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201301902 <br /> Security Irrstrimteni. A wi Men ten statement of any authorized agent of the Secretary dated sl.rbscgiient to <br /> 6(1 days ii aim ire date hereof. declining to insure this Security Iristrutacut and the Nhrte, skill be <br /> deemed conclusive proot of such ineligibility. Nt twirhstmidine the foreaott+g. this option may rim be <br /> exercised by Lender when the tur,rs.rrfabilify of insurance is solely die to I ender's Millar:t.: remit a <br /> mortgage insurance premium to the Secretary <br /> 10. Reinstatement.Bonindier has a right to be reinstated if Lender hat-requited inuned nrte payment Ill full <br /> because .•f Borrower'., failure t' pal an amount due under the Note or this Security Instrument Thu,right <br /> applies even suer foreclosure proceedings arc instituted. To reinstate the Security lintrurnent. Borrower shall <br /> tender In a lump suit, all innottnts required to brim; tionower's account current including. to the extent they <br /> are obligations of Borwwer under this Security instrument foreclosure costs and reasonable and cushmrai <br /> attorneys ter,and espouses pr'Telly associated with the foieelo,nre proceeding I'poin ieltistnrernent by <br /> Borrower, this Security Instrument and the rolriigatre'n, that it sdcutcx shall remain in etfect as it der had <br /> not requited immediate pa,'m:irt in full. However. Lender is not required to permit reinstatement it: U1 <br /> Lender ha,accepted it-instatement a tier the commencanent of toreciosrn; proceedings within two years <br /> immediately preceding the cotnmcicemeat ufa ctrrrenr loteciosure proceeding. ti 0 reinstatement will <br /> nrcelude foreclosure on d€f€.rent grounds [u the future, or Intl reinstatement will ail:ersely affect the <br /> priority of the lien created by this Seern'rry Instrument. <br /> 11. BorrowerNot Released;ForbearanceBy LenderNot a Waiver. Lvteirsr.'n tit the time of payment or <br /> moditieation of amoruzatrcvi of the sums secured by this Security Irrstrunrent granted by Lender to any <br /> successor in interest of Borrower shall not npet ate to release the liability of the orrgmal Borrow et or <br /> Borrower's sucee.s,or inn interest. Lender ,hall not be required to con nnence Proceeding:, against any <br /> successor Hi interest or refine to extend time for pavnrent or otherwise modrti auk ail 7ativrr of the :tinny <br /> secured by this Security ln,irumeni by reason of any dent.nrd rnade by the original Bon ewer or Borrower's <br /> successors in tnteiest Any forbearance by Lender to exercising any right or remedy shall not he a wmver ,rt <br /> or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Successorsand AssignsBound„Joint and Several Liability:Co-Signers.The covenants and <br /> agreements of this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit lire successors and assigns '1 Lender,Ind <br /> Borrower. subject to the provision‘of paragraph oth3. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall he punt <br /> and Sc vci al. Any Con owes who co-signs this Security Instrument hut does not execute the Note- la, is <br /> co-signing this Seeutrt}' histttmrcid osrty to mortgage, grant:and convey that Borrower', interest in the <br /> Property under the teams of this Security Imrrument. thl r; not pens nally obligated to pay the stuns 'coin ed <br /> b,' ihts Secretly Insrrunrent: and ice agrees that ].ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modif. <br /> forbear or make any accommen axioms with regard to the terms of this Security ht,iruuicnt or the Note <br /> without that Borrowers eo usent. <br /> 13. Notices,Ally notice: to Burrower pit't-ided for in chi. Security Instrument shall be 'en by delivering ii or <br /> by mailing it by first class ,earl tnrlees applicable law requires use of another method. 1 he n,itree shall 'rte <br /> directed to the Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice tit Lender. Any notice <br /> to Lender:.hall he given by fins( class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any'address Lender <br /> designates by notice 10 Rot rower Any notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be decried rr <br /> have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pre;died in this Paragraph <br /> 14. GoverningLaw; Severahility.Thrs Security Instrument shall be governed by I edcral law and the later of <br /> the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. in the elent that any provision or clause of Ibis Security <br /> Instalment of the Note conflicts with applicable law. stein conflict shall not effect other provisions of this <br /> Security Insrrtumeat or the Note which can he given effect without the conflicting pros isron To this end the <br /> provisions tit tins Security Iirstrnmenr and the Note are declared to be severable. <br /> -,411nnar4'JI rH+dFRS-NE MIEN NINON Ill gl{i tt{ - ”" . % n-:r�J low <br /> r,MI,al 3 i , ✓ RN I! IN IIII I H91 1111 ...,jrA y� °e::MF:IIrrJr,,1,-,1, <br /> bboflrrs hie e-r rrnimr.Ir S=„err= 3 '•�' g03:,.3 6447. 0. 33 370 0610 <br />