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<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is made as of fhe 17 t h day of 0 C t0 b@ P ,19 9� .by end among
<br /> Ramon �. Eickhoff and JoAnn E. Eickhoff, husband and wife �
<br /> a�s�,�c«, — � _
<br /> �������8 4039 Patchwork Place, Grand Island� N����,,,�,�y�����, `
<br /> �T�� Fi ve Poi nts Bank, a NebrasNa Corporat�on
<br /> \
<br /> whose maNng eddreaa is P•0. B o x 15 0 7 , G r a n d I s 1 a n d. N E 6 8 S 0 2 ��reln'Tnaetee�,end
<br /> the Benetidary, F i v e P a i n t s B a n k
<br /> whose maYinQ eddress le P•�• B o x 15 0 T, G r a n d I s 1 a n d. N E 6 8 80 2 �here�n•Lendsr).
<br /> FOR VALU/18LE CONSIDERATION,including Lendor'a extens{on of credlt Identiiled hereln to --
<br /> Qamon L Fi�knnff _an�' ' " �+^�hnff
<br /> � (herein'Borrower;whether one or mae) and the trust heroin aeeted.fhs rooeilk
<br />_ ��,..�_� ��g�y��ylndged, Yrusmr herebv frrevocably prante,trensfera,canveys end easigna to Truetee,IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF 9ALE,for the beneflt and aecu�ily of Lender,under and subJect to the tertns end condiiions i�e�ria�u+i�st i�is�t�s°s�!
<br /> property de�crlbed aa touows:
<br /> Lot Eighteen (18� . in R & B Subdivisinn. Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br /> To�etlier with aA buildinga,Improvements,flxbues,streeta,aileys,passageweye�easements,rtghts,prfviieQes end ePpurten�noss
<br /> located thereon or tn enywise perteining thereto,end the ronts,isaues end proflts, �avenbns and romakiden thereol��+�d sud�P°f'
<br /> qpnal pcopety that is altached to the Improvements so as to conatitute e ftxture,Inctuding,but not Ilmited to,heatinp end 000lM�G squlP-
<br /> ��;ond b�ey�er with the homeatead or martte�interests,it any,whlch(nteroats aro horeby relessed end waNed;all of which,Mdud-
<br /> �nfl replacernents and eddltiona thereto,la hereby declared to be e paR of the real estate eecured by the Iien of thN Oeed o(Tnist�nd
<br /> ell ot fhe faeyoM►y Minp rotsRed to herein aa the'PropeRyr. ce� promIsary
<br /> This Deed�C t O p���ro�4��ayment of the P��Pahaving e ma�turity dat� 0 Cyt 0 b e P 17,�2 0 0 Q����
<br /> ment datad,_
<br /> In the odpinal princlpal amount of s �0.0 0 0.0 0 , and any e�d ell modiflcattoiu. exteialom a�d►�►Ms
<br /> to onef or m o promissorY r�otes or�cradit epreemenri(hereln called'Note");()the Payrnsnt i otl�e�eumt advnnad b�y►L��ot
<br /> protect the security ot the Note;(c)t h e pe r t o r mance of ell covsnants and epreements ot Tmstor eet tath herekr eed(d)�N proNnt�nd
<br /> fuWro Indebtednetu and obllpatlona oi BoROwer for any ot them if moro than one)to lender whether dlrect,indtroct,abeoluts or coMirr
<br /> pent and wheTher erl:inp by noce,9uaranty,overdrett or otherwiae.The Note,thia Deed d Tru�t and any�nd ell dher doc�ments tlwt
<br /> aecure the Note or otharwiae executed in connection therewith, including without Ilmilation guarantees. secixih►a9reerroents and
<br /> easlpnmencs ot Ieases end rente,shell be refemed W hereln es the"Loan Instrumenta'.
<br /> Trwtor covenants and agrees with Lender as tollowe:
<br /> 1. P�ynMnt ot InMbt�drwss.Ali indebtedness secured he+reby shail be paW when due.
<br /> 2. TiN�.Trustor la the owner ot the Properly,has the�ight and authodty to convay tha PropertY�ei�d warrants thst the Ibn cro�t
<br /> dd hereby is e tirat and prior Iien on tha Property,except for liens and encumbrences eet forth by Trustor in wrfting end dslhroced to
<br /> l.ender before exocutkn ot this Deed o}Trust,and the execuUon and delivery of thia Deed of Trust doea not vlolate any oontrac!or
<br /> othor obYpatton to whtch Truator Is subject.
<br /> 3.Tua�,AsHSSm�nts.To pay before deNnquency all taxes,speciel essessments and sil other charges egainst the Property
<br /> now or hereafter Ievied. pe",end
<br />-- 4.Insunnc�.To keep the PropeRy Ineured ageinst damage by flre,hazerds Included within the term'eMended covera
<br /> auch otl�er huards es Lender may requtre, in emounts and with oompanles ecceptab�e to Lender, namtnp Lencl�er aa an eddfNonei
<br /> named Msured, wllh loss paYable to the Lender. In case of los�under such poliGes. the Lender Is euthorized ta edJust,colled end
<br /> oompromise,ell clalms thereunder and shall have the option of epplying all or part of the insurence proceeds(q to any indebtedness
<br /> secured hereby and in such order as Lender may detertnlne,(11)to the Trustor to be used for the repair or roaOorNbn M the Fto{�th►or
<br /> (Ili)tor any other purpose or obJect satisteotory to Lender without affectinp the��en of thla Deed oi Trust for the fui�amount eecurod
<br />— �.�.eMv Mf�rn n�u�h tfaVll1011l BV6f�OOI(DI8C9.Mv epplicatbna ot proceede to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpona the due deta
<br /> �.�_� --•—"---"�-•
<br />— oi any payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunCer.
<br /> - �.Es�row.Upon written demand by Lender,Tn�stor shall pey to Lande�, In such manner as Lender may deslgnate,suf8slent
<br /> sums to enaWe Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the toibwing: (I)eli taxes,assessments and other charges egainst
<br /> - the Propei-ty,(Ii)the premiums on the property insurence requlred hereunder,end (III)the premiuma on eny mortgage insurance
<br /> - requlredby Lendar.
<br /> 6.Malnt�nma�, R�psin and Complianc�with Lavr�t. Trustor shall keep the Property in good co�dRion and repair,shell
<br /> — promptly repalr,or replace eny tmprovement which may be damaped or destroyad;eheM not wmmit or petmiS eny waate or dete�iore-
<br /> ;� tlon ot the Property;shall not remove,demolish or substentiatly alter eny of the lmproveme�ts on the Propoity;ehatl not canmlt,su8er
<br /> '�S� o�perndt ony er.t to be done In or upon tha Properly in violatbn oi any law,ordinance,or regulatlon;and shail pay and Frompdy dfs-
<br /> — charge et Trustor's cost end expense all Ilens,encumbrances and charoas levied,Imposed or ecceased agalnst the Ptoperty or eny
<br /> part thereoi.
<br />-� 7.Emin�nt Domaln. Lender is hereby asslgned ali compensetion,awards,damapea end other paymenta or relief(hereinatter
<br /> Nw�si�uvv�+o.�n..ene
<br /> �V /uwc+lan.lncdtlMY�W
<br /> O 19M fNm'i BaN d CmnwuTiwl W 9a�'+�P
<br />