�ed wuthh do eo rowai i iuocessor�ln sntereit,the tritndesd antdb hehnot�oa otheresvtdence of the
<br /> a.:� �0percv IM t6nim Giii.i vw.:�::' ='—""'
<br /> obllQ�tlon so estl�flsd.Borrower shell pay eny record�tlon cost�.
<br /> 21. Succ�na 7astM. Lender, at lendar'a o tton, m�y removs Trust�e and 8 p����f�rustee torrsco(dtln�the office ot the regtatepot deed�
<br /> �ubstitution of truetee es requtred by appllC�ble Paw.�nd then,by fillnp tl�e subetitut
<br /> - iucc�ed toill the pWOwer tdutfessi�ho►t�Y end tRte W the Truetee�nem d In t ie deed of emist and of anyiucceasor truetee,of the property,shdt
<br /> ;�
<br /> �.�1
<br /> ,
<br />:�,' rP,p.2 0/2)
<br /> .;'
<br />-•�� oAHKFA$BYBTEMS,INC•.ST.CLOW.MN 6l�Ol It�00•3974341�F01�OC�'�'�T6'N!e113181
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