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, � :..: . �I�� __.._.. -- <br /> • '4 u�R�jL�.': .. • .... .. .. . ... . . ...._. _. "_" __. ._. <br /> . , � ... <br /> ,..�. , ., . .. -. . ._ <br /> .. �•t.N�... ._ �.n;.,. .. <br /> _.._ <br /> �..d�,'_"_'.�_— . ._._ __ '___. <br /> � <br /> 98- sio�4� <br /> with a mAturity �datn oi October 15, 2008, executed by '�NStor, which haa n <br /> deihrerod end M payabb to ths order of Beneficinry, and wh�Ch by this roferonce ia <br /> heroby made a pmrt her�eof, and any and all modfflcations, extens6ons and renew�ls <br /> thsroof, �nd <br /> b. Payment ot�II wms �dv�noed by Beneflctsry to protnct the Trust Estata, <br /> with intarost thereon at the rate of 8°�f,per annum. <br /> Thfa Desd of Tn�tt, the Note, and any other instnament given to evidenoe or <br /> further securo the payment and pe�fonnancx oi any obligatwn secured hereby are <br /> refemed to coilecbveiy aa tha"Loan Inatruments:. <br /> 1'O PROTECT'THE SEGURITY OF'THIS DEED OF TRUST: <br /> 1. PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS. Tn,+stor shall pay when due the principa! <br /> �� of, and the intereat on,the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, cha�es, fees and all <br /> other sums aa provided(n the Loan Inatruments. <br /> �• 2. �,$. Tn�stor shall pay each inatallment of all taxes and speaal <br /> a:seasmenta of evory kind,now or hereafter levied against tha Truat Estate or any pa�t <br /> theroof, before delinQuency, witFwut notioe or demancA, and ahall provide Bensficiary <br /> with evidenoe of the payment of same. Tnastor shall pay all taxes and asse,ssrt�ents <br /> which may be levieid.upon Beneficiary'a interost heroin or upon this Deed of Trust or <br /> : `uie �deoi soc:ured 'nere'vy, wimoui regard 'to �ny iaw �ac rtwy De erwc�eql Imposing <br /> PaYment of the whob or any part thereof upon the Beneficlary. <br /> ; <br /> 3. INSURANCE AND REPAIRS. Trusta sha!! maintain flro and exEended. <br /> coverape insu►anoe insurina the improvemerrta and buildin�s conatitutinp part of the � <br /> Trust Estate br an amount no bss than the amount of the unpaid principal.balanoe of <br /> � the NoEe (oo-insurance not exoeedinp 8094, pennit�ed). Such insurance pdicy �ha� , <br /> contan�stenda�d mortp�s clause in favor of Beneflc�ary snd sh�A not be c�nosl�bl�� <br /> �enninAble or modifiabb witf�out Ten (10) days prior writ�en notioe to Bene�iclary. <br /> Tnistor shall pr+omptly repai�, maintain and replaoe tfie Tn�st Esl�be o�any part tF�ereof <br /> so that, exoeQt for ordinary w�ear end tear,the Tn�t Eatabe ahatl not detedorate. In no <br /> � � event shaN the Trustor oommit waste on or to the Trust Eatate. <br /> 4. ACTIONS AFFECTING TRUST ESTATE. Trustor�,shall appea� in s�nd <br /> conbest any action or proceedin9 Purportirp to af�et;t the security hereof or ths riphts or <br /> ,aMO� power:oi 8enefldary or Trus�ee, and aha8 pay au costs and e�enses, indudirq cost <br />_ s�a�,rerua�e af evidenoe of tide and attomey's fises to the exbant albvred by I�w, in any such ac�ion, <br />- a�c.w�.r.c a P��inp in whieh Benefldary or Tnaseee may appear. Shouid Trustor fail bo maic�o <br /> �x�sr sme�.w. <br /> �.O.00X IM <br />_ llAiil�Ilx.NB i1902 <br /> (�OZ)MYl l li <br /> i �f <br /> G <br />.� <br />