<br /> 2013019 35
<br /> EXHIBIT "A"
<br /> Parcel:it
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section Thirty (30),
<br /> Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more
<br /> particularly des ribed as follows: First to ascertain the point of beginning,start at the southeast corner
<br /> of said Northeas Quarter (NE1/4); thence running westerly, along and upon the south line of.said
<br /> Northeast Quart r(NE1/4), a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Six and Seventy Four Hundredths
<br /> (1,106.74)feet tq the ACTUAL point of beginning. thence continuing westerly, along and upon the
<br /> previously described course,a distance of Two Hundred Twelve(212.0)feet to the southeast corner of the
<br /> West Half of said Northeast Quarter (W1/2 NE1/4); thence deflecting right 00° 00' 10" and running
<br /> westerly,along and upon the south line of said Northeast Quarter (NE1/4), a distance of One Thousand
<br /> Three Hundred Eighteen and Eighty Five Hundredths (1,318.85) feet to the southwest corner of said
<br /> Northeast Quarter (NE1/4); thence deflecting right 91° 41' 43" and running northerly, along and upon
<br /> the west line of Northeast Quarter(NE1/4), a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Seventy Seven and
<br /> Ninety One Hundredths redths (1,177.91) feet; thence deflecting right 89° 51' 19" and running easterly, a
<br /> distance of One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Three and Eighty One Hundredths(1,453.81) feet; thence
<br /> deflecting right 88° 58' 21" and running southerly, a distance of One Thousand Fifty Four and Eighty
<br /> Four Hundredths (1,054.84) feet; thence deflecting left 32°40' 59" and running southeasterly, a distance
<br /> of Ninety Eight and Thirty Four Hundredths(98.34)feet to the ACTUAL point of beginning
<br /> AND
<br /> A tract of land c mprising a part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter(E1/2SE1/4) of Section Thirty
<br /> (30),Township we've (12) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and
<br /> more particular), described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said East Half of the
<br /> Southeast Quart'r (E1/2SE1/4); thence running southerly, along and upon the east line of said East Half
<br /> of the Southeast Quarter (E1/2SE1/4), a distance of Two Thousand Ten and Eighteen Hundredths
<br /> (2,010A8)feet; t ence deflecting right 88° 24' 00" and running westerly, a distance of Six Hundred
<br /> Seventy and Tw enty Two Hundredths (670.22) feet to a point, said point being on the northerly
<br /> Y
<br /> prolongation of the east line of Dale Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska; thence deflecting left 88° 14'
<br /> 30" and running!southerly, along and upon the northerly prolongation of the east line of said Dale
<br /> Subdivision,a dis,tanceof Twenty.One(21.0),feg the northeast corner of sai,� d D,,,81e Subdivision; thence
<br /> deflecting right 89°09' 21"and running westerly,along and upon the north line of said Dale Subdivision,
<br /> a distance of Foulr Hundred Ninety Four and Seventy Six Hundredths (494.76) feet to the northwest
<br /> corner of said Da a Subdivision, said point being One Hundred Sixty and Twelve Hundredths (160.12)
<br /> feet east of the west line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter(E1/2SE1/4); thence deflecting right
<br /> 90°51' 41" and running northerly, a distance of Two Thousand Twenty Eight and Eighty Five
<br /> Hundredths(2,028.85) feet to a point on the north line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> (E1/2SE1/4),said ipoint being One Hundred Fifty Nine and Ninety One Hundredths (159.91) feet east of
<br /> the northwest corer of said East 88°
<br /> h Half of the Southeast Quarter(E1/2SE1/4);Q ( ), deflecting right 88
<br /> 29' 26" and running easterly, along and upon the north line of said East Half of the Southeast Quarter
<br /> (E1/2SE1/4),a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Fifty Eight and Eighty Three Hundredths
<br /> (1,158.83)feet to the point of beginning
<br /> ' I
<br />