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<br /> � � .. ;.}\fi'ai���Sr..��T'IP�zM�Af' . ._. .. . . .. tAA'awi�Y�"u:aay'}tr.a�7��r• .i. . ..
<br /> ��.
<br /> . fi. , • ��, �� ��,,� ��
<br /> , , . �� � � I6.Borrower's Copy. Barowa shall ba given one coafonnod copy of tho Note md of 1h1�Socurlty Imuument.
<br /> 17.Transfer o!the Proper�y or�Beaeltci�l Iatereit In Borrower. If al or my p�t of tho Property ur�ny I�t�c�t In�t��
<br /> `' sold or uansfen•ed (ar if a Ucncficlal lnu;test Lt Botrotvcr is sold nr vonsfeared ertd I�txmwer i�not�e n�tnrnl �cr�c►n) with�►ut �-
<br /> -..:�h� Lcnder's prior written consent,Lender mxy,at itaop�on�requic�e immodi�to p�ymeai in full of vl�uma�ocurod by Ihb Socutity -
<br /> � Instn,msnt Howcvu,thL�opdon shall not be eaercisod by Lendu if excrcisa ia prohlbitod by [odcnl Utw�s of tho dwo of thf�
<br /> - Sccuriry Inswmcn�
<br /> � If Lsnder eaercises this o don.Lender si�all givo Baarowu nodca of�ecekxation.'[fio nwke elull pmvWo�paic►d of twt kau
<br />=-- � than 30 days frnm G dak4.t�a.�p i�.deUvered or maikd wiutiin which 8orrowcr muat p+�y all aums eccurod by thi�SceuHty
<br /> �. Instnunen�.If Sorro��;i�t°iMbc��`P�Of w the axpintion of U►is pexiod�Lcr�der may invoke�ny oanediu permiuod
<br /> by this Sectulty Ins c.�wftbouC�tther notioe or demAnd on Barowu.
<br /> ' ' 18.Borrower's�gh�t4�t1�: '� �a � �n ����• Sorcowu ehall tu�vo tho ri�{ht w hwo -
<br /> �forcement of this �imtp In.t�nn�t di�condnaod u any tjmme prior to �he earUa of: (�) 3 daye(or such oMt�er paiod u
<br /> 0
<br /> � ' appUcable 1aw muy specffy for reinstatement)befon sele of the�patyp�s uu►t w eny pc�wer of eale conWnod In Ihb Secw'it�y
<br /> ' Insttument;or N)entry of a judgmtnt enforciag thia Sociuity Instcumen�'ll�ose conditbns�ra th�t Bartower:(�)p►Y�Londor W
<br /> °�,> sums which then would be due�u�der this Securlry Inatrument md tha Nota a if no�ccek.ntion h�d occwmed�(b)cun�+ny
<br />-- •k:: default of any othu covenents or agreementa; c)Pa�Ya�ll eapenus lncurrod in enforcin��h1�Sscudty Inawman,includin� but
<br /> ''�?�:
<br /> '�;..,.�:� . not lfmited W�reasoaablo attorn�ys'fees:AII(I( }f8I(q BUCh YCtI0f1�S LdldCl Illiy rea�orubiy requira to wuro th�t Ihe Ibn a�ihb
<br />,;_;"�^,;� . Sectvhy Inatn�ment, L,enda's dghts in tke Progaty nnd Borrowe�r's obiig�tkm u� pay the wm� socu[ad by Ihb Socurity -
<br /> .�:_�.; • Instrument ehaU continue�nchanged. Upon ninstAtement by Borrowa, Ihla Socur[ty Inatrument �nd tho obll�tbn� �ecw�od
<br />::;,a�� hereby shaU remain fully eftoctive as if no accekradon had occurred.Howevu�this dgf�t w refnaWe ehatl not�pp�y i n tho cauo o[
<br /> = accekration undcr paragraph 17.
<br />-��������- 19.Sale ot Notes Change of I.oan Servicer. Ttie Note or a p�rtlal int�est in tha Nota (U►�Wkr wi�h th1� 5ecurlty
<br /> - �"`�'� Insaument)may be sold one or more dmes wIthouc pdar notice to Borrowu.A s�e may rault in A change in the ondty(knnwn
<br />,:�:,yt�K� av the"Loan 5ervicer")ttiat collects monthly ymenta due undu�ha Nota and tha Socurity Inswmea�G'Ihhuo�I�o rtuy be one tx
<br /> -:,�;�1 , moro chenges of the Loan Sarvicer unre�w a sate of the Noto.If thao is a ch��mge of tha Lo�n Servioer,Baruw�x wUl bo
<br /> ��w'%:{'� givea writtea aodco of the change in accordarka with 14 above ru�d�ppllcabb I�w.'Ilie notice wW WMe 1he nre�e Mtd
<br /> x
<br />�.;—'� Addcess of the new Loan setvker ana the address a w h paymente siwuld be m�de.'IUo notica wiu�lyo c�oepdn my Mhor
<br /> --- '_ infonnadonrequired by applicable law.
<br /> .�u;'� '� 20.Hwnrdow Substaaces. Bomnwa s1w11 not cause or peimit the pcesenco, usa. dl�owl, qo�o, ar rele�uo o[any
<br />:,=�;__..*:'�'4��
<br /> � HazaMoos Substences on or in ths Pmpeny.Bonrowa ehW not do,nor albw anyono et�e W do,�nythin��ffxdt��1he P�ope�ty
<br /> - �hat�S�v�i�en nf eny Rnvimnmentel Iaw.'II�e precedina cwo aentenas ah�U not�pD1Y to tho praa�ce�wo�a�wn6o oe tho
<br />--;�:,���, Pm�xrtY of amsll quantides of Hazardous Substances that ara gu�ernlly recogniaed to be approSxiate ta nam�l ralqa�uai wa
<br /> -�,���.""'r',`�a�7 s�nnd to mainter�ance af the Propetty.
<br /> _ Borrowa shall prom�tly gtve L.enckr wrltten nodce of arty lnvosdgatton.cWm� dem�nd,4wwlt or otlbt�cdon by �ny
<br /> -��;�;;.�� govemmenud or regulatoryagency or p�ivate perty L►volving the Propaty aed�ny Hu.�tdou+SubsW�ce a Hnvironma�W l.aw
<br /> oi whicb Barowa has actuel knowlodge.If Bomowa leams�or i�notiflod by my govemmaiutl or ceeuWory wd�odtY�du�t+ny
<br /> -�:-',��.r.� n�aoval a Mtiu reme.diadon of any Hazardaus Substance pffocdng the Propaty is necessey. Borrowa eh�U prompUy t�ico�ll
<br /> _-�"""_�""'� necessary nmedinl acdons in socordance with Pnvimnmennl I.aw.
<br /> "°•�"� As used i�n this ptrragraph 20. "Eis•r,ecdous Substencd" ara those wbstanct� def'u�ed u toxic a hv�rdoui wbttrioa by
<br /> r
<br /> ---°;-'°'� Bnviconmeau�l Law and tho following subsrances: gasoliae. kaosene� Wher t]amm�bb or Wxic petrok�m pe�nducu� Waic
<br /> "�� F-- :aa�a t�t��a�,ve1�e SOIvRt�t4.�+Atrriata rnnteinino ncM.�tnA c►r kxm�ldchyde,uid ndiacdve rtuterlW Aa u�ed in
<br /> ---'"'�� this p�r�gre�tt 20."BnvUonmental Law"ttxans foderal laws and Iswa of tho Jurlsdiction wha�a�he Propaty b IocYOd thet t�elale
<br /> ..
<br /> _.,,,��� w heaith�asfety or environmenW protoction.
<br /> NON-UNIFOAM COVBNAIVT'S.Bamwer and Lender further covenant md�groe af[olbw�:
<br /> �� 21.Aoodentbni Remedks.l.ender shall give aotke ta Bore�ow�er prlor to acoekrdioa�oYo�rla�Borrorret'�brMel�uf
<br /> __--�� �r corea�nt or w=reement in this Security Inatrument (but nat prbr to �cakratios u�der p�n�ph 17 wlw
<br /> -_ _ �pp�ca6k 4w pmvldes otherwise).The notfa eh�ll spedfj•(�)ths de�auKi(b)t6e�ctbs re9rM+ed W crre tb�dehdlti(c)
<br /> - •d�te,not les�than 30 dA�n itom the date the notke��ive�to Borro�rer�by�hfch tYe de�irit nwt be c�ndi�d(d)
<br /> -- �~ - tbat�i�Uue to cure the def�uk on or betore the dxte epecitied tn tLe ooNoe o�y rewk i��cakndor of it�e wn��ee�sr�d
<br /> ,_-- by ttM Sec�rity Inatrument And aale ot the Property.T6e notfce�11(Wrtber intorm Borrower ot t!e rl{ht�o rel�taW
<br />- --- a(ter aaekr�don�nd the ri�ht to brtng st oourt action to a�ert tbe uon�exietence ot a dehrlt or uy ofrer de�eMe of
<br /> __—__ �arrorrer to�celeratbn w�d eale.If We default is not cured on or befare the date specMed la tl�uotke,I.�der��t ib
<br /> --,.���. opHon�d�r require immedi�te payment in tuU ot aU sume eecured by thie Security iaaru�eft w�itbort fl�Hrer derwd
<br /> _ ..�.v,! ud may avoke tbe pow�er ot bale and any other nneedks permitted b�applkabk bw.L,e�wfer�Y�ll be estitMd to codat
<br /> t,,-.��..��� �11 acpea�idcurred ia pw�eutng the remediea provided fe this pangraph 21�Includinf,but not lirked to�r+a�o��bk
<br />.:;� fe+!� -
<br /> _--��;�; attareeys'teaRadoosteottitkevidence.
<br /> �-_��,.;, If the po�w�cr of eak i� Wvoked, Tru4ta shall record o notke ot det�uit in ach couuty in wtik6 �uy p�rt ot tbe
<br /> ''='r"•` propertr�loc�ted�nd alwtl mall rnpiea o!sucb notke in the manner prncribed by applk�bk 4w to Borrowe�Mnd to tl�e
<br /> �, other pereon�presc�ibed by applicabk law.Aner the time required by oppikabk 4nv�Truetet sh�U�ive publk notbe of
<br /> � � Nk to We penom�nd in the mnnner prescribed by wpplkabk law.7'ruatee,w�ithout dem�ad on Borrowe���Yan ull t6e
<br /> � Property tt publk auctbn to the highest bidder et the time and plaa and under t6e terme deelgnated In tl�notice of Mk
<br /> � • l
<br /> Form�02 ��D
<br />� � �-�R(NB��o��2�.0� v.o.aoi e innin.:
<br /> ��.� 1
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