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<br />:�����°�f 14. DEFAULT.Trustor wllt bo in dcfault if Any party oblig�tsd on thc Sec:ured Debt feile to ma]ce paytt�rltt when due.Truator
<br /> -,�.�, n
<br /> - -�- will be ln def�ult!f a bresch occun under the tem�s uf thi�Secur[ry Instrument or aa other documeat�xccuted for the
<br /> .;:.��i�•-
<br />--���,��,; p u z p oso of crating eocurIng or guunntying We Securod Debt. A good faith belief by neflctary thic&aeticiary�t any
<br />=-'�=2'"��,
<br /> � t��j lt�CUre w l t�reapact eo oaY perwn or eat ity o b l tg a t e d on t h e S e c u r�d D e b t o r t h p t t h e p ro s p e c t o f a n y p a y m e a t o r
<br /> v;,���;�`���� the vdue of We Property ia i�np�ired ehdl aleo coattitute an eveac of default.
<br />.;�jy,�j�� is. RE1I�DIES ON DEFAULT. [n eome inaunccs� fecleeAl wd swtc law will require Beaefictnry w provide Trustor with _.
<br /> - --- -- notioe of the dght to cure or other notica and may eat+bllsb time ached�les for foreclosure actions. Subj xt to thae
<br />-- _= limit�tlone� If aay. &aeRciary may �ccelerate the Secured Debt aad foreclose thie Securlty Inatrument 3n a meuner
<br /> ��n m u
<br /> ,;_:;;;�,`� providod by law iiTruswr ie in default.
<br /> ""�`� At tbe option of Beneficiary all or any put of the a�d fas and cdArges,accrued interest aad principal shaU become
<br /> -' '� izncnediAtely due tnd payab�e, aftar �iving notice ii requircd by law� upoa the occurrence of a default or aaytime
<br />•,... T� ' W e n a ft e r. I n a d d i d o n,B e n efici a ry aball be entttlod to all the mnedlas pmvided by law, the tern�s of the Secured Debt,
<br />:'_��.�;:T; this Security Instnm�ent aad any rGlated documeata,including without limitation,the power to seU th c P r operty.
<br />,''`'' If there is a default. Tivstee ehall. in addltion to anY otha permitted remedY�+u the r uest of 9he Heaeficiary. adverdie
<br /> _iRY� �
<br /> i,, �_.,•� ppd sell the Ptopecty av a whole or Ineeparate parce.s at public�ucdon to the higheat bi for ca�h wd convey abrolute
<br />_==�,1i�� tiUe fne and clear of dl rlght.t�tle and interCSt of Truator at such Wne and plaa as Teustee deslBnates•Tcustee sball give
<br /> �--- -= notice of sale including the time, tem�s and place of sale and a descrlptioa of We property to be sold as required by the
<br /> ---- applicable 1aw in effect at the time of the proposed sale.
<br />��:;a� Upon sale of the property and to the extent aot pmhlblted by law Trustce sbali make and delivcx a dcal to the Propaty
<br /> -�-.---- sold which conveys absolute dtle to the purchaser, and after t�irat paying all fees. charges and costa, shaU psy to
<br /> --��"•'�i Aeaeficiary all moneys advancal for repairs, taxes. lnsurence� liens. assessments and prior encu�nbrances aad Intenat
<br /> '�p:� ptuc�h se t�hedProp�ty�The recitals in any deed of con yancetehaU�bes prlma�e evlidence of the f�acta set�of rth tbe�rela.�y
<br /> .�s���a
<br />-- AU remediea are distinct,,cumulative aad not excluaive, and We BeneSciaxy is eatitled to all nmediw pmvidod nt law or
<br /> ;:.zaas,a� equity,whether or not expreaaly eet forth.'1]ie accept�ace by BweRciuy of�ny sum in psyakat or pud�l psymarc on the
<br />