<br /> EXHIBIT "A"
<br /> A tract of land comprising all of Lot 1 and the Northerly 8 feet of the vacated alley adjacent thereto and
<br /> all of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and all of the vacated alley adjacent thereto, all in Block 13, Kernohan and
<br /> Decker Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; AND all rights in, to and under that
<br /> certain License Agreement between City of Grand Island, Nebraska, Licensor and Susan Sandelman, As
<br /> Trustee of the Nasan Trust, Licensee, filed December 20, 1996, under document No. 96-109871, of the
<br /> records of Hall County, Nebraska AND including, but not limited to, any and all mineral rights of the
<br /> Grantor; LESS AND EXCEPT THEREFROM the following described real property having been
<br /> conveyed by Trustee's Deed from Susan Sandelman, as Trustee of the Nasan Trust, to the State of
<br /> Nebraska, Depai lucent of Roads, recorded March 19, 2007, under instrument #200702095, of the records
<br /> of Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: A tract of land located in Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 13, KERNOHAN &
<br /> DECKER'S Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: Beginning at the
<br /> Southerly Corner of said Lot 5; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line of said Lot, a distance
<br /> of 28.09 feet; thence Northeasterly deflecting 89° 58' 01" right, a distance of 4.09 feet; thence
<br /> Southeasterly deflecting 90° 01' 59" right, a distance of 16.00 feet; thence Easterly deflecting 45° 07' 12"
<br /> left, a distance of 11.11 feet; thence Northeasterly deflecting 44° 54' 48" left, a distance of 7.21 feet;
<br /> thence Northeasterly deflecting 1° 38' 07" left, a distance of 70.09 feet;thence Northeasterly deflecting 1°
<br /> 38' 07" right, a distance of 108.77 feet to the Northeasterly line of said Lot 7; thence Southeasterly along
<br /> said line deflecting 90° 01' 59" right, a distance of 6.36 feet to the Southeasterly line of said Lot 7; thence
<br /> Southwesterly along the Southeasterly line of Lots 7, 6 and 5 deflecting 90° 00' 00" right, a distance of
<br /> 198.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 1267.37 square feet, more or less, reserving
<br /> however, unto said Grantor and his, her or their heirs, successors and assigns all rights to minerals, in or
<br /> on the property, and providing that said Grantor and/or his, her or their heirs, successors and assigns shall
<br /> have no right to enter or use the surface of said real property for any purpose concerning said mineral
<br /> rights, nor shall said Grantor and/or his, her or their heirs, successors and assigns, in extracting said
<br /> minerals from said real property,damage or in any way impair the use of said real property.
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<br /> W:h7002\SALE TO ORANGE DEVELOPMENT\Special Warranty Deed.doc
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