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<br /> "Proceeds')In cnmeatlon with condemnation or other teklrsg of the Propc�rty or part thereof,or for c,onveyance In Ileu o(condemnxtlnn.
<br /> Lender shail be enGtled et Its optlon to commence. eppeer In and proaecute In it�own name eny actlon or procaedinge,end ehall alan
<br /> be enttUed to make any comprornise or settlement In oonnectlon with auch tekinp or damage.In the�ell suchn�paGeeds�ra(I�r d�duclinfl
<br /> so taken or damaged,Lender shall have the option!n Ite soio and ebsoluta dlicretloneno��ntedns�t necured hersby�nd In�uCh
<br /> therefrom all costs end expenses incuned by It in connaction wlth such Proceed�,upo y
<br /> order as Lender may determine,or ta appiy all euch Proceed�,eRer euch deducGons,to the rb�toretlon ot tM Property upon euch a►n• �j
<br /> ditions as Lender mey detennine.Any applicedon oi Proceeds to Indebtadnees ahall not extend ar poatpcx►e the due date oi Any pay ;
<br /> ments under the Note,or cure any default Hiereunder or hereundor.Any unappllQd funde ahnil bn peld to Tnietor. �,
<br /> g,p��torm�nc�by L�ndar.ldpon the occurrence oi an Event of Defeult her4under,or If eny act la tsken or lepal Nraxedlnp �
<br /> commenced whfch materiaiiy etfects Lender's Inte�est in the Property,Lender may In ita own dlacrelbn,but without obtly�l{on ta�o ao, �
<br /> end wfthout notice to a demand upon Trustor and without reteasing Truator from eny obllpatlon,do any ect whlch Trusta ha�epreed �p
<br /> but failed to do and may ats�dv�any other ect it deema necesaery to protect the eecurity hereo(. Tn�ntor ahell, ImmedlalNy upon �
<br /> demand theretor by L.ender,pa�r C�Lender all coats and expensea Incurred end eume expended by Lender In connectlon with lhe ex�r-
<br /> cise by Lender of►h�toregoing sighte,together with intereat thereon et the detault rets provlded In the Not�,whlch�hall be edded lo �
<br /> the Indebtedness se�+ired hereby.Lender ahall nat Incur eny Ilebiiity because ot enythlnq It mey do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 9.Hazardoua Mat�ri�is.TNStor ahall keep the Property In compllance with all oppllcable law�, ord�n�nca�and nput�tbm
<br /> relaUng to Industrial hygiene or envtmnmentel protectlon(collect�vely reterred ta herein ae"Environment�l L�vw`).Tru�lor�httll kNp
<br /> the Propesiy free irom ali substences deemed to be hazerdous or tox�under eny Envfronmenteb Lews(colbcdvMy roferred lo h�rsHi
<br /> as"Hazardous Met�riais").Trustor hereby werrnnts a�d repreaents to Lendar that thers aro no Nezardou�Mat�riab an nr w�d�►th�
<br /> sorm t rtL nde srinterest,�fr�Om endi ga nst an an�d e�hclalma d megesl losses end Ileb�ilit es erising n eonnec�t wit ths pres�en�ce�
<br /> uae,dtsposal os transport of eny Maza r dous Mot$de�s on,under,from or about the Properry.THE FORECiOINO WARRANTIEB ANO
<br /> 10.Asslynm�nt of R�nts.Trustor hereby assipns to Lender,end prents Lender e secu�fty Inter�t in,�II preant, (utun�nd
<br />• after arising rents,issues end proflte oi the Property;provided that Trustor shall,undl Ihe occurrence of an Evsnt of Dehuk,hsround�►�
<br /> have the right to col{ect and retein such rents,Issues and proflts as they become due end payeble.Upon the occurcence of an Event of
<br /> �efeult,LendRr may,either In per,son or by egent,with or without bdnging any acdan or proceadln�,or by e recelver eppointed by a
<br />- court and without regard to the adequacy ot its securlty,enter upon and take poaseaalon of the Propetty,or eny pert theroof,In ib own
<br />- neme or tn the name of the Trustee,and do eny eats which it doems neceaaery or desirable tu prosenre ths value, merk�tablAh►or
<br />- rentablllty of the Property,or any pert thereof or Interest thereln,or to Increase the income therofrom or protect the secu�tY hereot ond.
<br /> with or without teking possession of the PropeAy.eue for or otherwlae coilect the rents,lasua�and profib d�ersol,indudlnp�P+���
<br />= due And unpafd,by notifytrtg tAnants to make payments to Lender.Lender may appty rents,lesuee end proflts,bs�cosh end sxp�nr
<br />' �flf Q��$�r�g�� r�tlection Includinp attomey's fees,to eny tndebtadneas secured heroby,all in such order as Lsnder may d�t�r-
<br /> mine.The enterkig upo�end taktng posseasion of the Property� the colbctlon ot such ronb,issues■rxi������ aruf its���l�l�xt
<br /> theroof as efo�esatd shell not cure or waive any defautt or notice oi dofeuit hereunder or Invalldate eny ecc;t done In�eePon���,
<br /> detault or pursuent to such notice of default end,notwithstending the continuance in posaession of the property
<br /> �eceipt and eppl�ation af rents,issues ar proflts.Trustee end Lender shall be entitted to exerdas svery Hpht provid�d frx in any of the
<br /> Loan Instrumerts or by lew upon occurrence of eny Event oi Defauft,InGucfing without Ilmltation ths�ipht to exerclse tha power W saM.
<br /> Further,Lenders rights end remedies under this pareyreph ahail be cumulative with,`a�',��tee and receNrer she�be IIabN W
<br /> remedfes under any essignment of leases end rents recorded apalnst the Property.
<br /> eccount only far those rents actually received.
<br /> 11.Evsnte ot D�hult The totbwinp shall consUtute en Event of Default under this Deed of Trost:
<br /> (a) Fellure ro pgy any inatellment of pNncipal or intereat or any other sum escured hsreby whsn due;
<br /> (b)A breach ot a defauit under any provisbn wnteined In the Note,thia Deed of Tn�st,eny ot the Loen InsVurnents�or any
<br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the Propedyr;
<br /> (a) A w�it oi executlon or ettachment a eny simiter process shell be entered egalnst TruaWr whlch shall become a Iien on
<br /> the Property or any poNan thereof or Interest therein;
<br /> (d) There ahall be filed by or egatnst Trustor or Borrower en actton under any present or futuro federe��stete a other steituts,
<br /> lew or repulaUon relaNng to bankruptcy,fnalvenay or other roltetfor dsbton;or tMro�hall be eppolntsd�ny Wfts�,nafvK or
<br /> Iiquldata of Trustw or Borrower or of all ar any peR of the Propedy,or the rente,laauet or prollte thsreot�or Tnutor or Bom�w�r
<br /> shall make any goneral asalgnment for the beneflt oi creditors;
<br /> (e) 7ha sata,Vansfer, lease, ossignmant,conveyance or fudher encumbrence of ell or eny paR of or any Interost In Ih�
<br /> property,efttier volunterity or Involunte�t t tl�hountome�ntain an opttUw�o purchase end tt»ertn c�f which does not exceed one
<br /> ted lo execute a lease of the PropeAy
<br /> year,
<br /> - (�Abandonment of the Property;or
<br /> (g) It Trustor is not an tndlviQual,the Issuance,sale,transter,asslgnmont,conveyance or encumbranoe of moro lhan(N a
<br /> corporatb�)a total of�w pen:ent oi fts Issued end outstending stock,or(ii e paranerohlp)a tohl of p�-
<br /> cent ot partnerahfp interests,or(if a Ilmited Ilablliry company)e totai M percent ot the Iimited Ilt�bllity compa-
<br /> ny interests or votlng righte during the period thts Deed of Trust romains a Ilen on the property.
<br /> � 12.R�m�di�:;Acc�leratton Upon Def�ul�In the event oi eny Event ot Defeult Lender may,wlthout nodce except as roqulred
<br /> - by law,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby w be due and payable end the eame shail lhereupon be�come due and peyabls wkh-
<br /> = out any presentment,demand,protest or noUce ot eny kind.ThereaRer Lender mey:
<br /> - (a)Demand that Trustee exerciso tho POWER OF 3ALE granted herein,and Truatee ahall thereaRer c+suse Tnutor's Int�r-
<br /> = est I�n the QPrope H to b�e�se1d anh�proviroded for�eny tot ihe Loalnnl etruments or by�ledw upon occurrence of e�nydEvenf of
<br /> _ O Y 9
<br /> Defeult;a�d
<br /> (c)Commence an action to toreciose this Deed oi Trust es a mortgage,appofnt a receiver,or speclflcally enforce eny oi lhe
<br />��� covenants hereot.
<br /> Nn remedy heretn contorred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exolusive of eny other remedy heretn,In the Loan
<br />- � Instrumenb or by law provided or permltted,but each shall be cumulative,she�l be In additlon to every other remsdy plven herounder,
<br /> __�_�_�._..._��...,e��eW.,.���,�as.,�,r ev sr�wte.and mav be exercised concuRenlly,Independonty
<br /> IT1 ttte Loen insuurrrerii8 vi i�v:�v���o�ao..o...�..�«..ti-..-.._. ..._,_ , _ _, . .
<br /> s Or succesively.
<br />- 13.Tro�t�.The Trustee may resign et eny time wlthout cause,and Lender may et eny time end without cau4e appolnt a wc-
<br />= hasor of the Property,fo rany osa or demaga unle'ss�due ro�reckleas la w�llliul mtalconduct tand shaln not be rsqu rked o te�any actbn
<br /> E In connectlon with the enforcement of this Deed of Trust unless Indemnified,in writing,tor all casts,com�n el or unde rtha 5 wer of
<br /> � mey be essodeted therewith.in addltfon,Trusteo may become a purchaser et eny sale of the PropeRy(J P�
<br /> eale grented herein);p�stpone the sale of all or eny portlon of the Property,as provtded by law;or sell tha PfOpB►ty 06 0 VYI1010,or In
<br /> eeparete parcela or lota at Truetee's dlscreGon.
<br /> 14.FNS and Expenses.In the event T�ustee sells the Rroperty by exerclse of power of sale,Trustee ehall be entllled tn apply
<br /> eny eale proceeds tirst to payment oi all costs end exponses of exerclsing power of sele,Includlnp etl Trustee'e feee,end l.ende!'e end
<br /> � Truatee's attomey's tees, actually Incurred to extent permltted by eppilcable la�v.In the event Borcower or Truetor exen:lsee eny rlpht
<br /> �� provided by law to cure an Event ot Default,Lender shall be entttled to recover trom Trustor eli coste end oxpense�eclually Incurred es
<br /> : e retult of Truetor's detault,tncluding without limitetbn ell Trustee'e and�ttomey's feea,M tho extent pem�ltted by applicable��w.
<br /> f 16. Futur�Advances.Upon request of Borrower,Lender may,at Its optlon,make edditlonal and future advarxses and read-
<br /> vU�cc�s to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,wlth interest thereon,shall be secured by thla Deed of Yruet.Al no lime ehall thu
<br /> _J -
<br />