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<br /> '•�'`b� � • 'I'ppgTHBR Wl'CH all the impruveiueuts�aw or herettfter crected on the propercy,and all easements.appwtenanccs,aixl -__
<br /> �"'��' of the pro�pectY. All replacements and xcldidons ehsdll also be cavered by thi= Securlry
<br /> •:-, flxture.4 naw or beteafter a pxrt
<br />�� Instrument.All of the fongolag is referral to inihi9 Secudty InstrumGnt as the"ProPertY•�
<br /> h
<br />'a-�� BORROWAR COVSNANTS that Bormwer is lawfully seised of tbe estate heceby conveyed and I�as d�e dght w gcanc and
<br />- •-"�� canvey the Property and cliat the Property is unencumberal.esapt for e�umbrances of recard. Bormwer warrants and wlll
<br /> defead generAlly tlu dtle ro the PropenY agalast dl clai�ns und demands,subject to any encwnbrances of record.
<br />_•,+��;¢� THIS SBCURI'tY INSTRUMfiNT combines w►tfacm covenauts for nadonal use and non-uniform covenants wlth 1lmited `
<br /> .:�'�� varladons by jurlsdicdon to consdtuu a uniform securlty iastcument cavering real propenY•
<br />°����'.�,�• LJNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant iwd agc�ee as followa:
<br /> -�'=>•' t Artd Lete Ctur�es. Barrower shall prompdy pay wbea due thc
<br /> -��-? 1. PaymeM of Princip�l and Interest; Prepry*am
<br /> - - �.= ent aad late chargas due under the Note.
<br /> __��� prWcipal of aad incerest on the debt evldencecl by the Note aud any prepaYm
<br /> -�-��� 2.Fuads for Taxes aad I�rance.SubJect ro appllcable IAw or to a w r ttten w a iver b y I.ender� Botrower shaU pxy to
<br /> --�=�� Lender an the day montblY PaYmcnts are due uader the Note,uat�l the Note is paid i a f u l l,a sum("F h u d s")f o r:(a)y e x tl y taxes
<br /> ___e✓s.'�
<br /> �:.��a� and Assessments which may attain priodty over thls Securiry Iasuvmeut u�a llea an tho Pmpertyearb)Ao�odlylasuranc ppreml�um�s�
<br /> - or grouad nnte ou the Pmpetty.If any:(c)Yearly t�azard or prope�ty iasurance premiums�(d)Y Y
<br /> .'-'-.aru�
<br />-`z�:�;;y� If auy�(e)Yearly mortgage lusurauce premium9�if any;aad(�anY sums PaYable by Borrawer to I.E�ader,in accordance th
<br /> ��� the provlsior�s of parxgcAph 8�in lieu of the paymeat of mangage iasurance Premiums.These items are called 'Bscrow Items."
<br />';;'�'�`A , Lender may, at any tjme. collect and hold Puads ia an a►nount uot to exceed the maximum amount A lender far a falerAUy
<br />_;� related mongage losw may raiuin for Borrower's escrow accouat under the federal Real Bstate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as ameaded from dme to t3me. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RPSPA")�unless anocher law that applies to the Funds
<br /> _�`� sets a lesser aaaounc. If so,Lender may, at any dme. coll+xt atld hold Punds in an amaui►t uot to exceed the lesser stmouat.
<br />--n:,_,�� under mAy estimate the amount of Punds due on the bxsis of current data ancl masonable estimaus of eapenditures of fuwre
<br /> ,�-'-_� Sscmw Items or otheiwlse iu acwrdauce wdth�pPllc�ble law.
<br /> - The Funds sha11 1�e IKId in an insdtudoa whose deposits are incured bY � faleral agency, insuumentauty. or endry
<br /> -��.-__ (iucluding Les►der,if Y.ender is such an insdtuaonj or in auy Faie�t�����a:�.�T�!Arr�������►i,oi
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender maY not charge Bocrovuer for holding and applying the Funds.annuallY enalYztnB
<br /> -----— veclfyiag the Esemw Iums,unless Lender paye Sorrower tnterest on the Funds and appl�exble law pecmtts I.ender to mtlre such
<br /> s charge. However� I.ender may cequire Borrower to pay a onc-dme cWtrge for aa indcpendent real estau t�repordu8���
<br /> used by Leuder tn connecdon with t1�is loan, unless applicable law provldes otherwIse. Udess an ABcecment is �1e or
<br /> -------- APPUcable law nquires inuresc to be paid,Ireader shall not be required co pay Bonower any interest or eamings on the Fwids.
<br /> - — Borrower end Leuder mAy�B����8. lawever. tLat iaterest shall be paid on the Fuads. Lender slnll give W Borrower,
<br /> --� witb�out charge,an annual�ccountin8 of the Funds, showing credlts and debits to the Funds xnd tlie pacpose for whlch escli
<br /> --- debit W the Fuads was mada�'he Pands are pkdgal as Addidonal securlty for aU sums secured by this SecurltY Insaument.
<br /> ---— I.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> ° =— If the Fw�J.v Leld by Lcntler excad the amounts pemiitted to be held bY aPPlicable lnw,
<br /> - —
<br /> — for the excess Funcis in accorda��w�t1��e n°4�n�ents of Applic,lbie law. If the amount of the Funds hel�by Le r Kt�u►Y
<br /> time le not sufficient to pay the Bscmw Itemis wh�een upe�i.e��cicnr.y. Bo we�sLall maka up�tho deficlency i no more thu�
<br /> shall pay to L.ender the�cnoun4�essucY
<br /> twelve monthly pAymeats.�t I.eader's sole diacredon.
<br /> Upoa payment in full of all sums secured by t�is Security Intaument. Lender s6a11 promptly refua�d w Bomower�ny
<br /> h 21,L,ender sLaU acqutre or selt the Propecty�I.ender�Prior to the scquisidon or a�le
<br /> P�u�is held by Lender.If.undet parxgrxp
<br /> of the Property,shall�PP1Y�Y Fuads held by Lender at thc time of acquisidoa or sale xs a credit against the sums secural bY
<br /> this Securlty Iasnument.
<br /> ---- — 3.AppNcation ot Payme,nts•Unless applicable law pmvides othenvlse,all payments received by Lender under pxr�8r�P1►s
<br />- ---- 1 and 2 sUa11 be applied: first.to any pnpayment ctiarges due under the Note:secomd,to amounts psyabte uader pax�rnph 2:
<br /> tbird,to Interest due:fourth, to principal due;and last,ro anv late charges due under We Note.
<br /> ��--�-- 4. CharQesi Lia�s. Borrower shall pay�Il taxes,assessments,charges, fines and lwPosidom amlbutable to tLe Propeccy
<br /> - - wtrich may Attain priodtY over this Secudty Insuumeat, aud leasehold payments or grow�d reuts� if anY• Bonower shall piy
<br /> these obligatioas in the manner provided in puaBrePh 2�or if not pald in d�at mxnner�Borcuwer sl�ll pay them on dme dinctly
<br /> - h
<br /> ��;.;,� ro the person owed plymen� Borrawer shall promptly furnish to Lender aU nodas of wnounts to be paid under this paragr�P •
<br /> :�-.;�:v,�f
<br /> _,�,�., If Borcower makes these payments�frecdy. Borrower�Lall prompdy furuish to I.ender receipts evidene►ng e payments.
<br /> -��°"�"T?�r Bortowet shall promptly discharge atiy lien witich uas priority over this Sxurtty Instcvment unless Bortotver.(a)agras in
<br />'.=,- ,.. ;..;�+`-
<br /> ;.��;,�,,,: writfng to the pa}nnent of the obligadon oecurcd by the llen in a manner acceptable to I.�nder (b)coatests in good faith tLe 1 en
<br />- -`--=� by. or defends agaiiut enforcement of the lien in. legal proceediugs which in the Lender's opinion olserate W pre��nt the
<br />- '��4�-��. enforcement of the liw; or(c)secures from die holder of the lien an agreement sadsfactory co Le�xler subordinadn8 the Itea to
<br /> - �� this gecurity Instrument.If Lender determines tbat any p.u'c o f t he Prope r t y i s s u b j e c t t o a lien which ma y atutiu priorlty over
<br />� ' this Secudty Insuument.Lender may give Bonower a aotice idendfying tUe liea. Borrower shaU sadsfy the lien or take one or
<br /> '- �•�` more of the acdons set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of nodce.
<br /> � � Form 3028 9190
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